CEP proteins: the knights of centrosome dynasty.
Centrosome forms the backbone of cell cycle progression mechanism. Recent debates have occurred regarding the essentiality of centrosome in cell cycle regulation. CEP family protein is the active component of centrosome and plays a vital role in centriole biogenesis and cell cycle progression control. A total of 31 proteins have been categorized into CEP family protein category and many more are under candidate evaluation. Furthermore, by the recent advancements in genomics and proteomics researches, several new CEP proteins have also been characterized. Here we have summarized the importance of CEP family proteins and their regulation mechanism involved in proper cell cycle progression. Further, we have reviewed the detailed molecular mechanism behind the associated pathological phenotypes and the possible therapeutic approaches. Proteins such as CEP57, CEP63, CEP152, CEP164, and CEP215 have been extensively studied with a detailed description of their molecular mechanisms, which are among the primary targets for drug discovery. Moreover, CEP27, CEP55, CEP70, CEP110, CEP120, CEP135, CEP192, CEP250, CEP290, and CEP350 also seem promising for future drug discovery approaches. Since the overview implicates that the overall researches on CEP proteins are not yet able to present significant details required for effective therapeutics development, thus, it is timely to discuss the importance of future investigations in this field.