PubMed:19187930 / 547-835
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
TextSentencer_T4 | 0-288 | Sentence | denotes | The hexanoyl protection strategy provided all the flavonoid intermediates with good solubility and reactivity, enabled efficient selective protection and glycosylation, and provided a practical and effective synthetic strategy for flavonoids, starting from commercially available flavone. |
T4 | 0-288 | Sentence | denotes | The hexanoyl protection strategy provided all the flavonoid intermediates with good solubility and reactivity, enabled efficient selective protection and glycosylation, and provided a practical and effective synthetic strategy for flavonoids, starting from commercially available flavone. |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
EnjuParser_T72 | 0-3 | DT | denotes | The |
EnjuParser_T73 | 4-12 | NN | denotes | hexanoyl |
EnjuParser_T74 | 13-23 | NN | denotes | protection |
EnjuParser_T75 | 24-32 | NN | denotes | strategy |
EnjuParser_T76 | 33-41 | VBD | denotes | provided |
EnjuParser_T77 | 42-45 | PDT | denotes | all |
EnjuParser_T78 | 46-49 | DT | denotes | the |
EnjuParser_T79 | 50-59 | NN | denotes | flavonoid |
EnjuParser_T80 | 60-73 | NNS | denotes | intermediates |
EnjuParser_T81 | 74-78 | IN | denotes | with |
EnjuParser_T82 | 79-83 | JJ | denotes | good |
EnjuParser_T83 | 84-94 | NN | denotes | solubility |
EnjuParser_T84 | 95-98 | CC | denotes | and |
EnjuParser_T85 | 99-109 | NN | denotes | reactivity |
EnjuParser_T86 | 109-110 | -COMMA- | denotes | , |
EnjuParser_T87 | 111-118 | VBD | denotes | enabled |
EnjuParser_T88 | 119-128 | JJ | denotes | efficient |
EnjuParser_T89 | 129-138 | JJ | denotes | selective |
EnjuParser_T90 | 139-149 | NN | denotes | protection |
EnjuParser_T91 | 150-153 | CC | denotes | and |
EnjuParser_T92 | 154-167 | NN | denotes | glycosylation |
EnjuParser_T93 | 167-168 | -COMMA- | denotes | , |
EnjuParser_T94 | 169-172 | CC | denotes | and |
EnjuParser_T95 | 173-181 | VBD | denotes | provided |
EnjuParser_T96 | 182-183 | DT | denotes | a |
EnjuParser_T97 | 184-193 | JJ | denotes | practical |
EnjuParser_T98 | 194-197 | CC | denotes | and |
EnjuParser_T99 | 198-207 | JJ | denotes | effective |
EnjuParser_T100 | 208-217 | JJ | denotes | synthetic |
EnjuParser_T101 | 218-226 | NN | denotes | strategy |
EnjuParser_T102 | 227-230 | IN | denotes | for |
EnjuParser_T103 | 231-241 | NNS | denotes | flavonoids |
EnjuParser_T104 | 241-242 | -COMMA- | denotes | , |
EnjuParser_T105 | 243-251 | VBG | denotes | starting |
EnjuParser_T106 | 252-256 | IN | denotes | from |
EnjuParser_T107 | 257-269 | RB | denotes | commercially |
EnjuParser_T108 | 270-279 | JJ | denotes | available |
EnjuParser_T109 | 280-287 | NN | denotes | flavone |
EnjuParser_R72 | EnjuParser_T75 | EnjuParser_T72 | arg1Of | strategy,The |
EnjuParser_R73 | EnjuParser_T75 | EnjuParser_T73 | arg1Of | strategy,hexanoyl |
