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PMC:7797241 / 15729-17660 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue tao:has_database_id
151 167-171 Disease denotes fits MESH:D012640
154 322-332 Disease denotes infections MESH:D007239
155 1768-1776 Disease denotes COVID-19 MESH:C000657245


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T98 0-65 Sentence denotes Table 1 Parameter estimates used in the model and their sources.
T99 66-171 Sentence denotes The distributions of unknown parameters are shown in online supplemental figure S1A for the best 100 fits
T100 172-238 Sentence denotes Symbol Description Uniform prior (min and max) or point estimate
T101 239-304 Sentence denotes 1 / η Duration of the non-infectious exposure period 5.1 days41
T102 305-398 Sentence denotes δ Percentage of infections which become symptomatic 82.1%42; vary between 73.15% and 91.05%
T103 399-502 Sentence denotes 1 / μ Duration of symptoms while not hospitalised (independent of outcome) Vary between 2 and 14 days
T104 503-592 Sentence denotes 1 / ρ Duration of stay in acute bed (independent of outcome) Vary between 2 and 14 days
T105 593-795 Sentence denotes γ g Percentage of symptomatic cases which will require hospitalisation 0–4=0.00%, 5–17=0.0408%, 18–29=1.04%,30–39=2.04%–7.00%, 40–49=2.53%–8.68%,50–59=4.86%–16.7%, 60–69=7.01%–24.0%,70+=9.87%–37.6%16
T106 796-867 Sentence denotes 1 / ψ Duration of stay in IC bed (independent of outcome) 3–11 days43
T107 868-961 Sentence denotes ϵ Percentage of those requiring hospitalisation who will require IC Vary between 0% and 30%
T108 962-1111 Sentence denotes ω g Percentage of those requiring IC who will die 0–4=0.00%, 5–17=0.00%, 18–29=18.1%,30–39=18.1%, 40–49=24.7%,50–59=39.3%, 60–69=53.9%,70+=65.3%43
T109 1112-1206 Sentence denotes κ Percentage of those requiring acute beds (but not IC) who will die Vary between 5% and 35%
T110 1207-1291 Sentence denotes school Percentage of 0–18 year-olds attending school after 23 March 2020 Assume 5%
T111 1292-1411 Sentence denotes distancing Percentage reduction in contact rates due to social distancing after 15 March 2020 Vary between 0% and 50%
T112 1412-1515 Sentence denotes lockdown Percentage reduction in contact rates due to lockdown after 23 March 2020 Retail/recreation:
T113 1516-1619 Sentence denotes Bristol 86%, Bath 90%, Plymouth 85%, Gloucs 84%, Somerset 82%, Devon 85%, Dorset 84%44Transit stations:
T114 1620-1730 Sentence denotes Bristol 78%, Bath 71%, Plymouth 65%, Gloucs 69%, Somerset 67%, Devon 66%, Dorset 63%44Vary between 63% and 90%
T115 1731-1789 Sentence denotes R 0 Initial reproductive number of COVID-19 1.63–3.9524
T116 1790-1911 Sentence denotes endphase Time taken to fully adjust (across the population, on average) to new interventions Vary between 1 and 31 days
T117 1912-1931 Sentence denotes IC, intensive care.