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PubMed:11722842 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 185-376 DRI_Background denotes Ectopical expression of huMUC18, a cell adhesion molecule in the immunoglobulin gene superfamily, causes a non-metastatic human melanoma cell line to become metastatic in a nude mouse system.
T2 377-658 DRI_Background denotes To determine if MUC18 expression correlates with the development and malignant progression of prostate cancer, we investigated differential expression of human MUC18 (huMUC18) in normal prostate epithelial cells, prostate cancer cell lines, and prostatic normal and cancer tissues.
T3 659-803 DRI_Approach denotes We cloned and characterized the human MUC18 (huMUC18) cDNA gene from three human prostate cancer cell lines and three human melanoma cell lines.
T4 804-921 DRI_Approach denotes The cDNA sequences from the six human cancer cell lines were identical except differences in one to five nucleotides.
T5 922-1074 DRI_Approach denotes The deduced amino acid sequences of the longest ORF were 646 amino acids that were identical in these cDNAs except for one to three amino acid residues.
T6 1075-1246 DRI_Approach denotes The amino acid sequences of all our huMUC18 cDNA genes are similar to that cloned by other group (GenBank access #M28882) except differences in the same seven amino acids.
T7 1247-1344 DRI_Approach denotes We conclude that huMUC18 cDNA gene reported here represents the gene product from a major allele.
T8 1345-1529 DRI_Background denotes The MUC18 mRNA and protein was expressed in three metastatic prostate cancer cell lines (TSU-PR1, DU145, and PC-3), but not in one non-metastatic prostate cancer cell line (LNCaP.FGC).
T9 1530-1693 DRI_Outcome denotes The expression of huMUC18 in these four cell lines is positively related to their extent of in vitro motility and invasiveness and in vivo metastasis in nude mice.
T10 1694-1986 DRI_Background denotes HuMUC18 protein was also expressed at high levels in extracts prepared from tissue sample sections containing high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN), but weakly expressed in extracts prepared from cultured primary normal prostatic epithelial cells and the normal prostate gland.
T11 1987-2277 DRI_Background denotes Immunohistochemical analysis showed that huMUC18 was expressed at higher levels in the epithelial cells of high-grade PIN and prostatic carcinomas, and in cells of a perineural invasion, a lymph node, and a lung metastases compared to that in normal or benign hyperplastic epithelium (BPH).
T12 2278-2470 DRI_Outcome denotes We therefore conclude that MUC18 expression is increased during prostate cancer initiation (high grade PIN) and progression to carcinoma, and in metastatic cell lines and metastatic carcinoma.
T13 2471-2606 DRI_Challenge denotes Increased expression of MUC18 is implicated to play an important role in developing and malignant progression of human prostate cancer.
T14 2607-2756 DRI_Outcome denotes Furthermore, the lacking of predominant cytoplasmic membrane expression of MUC18 appeared to correlate with malignant progression of prostate cancer.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 2305-2310 Gene denotes MUC18
E1 2311-2321 Gene_expression denotes expression
E2 2325-2334 Positive_regulation denotes increased
T2 2342-2357 prostate cancer denotes prostate cancer
R1 T1 E1 themeOf MUC18,expression
R2 E1 E2 themeOf expression,increased
R3 T1 T2 CGE-increased MUC18,prostate cancer
R4 T1 T2 CCS-normalTOcancer MUC18,prostate cancer
R5 T1 T2 PT-observation MUC18,prostate cancer
R3 T1 T2 IGE-unchanged MUC18,prostate cancer


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T0 2305-2310 gene:4162 denotes MUC18
T1 2370-2384 disease:C1168327 denotes high grade PIN
T2 2305-2310 gene:4162 denotes MUC18
T3 2405-2414 disease:C0007097 denotes carcinoma
T4 2305-2310 gene:4162 denotes MUC18
T5 2342-2357 disease:C0376358 denotes prostate cancer
T6 2305-2310 gene:4162 denotes MUC18
T7 2449-2469 disease:C1384494 denotes metastatic carcinoma
T8 2305-2310 gene:4162 denotes MUC18
T9 2342-2357 disease:C0600139 denotes prostate cancer
T10 2495-2500 gene:4162 denotes MUC18
T11 2590-2605 disease:C0376358 denotes prostate cancer
T12 2495-2500 gene:4162 denotes MUC18
T13 2590-2605 disease:C0600139 denotes prostate cancer
T14 2682-2687 gene:4162 denotes MUC18
T15 2740-2755 disease:C0600139 denotes prostate cancer
T16 2682-2687 gene:4162 denotes MUC18
T17 2740-2755 disease:C0376358 denotes prostate cancer
R1 T0 T1 associated_with MUC18,high grade PIN
R2 T2 T3 associated_with MUC18,carcinoma
R3 T4 T5 associated_with MUC18,prostate cancer
R4 T6 T7 associated_with MUC18,metastatic carcinoma
R5 T8 T9 associated_with MUC18,prostate cancer
R6 T10 T11 associated_with MUC18,prostate cancer
R7 T12 T13 associated_with MUC18,prostate cancer
R8 T14 T15 associated_with MUC18,prostate cancer
R9 T16 T17 associated_with MUC18,prostate cancer