[Neoton and thrombolytic therapy of myocardial infarction].
Neoton i tromboliticheskaia terapiia pri infarkte miokarda.
AIM: To evaluate neoton therapy effects in acute myocardial infarction (MI) on systolic function of the left ventricle, arrhythmia and clinical symptoms in patients on thrombolytic therapy (TLT).
MATERIAL AND METHODS: 106 males with Q-MI entered the study. 47 received treatment without TLT and neoton, 30 patients received TLT with streptokinase preparations, 29 patients were given streptokinase preparations and neoton. Left ventricular systolic function was measured by echocardiography on day 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28; arrhythmia was analysed at Holter monitoring in day 1 and 2 of MI.
RESULTS: TLT failed to arrest progression of left ventricular dilation by the end of the hospital stay. Patients given neoton in acute period of MI had no increase in the end systolic and diastolic volumes of the left ventricle in the course of the first months after MI onset. Antiarrhythmic action of neoton manifested on MI day 2.
CONCLUSION: Neoton given to MI patients receiving TLT prevents progression of left ventricular systolic dysfunction and establishment of predictors of unfavourable outcome.