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PubMed:1969745 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 0-152 Sentence denotes T-cell inducer populations in cutaneous inflammation: a predominance of T helper-inducer lymphocytes (THi) in the infiltrate of inflammatory dermatoses.
T2 153-404 Sentence denotes The mononuclear infiltrate found in a variety of inflammatory dermatoses was characterized by a predominance of T helper-inducer lymphocytes (THi), CD4+/CD45RA-/CD45RO+, a population of cells responsible for maintaining and promoting immune reactions.
T3 405-597 Sentence denotes Only small numbers of T-suppressor-inducer lymphocytes (TSi), CD4+/CD45RA+/CD45RO-, cells responsible for inducing CD8 suppressor-effector cells to 'down regulate' immune reactions, were seen.
T4 598-789 Sentence denotes The predominance of CD4+ THi lymphocytes was common to all dermatoses studied and suggests a common final pathway in chronic cutaneous inflammation, irrespective of initial causative factors.
T1 0-152 Sentence denotes T-cell inducer populations in cutaneous inflammation: a predominance of T helper-inducer lymphocytes (THi) in the infiltrate of inflammatory dermatoses.
T2 153-404 Sentence denotes The mononuclear infiltrate found in a variety of inflammatory dermatoses was characterized by a predominance of T helper-inducer lymphocytes (THi), CD4+/CD45RA-/CD45RO+, a population of cells responsible for maintaining and promoting immune reactions.
T3 405-597 Sentence denotes Only small numbers of T-suppressor-inducer lymphocytes (TSi), CD4+/CD45RA+/CD45RO-, cells responsible for inducing CD8 suppressor-effector cells to 'down regulate' immune reactions, were seen.
T4 598-789 Sentence denotes The predominance of CD4+ THi lymphocytes was common to all dermatoses studied and suggests a common final pathway in chronic cutaneous inflammation, irrespective of initial causative factors.