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PubMed:10329457 JSONTXT

BCL-2 is upregulated in human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells differentiated by overexpression of fibroblast growth factor 1. Fibroblast growth factor 1 (FGF1) is a multipotent factor in the development and differentiation of the central nervous system. Recent studies in PC12 cells attribute these effects to high endogenous FGF1 expression. To examine the differentiation mechanisms induced by FGF1, we performed studies in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells. We monitored the impact of FGF1 overexpression in SH-SY5Y either after addition of exogenous FGF1 and heparin or after stable transfection with the FGF1 eukaryotic expression vector. Under both conditions, the FGF1 endogenous rise caused SH-SY5Y cell differentiation with morphological changes (appearance of neuritic extensions), increased GAP-43 gene expression, decreased of N-myc gene expression, and prolonged long-term survival in serum-free media. These modifications were correlated with Bcl-2 upregulation. These results suggest that there is a link between the endogenous FGF1 signaling pathway and Bcl-2 in neuronal survival modulation.

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