> top > docs > PMC:7205724 > spans > 8591-9529 > annotations

PMC:7205724 / 8591-9529 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue tao:has_database_id
301 610-615 Gene denotes GRP78 Gene:3309
302 732-737 Gene denotes GRP78 Gene:3309
303 811-816 Gene denotes GRP78 Gene:3309
304 275-280 Gene denotes spike Gene:43740568
305 17-22 Gene denotes spike Gene:43740568
306 7-16 Species denotes 2019-nCoV Tax:2697049
307 35-44 Chemical denotes disulfide MESH:D004220
308 144-149 Chemical denotes Pep42
309 493-498 Chemical denotes Pep42


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue fma_id
T66 23-30 Body_part denotes protein http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma67257


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T93 221-222 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0001020 denotes a
T94 466-467 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0001020 denotes a
T95 582-583 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0001020 denotes a


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue chebi_id
T113 23-30 Chemical denotes protein http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_36080
T114 35-44 Chemical denotes disulfide http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_48343
T115 183-185 Chemical denotes IV http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_74327
T116 444-446 Chemical denotes IV http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_74327
T117 576-578 Chemical denotes IV http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_74327
T118 699-701 Chemical denotes IV http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_74327
T119 750-752 Chemical denotes IV http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_74327


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue chebi_id
T80 23-30 Chemical denotes protein http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_36080
T81 35-44 Chemical denotes disulfide http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_48343


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue ncbi_taxonomy_id
T72 7-16 Species denotes 2019-nCoV NCBItxid:2697049


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T73 0-154 Sentence denotes On the 2019-nCoV spike protein, 13 disulfide bonds are corresponding to 13 different cyclic regions thought to be similar to the cyclic form of Pep42 [8].
T74 155-320 Sentence denotes Among these, four regions I-IV take place in the outer surface of a putative receptor-binding domain (RBD) on the viral spike., including C361, C379, C391, and C480.
T75 321-403 Sentence denotes These regions share sequence similarity with Pep42, ranging from 15.38% to 46.15%.
T76 404-513 Sentence denotes However, only one of them, i.e., region IV (GRAVY = 0.08), is a hydrophobic region, like Pep42 (GRAVY = 1.1).
T77 514-738 Sentence denotes Structural models evaluate the energy contribution for region IV as a part of region III to the GRP78 to be about (−9.8 out of −14.0 kcal/mol), and the docking platform proposes region IV as the best region binding to GRP78.
T78 739-938 Sentence denotes The region IV can be linked to the substrate-binding domain β (SBDB) of GRP78 using five H-bonds (through P479, N481, E484, and N487) and four hydrophobic interactions (through T478, E484, and F486).


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue pubann:denotes
306 7-16 Species denotes 2019-nCoV Tax:2697049
305 17-22 Gene denotes spike Gene:43740568
307 35-44 Chemical denotes disulfide MESH:D004220
308 144-149 Chemical denotes Pep42
304 275-280 Gene denotes spike Gene:43740568
309 493-498 Chemical denotes Pep42
301 610-615 Gene denotes GRP78 Gene:3309
302 732-737 Gene denotes GRP78 Gene:3309
303 811-816 Gene denotes GRP78 Gene:3309


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue uniprot_id
T1152 17-30 Protein denotes spike protein https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P31340
T1153 257-260 Protein denotes RBD https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q63492|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q63491|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q62815|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q62691|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q01542|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P27732|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/O09024|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/O09023|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/O09022
T1162 610-615 Protein denotes GRP78 https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9UK02|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9NPF1|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q91883|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q90593|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q61630|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q5R4P0|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q3UFF2|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q3S4T7|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q2EF78|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q0VCX2|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P34935|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P20029|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P16392|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P11021|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P07823|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P06761|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/O35642|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/G3I8R9|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/B0QZ61|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/A7E3V5
T1182 732-737 Protein denotes GRP78 https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9UK02|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9NPF1|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q91883|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q90593|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q61630|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q5R4P0|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q3UFF2|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q3S4T7|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q2EF78|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q0VCX2|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P34935|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P20029|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P16392|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P11021|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P07823|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P06761|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/O35642|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/G3I8R9|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/B0QZ61|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/A7E3V5
T1202 811-816 Protein denotes GRP78 https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9UK02|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9NPF1|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q91883|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q90593|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q61630|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q5R4P0|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q3UFF2|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q3S4T7|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q2EF78|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q0VCX2|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P34935|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P20029|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P16392|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P11021|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P07823|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P06761|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/O35642|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/G3I8R9|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/B0QZ61|https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/A7E3V5


