State-dependent effects of prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on emotional working memory.
BACKGROUND: A growing body of findings illustrates the importance of state-dependency in studies using brain stimulation.
OBJECTIVE: We aimed to investigate the effects of tDCS priming followed by rTMS applied over the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) on emotional working memory.
METHODS: In a randomized single-blind within-subjects design, participants performed an emotional 3-back task at baseline and after tDCS priming (anodal, cathodal) and subsequent low-frequency rTMS (active, sham) of the right DLPFC. Stimuli consisted of words related to the distinct emotion categories fear and anger as well as neutral words.
RESULTS: Task accuracy increased for fear-related words and decreased for neutral words across stimulation conditions. No general state-dependent effects of prefrontal rTMS on working memory were found. We further showed a detrimental effect of negative emotional content on working memory performance.
CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support a hemispheric lateralization of emotion processing by demonstrating that the withdrawal-related emotion fear is associated with the right DLPFC and contribute to clarifying the interaction between working memory and emotion.