[Perinatal results in patients with chronic hypertension at the National Institute of Perinatology].
Resultados perinatales en pacientes con hipertensión arterial sistémica crónica en el Instituto Nacional de Perinatología.
There are many causes of Chronic Hypertension, and all can be present in pregnant women. The literature reports an incidence between 1-3%. The prognosis usually is favorable, if we have an excellent control of blood pressure along pregnancy. But the risks like abruptio placentae, fetal demise or fetal growth restriction have a greater incidence than in the health population, furthermore the superimposed preeclampsia increase notably the perinatal morbidity. The objective of this study is to determine the perinatal outcomes in women with chronic hypertension in the Instituto Nacional de Perinatología. In the study we included 66 patients with chronic hypertension with age between 21-45 years old, and 54.4% had an age between 30-40 years. The evolution time of hypertensive disease was 5 years or less principally (71.2% of the patients).