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1435 0-2 IN denotes On
T1436 3-6 DT denotes the
T1437 7-16 JJ denotes 2019-nCoV
T1438 17-22 NN denotes spike
T1439 23-30 NN denotes protein
T1440 30-31 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1441 32-34 CD denotes 13
T1442 35-44 NN denotes disulfide
T1443 45-50 NNS denotes bonds
T1444 51-54 VBP denotes are
T1445 55-68 VBG denotes corresponding
T1446 69-71 TO denotes to
T1447 72-74 CD denotes 13
T1448 75-84 JJ denotes different
T1449 85-91 JJ denotes cyclic
T1450 92-99 NNS denotes regions
T1451 100-107 VBN denotes thought
T1452 108-110 TO denotes to
T1453 111-113 VB denotes be
T1454 114-121 JJ denotes similar
T1455 122-124 TO denotes to
T1456 125-128 DT denotes the
T1457 129-135 JJ denotes cyclic
T1458 136-140 NN denotes form
T1459 141-143 IN denotes of
T1460 144-149 NN denotes Pep42
T1461 150-151 -LRB- denotes [
T1462 151-152 CD denotes 8
T1463 152-153 -RRB- denotes ]
T1464 155-160 IN denotes Among
T1465 161-166 DT denotes these
T1466 166-167 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1467 168-172 CD denotes four
T1468 173-180 NNS denotes regions
T1469 181-185 NN denotes I-IV
T1470 186-190 VBP denotes take
T1471 191-196 NN denotes place
T1472 197-199 IN denotes in
T1473 200-203 DT denotes the
T1474 204-209 JJ denotes outer
T1475 210-217 NN denotes surface
T1476 218-220 IN denotes of
T1477 221-222 DT denotes a
T1478 223-231 JJ denotes putative
T1479 232-248 JJ denotes receptor-binding
T1480 249-255 NN denotes domain
T1481 256-257 -LRB- denotes (
T1482 257-260 NN denotes RBD
T1483 260-261 -RRB- denotes )
T1484 262-264 IN denotes on
T1485 265-268 DT denotes the
T1486 269-274 JJ denotes viral
T1487 275-281 NN denotes spike.
T1488 281-282 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1489 283-292 VBG denotes including
T1490 293-297 NN denotes C361
T1491 297-298 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1492 299-303 NN denotes C379
T1493 303-304 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1494 305-309 NN denotes C391
T1495 309-310 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1496 311-314 CC denotes and
T1497 315-319 NN denotes C480
T1498 321-326 DT denotes These
T1499 327-334 NNS denotes regions
T1500 335-340 VBP denotes share
T1501 341-349 NN denotes sequence
T1502 350-360 NN denotes similarity
T1503 361-365 IN denotes with
T1504 366-371 NN denotes Pep42
T1505 371-372 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1506 373-380 VBG denotes ranging
T1507 381-385 IN denotes from
T1508 386-391 CD denotes 15.38
T1509 391-392 NN denotes %
T1510 393-395 TO denotes to
T1511 396-401 CD denotes 46.15
T1512 401-402 NN denotes %
T1513 404-411 RB denotes However
T1514 411-412 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1515 413-417 RB denotes only
T1516 418-421 CD denotes one
T1517 422-424 IN denotes of
T1518 425-429 PRP denotes them
T1519 429-430 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1520 431-435 FW denotes i.e.
T1521 435-436 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1522 437-443 NN denotes region