EnjuParser_R74 | EnjuParser_T75 | EnjuParser_T74 | arg1Of | strategy,protection |
EnjuParser_R75 | EnjuParser_T75 | EnjuParser_T76 | arg1Of | strategy,provided |
EnjuParser_R76 | EnjuParser_T80 | EnjuParser_T76 | arg2Of | intermediates,provided |
EnjuParser_R77 | EnjuParser_T80 | EnjuParser_T77 | arg1Of | intermediates,all |
EnjuParser_R78 | EnjuParser_T80 | EnjuParser_T78 | arg1Of | intermediates,the |
EnjuParser_R79 | EnjuParser_T80 | EnjuParser_T79 | arg1Of | intermediates,flavonoid |
EnjuParser_R80 | EnjuParser_T80 | EnjuParser_T81 | arg1Of | intermediates,with |
EnjuParser_R81 | EnjuParser_T84 | EnjuParser_T81 | arg2Of | and,with |
EnjuParser_R82 | EnjuParser_T84 | EnjuParser_T82 | arg1Of | and,good |
EnjuParser_R83 | EnjuParser_T83 | EnjuParser_T84 | arg1Of | solubility,and |
EnjuParser_R84 | EnjuParser_T85 | EnjuParser_T84 | arg2Of | reactivity,and |
EnjuParser_R85 | EnjuParser_T76 | EnjuParser_T86 | arg1Of | provided,"," |
EnjuParser_R86 | EnjuParser_T87 | EnjuParser_T86 | arg2Of | enabled,"," |
EnjuParser_R87 | EnjuParser_T75 | EnjuParser_T87 | arg1Of | strategy,enabled |
EnjuParser_R88 | EnjuParser_T91 | EnjuParser_T87 | arg2Of | and,enabled |
EnjuParser_R89 | EnjuParser_T91 | EnjuParser_T88 | arg1Of | and,efficient |
EnjuParser_R90 | EnjuParser_T91 | EnjuParser_T89 | arg1Of | and,selective |
EnjuParser_R91 | EnjuParser_T90 | EnjuParser_T91 | arg1Of | protection,and |
EnjuParser_R92 | EnjuParser_T92 | EnjuParser_T91 | arg2Of | glycosylation,and |
EnjuParser_R93 | EnjuParser_T94 | EnjuParser_T93 | arg1Of | and,"," |
EnjuParser_R94 | EnjuParser_T86 | EnjuParser_T94 | arg1Of | ",",and |
EnjuParser_R95 | EnjuParser_T95 | EnjuParser_T94 | arg2Of | provided,and |
EnjuParser_R96 | EnjuParser_T75 | EnjuParser_T95 | arg1Of | strategy,provided |
EnjuParser_R97 | EnjuParser_T101 | EnjuParser_T95 | arg2Of | strategy,provided |
EnjuParser_R98 | EnjuParser_T101 | EnjuParser_T96 | arg1Of | strategy,a |
EnjuParser_R99 | EnjuParser_T101 | EnjuParser_T97 | arg1Of | strategy,practical |
EnjuParser_R100 | EnjuParser_T97 | EnjuParser_T98 | arg1Of | practical,and |
EnjuParser_R101 | EnjuParser_T100 | EnjuParser_T98 | arg2Of | synthetic,and |
EnjuParser_R102 | EnjuParser_T100 | EnjuParser_T99 | arg1Of | synthetic,effective |
EnjuParser_R103 | EnjuParser_T101 | EnjuParser_T100 | arg1Of | strategy,synthetic |
EnjuParser_R104 | EnjuParser_T101 | EnjuParser_T102 | arg1Of | strategy,for |
EnjuParser_R105 | EnjuParser_T103 | EnjuParser_T102 | arg2Of | flavonoids,for |
EnjuParser_R106 | EnjuParser_T94 | EnjuParser_T104 | arg1Of | and,"," |
EnjuParser_R107 | EnjuParser_T94 | EnjuParser_T105 | modOf | and,starting |
EnjuParser_R108 | EnjuParser_T105 | EnjuParser_T106 | arg1Of | starting,from |
EnjuParser_R109 | EnjuParser_T109 | EnjuParser_T106 | arg2Of | flavone,from |
EnjuParser_R110 | EnjuParser_T108 | EnjuParser_T107 | arg1Of | available,commercially |
EnjuParser_R111 | EnjuParser_T109 | EnjuParser_T108 | arg1Of | flavone,available |