T1523 444-446 CD denotes IV
T1524 447-448 -LRB- denotes (
T1525 448-460 NN denotes GRAVY = 0.08
T1526 460-461 -RRB- denotes )
T1527 461-462 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1528 463-465 VBZ denotes is
T1529 466-467 DT denotes a
T1530 468-479 JJ denotes hydrophobic
T1531 480-486 NN denotes region
T1532 486-487 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1533 488-492 IN denotes like
T1534 493-498 NN denotes Pep42
T1535 499-500 -LRB- denotes (
T1536 500-511 NN denotes GRAVY = 1.1
T1537 511-512 -RRB- denotes )
T1538 514-524 JJ denotes Structural
T1539 525-531 NNS denotes models
T1540 532-540 VBP denotes evaluate
T1541 541-544 DT denotes the
T1542 545-551 NN denotes energy
T1543 552-564 NN denotes contribution
T1544 565-568 IN denotes for
T1545 569-575 NN denotes region
T1546 576-578 CD denotes IV
T1547 579-581 IN denotes as
T1548 582-583 DT denotes a
T1549 584-588 NN denotes part
T1550 589-591 IN denotes of
T1551 592-598 NN denotes region
T1552 599-602 CD denotes III
T1553 603-605 TO denotes to
T1554 606-609 DT denotes the
T1555 610-615 NN denotes GRP78
T1556 616-618 TO denotes to
T1557 619-621 VB denotes be
T1558 622-627 IN denotes about
T1559 628-629 -LRB- denotes (
T1560 629-633 CD denotes −9.8
T1561 634-637 IN denotes out
T1562 638-640 IN denotes of
T1563 641-655 NN denotes −14.0 kcal/mol
T1564 655-656 -RRB- denotes )
T1565 656-657 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1566 658-661 CC denotes and
T1567 662-665 DT denotes the
T1568 666-673 NN denotes docking
T1569 674-682 NN denotes platform
T1570 683-691 VBZ denotes proposes
T1571 692-698 NN denotes region
T1572 699-701 CD denotes IV
T1573 702-704 IN denotes as
T1574 705-708 DT denotes the
T1575 709-713 JJS denotes best
T1576 714-720 NN denotes region
T1577 721-728 VBG denotes binding
T1578 729-731 TO denotes to
T1579 732-737 NN denotes GRP78
T1580 739-742 DT denotes The
T1581 743-749 NN denotes region
T1582 750-752 CD denotes IV
T1583 753-756 MD denotes can
T1584 757-759 VB denotes be
T1585 760-766 VBN denotes linked
T1586 767-769 TO denotes to
T1587 770-773 DT denotes the
T1588 774-791 JJ denotes substrate-binding
T1589 792-798 NN denotes domain
T1590 799-800 NN denotes β
T1591 801-802 -LRB- denotes (
T1592 802-806 NN denotes SBDB
T1593 806-807 -RRB- denotes )
T1594 808-810 IN denotes of
T1595 811-816 NN denotes GRP78
T1596 817-822 VBG denotes using
T1597 823-827 CD denotes five
T1598 828-835 NNS denotes H-bonds
T1599 836-837 -LRB- denotes (
T1600 837-844 IN denotes through
T1601 845-849 NN denotes P479
T1602 849-850 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1603 851-855 NN denotes N481
T1604 855-856 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1605 857-861 NN denotes E484
T1606 861-862 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1607 863-866 CC denotes and
T1608 867-871 NN denotes N487
T1609 871-872 -RRB- denotes )
T1610 873-876 CC denotes and
T1611 877-881 CD denotes four
T1612 882-893 JJ denotes hydrophobic
T1613 894-906 NNS denotes interactions
T1614 907-908 -LRB- denotes (
T1615 908-915 IN denotes through
T1616 916-920 NN denotes T478
T1617 920-921 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1618 922-926 NN denotes E484
T1619 926-927 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1620 928-931 CC denotes and
T1621 932-936 NN denotes F486
T1622 936-937 -RRB- denotes )
R1605 T1613 T1611 arg1Of interactions,four
R1606 T1613 T1612 arg1Of interactions,hydrophobic
R1607 T1613 T1614 arg1Of interactions,(
R1608 T1615 T1614 arg2Of through,(
R1609 T1622 T1614 arg3Of ),(
R1610 T1620 T1615 arg2Of and,through
R1611 T1616 T1617 arg1Of T478,","
R1427 T1445 T1435 arg1Of corresponding,On
R1428 T1439 T1435 arg2Of protein,On
R1429 T1439 T1436 arg1Of protein,the
R1430 T1439 T1437 arg1Of protein,2019-nCoV
R1431 T1439 T1438 arg1Of protein,spike
R1432 T1445 T1440 arg1Of corresponding,","
R1433 T1443 T1441 arg1Of bonds,13
R1434 T1443 T1442 arg1Of bonds,disulfide
R1435 T1443 T1444 arg1Of bonds,are
R1436 T1445 T1444 arg2Of corresponding,are
R1437 T1443 T1445 arg1Of bonds,corresponding
R1438 T1445 T1446 arg1Of corresponding,to
R1439 T1450 T1446 arg2Of regions,to
R1440 T1450 T1447 arg1Of regions,13
R1441 T1450 T1448 arg1Of regions,different
R1442 T1450 T1449 arg1Of regions,cyclic
R1443 T1450 T1451 arg2Of regions,thought
R1444 T1453 T1451 arg3Of be,thought
R1445 T1453 T1452 arg1Of be,to
R1446 T1450 T1453 arg1Of regions,be
R1447 T1454 T1453 arg2Of similar,be
R1448 T1450 T1454 arg1Of regions,similar
R1449 T1454 T1455 arg1Of similar,to
R1450 T1458 T1455 arg2Of form,to
R1451 T1458 T1456 arg1Of form,the
R1452 T1458 T1457 arg1Of form,cyclic
R1453 T1458 T1459 arg1Of form,of
R1454 T1460 T1459 arg2Of Pep42,of
R1455 T1460 T1461 arg1Of Pep42,[
R1456 T1462 T1461 arg2Of 8,[
R1457 T1463 T1461 arg3Of ],[
R1458 T1470 T1464 arg1Of take,Among
R1459 T1465 T1464 arg2Of these,Among
R1460 T1470 T1466 arg1Of take,","
R1461 T1469 T1467 arg1Of I-IV,four
R1462 T1469 T1468 arg1Of I-IV,regions
R1463 T1469 T1470 arg1Of I-IV,take
R1464 T1471 T1470 arg2Of place,take
R1465 T1470 T1472 arg1Of take,in
R1466 T1475 T1472 arg2Of surface,in
R1467 T1475 T1473 arg1Of surface,the
R1468 T1475 T1474 arg1Of surface,outer
R1469 T1475 T1476 arg1Of surface,of
R1470 T1480 T1476 arg2Of domain,of
R1471 T1480 T1477 arg1Of domain,a
R1472 T1480 T1478 arg1Of domain,putative
R1473 T1480 T1479 arg1Of domain,receptor-binding
R1474 T1480 T1481 arg1Of domain,(
R1475 T1482 T1481 arg2Of RBD,(
R1476 T1483 T1481 arg3Of ),(
R1477 T1480 T1484 arg1Of domain,on
R1478 T1487 T1484 arg2Of spike.,on
R1479 T1487 T1485 arg1Of spike.,the
R1480 T1487 T1486 arg1Of spike.,viral
R1481 T1475 T1488 arg1Of surface,","
R1482 T1475 T1489 arg1Of surface,including
R1483 T1496 T1489 arg2Of and,including
R1484 T1490 T1491 arg1Of C361,","
R1485 T1492 T1491 arg2Of C379,","
R1486 T1491 T1493 arg1Of ",",","
R1487 T1494 T1493 arg2Of C391,","
R1488 T1496 T1495 arg1Of and,","
R1489 T1493 T1496 arg1Of ",",and
R1490 T1497 T1496 arg2Of C480,and
R1491 T1499 T1498 arg1Of regions,These
R1492 T1499 T1500 arg1Of regions,share
R1493 T1502 T1500 arg2Of similarity,share
R1494 T1502 T1501 arg1Of similarity,sequence
R1495 T1500 T1503 arg1Of share,with
R1496 T1504 T1503 arg2Of Pep42,with
R1497 T1500 T1505 arg1Of share,","
R1498 T1499 T1506 arg1Of regions,ranging
R1499 T1512 T1506 arg2Of %,ranging
R1500 T1500 T1506 modOf share,ranging
R1501 T1506 T1507 arg1Of ranging,from
R1502 T1509 T1507 arg2Of %,from
R1503 T1509 T1508 arg1Of %,15.38
R1504 T1512 T1510 arg1Of %,to
R1505 T1512 T1511 arg1Of %,46.15
R1506 T1528 T1513 arg1Of is,However
R1507 T1528 T1514 arg1Of is,","
R1508 T1516 T1515 arg1Of one,only
R1509 T1516 T1517 arg1Of one,of
R1510 T1518 T1517 arg2Of them,of
R1511 T1516 T1519 arg1Of one,","
R1512 T1516 T1520 arg1Of one,i.e.
R1513 T1522 T1520 arg2Of region,i.e.
R1514 T1520 T1521 arg1Of i.e.,","
R1515 T1522 T1523 arg1Of region,IV
R1516 T1522 T1524 arg1Of region,(
R1517 T1525 T1524 arg2Of GRAVY = 0.08,(
R1518 T1526 T1524 arg3Of ),(
R1519 T1528 T1527 arg1Of is,","
R1520 T1516 T1528 arg1Of one,is
R1521 T1531 T1528 arg2Of region,is
R1522 T1531 T1529 arg1Of region,a
R1523 T1531 T1530 arg1Of region,hydrophobic
R1524 T1528 T1532 arg1Of is,","
R1525 T1528 T1533 arg1Of is,like
R1526 T1534 T1533 arg2Of Pep42,like
R1527 T1534 T1535 arg1Of Pep42,(
R1528 T1536 T1535 arg2Of GRAVY = 1.1,(
R1529 T1537 T1535 arg3Of ),(
R1530 T1539 T1538 arg1Of models,Structural
R1531 T1539 T1540 arg1Of models,evaluate
R1532 T1543 T1540 arg2Of contribution,evaluate
R1533 T1543 T1541 arg1Of contribution,the
R1534 T1543 T1542 arg1Of contribution,energy
R1535 T1543 T1544 arg1Of contribution,for
R1536 T1545 T1544 arg2Of region,for
R1537 T1545 T1546 arg1Of region,IV
R1538 T1545 T1547 arg1Of region,as
R1539 T1549 T1547 arg2Of part,as
R1540 T1549 T1548 arg1Of part,a
R1541 T1549 T1550 arg1Of part,of
R1542 T1551 T1550 arg2Of region,of
R1543 T1551 T1552 arg1Of region,III
R1544 T1543 T1553 arg1Of contribution,to
R1545 T1555 T1553 arg2Of GRP78,to
R1546 T1555 T1554 arg1Of GRP78,the
R1547 T1557 T1556 arg1Of be,to
R1548 T1555 T1556 modOf GRP78,to
R1549 T1555 T1557 arg2Of GRP78,be
R1550 T1557 T1558 arg1Of be,about
R1551 T1558 T1559 arg1Of about,(
R1552 T1562 T1559 arg2Of of,(
R1553 T1564 T1559 arg3Of ),(
R1554 T1562 T1561 arg1Of of,out
R1555 T1560 T1562 arg1Of −9.8,of
R1556 T1563 T1562 arg2Of −14.0 kcal/mol,of
R1557 T1566 T1565 arg1Of and,","
R1558 T1540 T1566 arg1Of evaluate,and
R1559 T1570 T1566 arg2Of proposes,and
R1560 T1569 T1567 arg1Of platform,the
R1561 T1569 T1568 arg1Of platform,docking
R1562 T1569 T1570 arg1Of platform,proposes
R1563 T1571 T1570 arg2Of region,proposes
R1564 T1571 T1572 arg1Of region,IV
R1565 T1570 T1573 arg1Of proposes,as
R1566 T1576 T1573 arg2Of region,as
R1567 T1576 T1574 arg1Of region,the
R1568 T1576 T1575 arg1Of region,best
R1569 T1576 T1577 arg1Of region,binding
R1570 T1577 T1578 arg1Of binding,to
R1571 T1579 T1578 arg2Of GRP78,to
R1572 T1581 T1580 arg1Of region,The
R1573 T1581 T1582 arg1Of region,IV
R1574 T1581 T1583 arg1Of region,can
R1575 T1585 T1583 arg2Of linked,can
R1576 T1581 T1584 arg1Of region,be
R1577 T1585 T1584 arg2Of linked,be
R1578 T1581 T1585 arg2Of region,linked
R1579 T1585 T1586 arg1Of linked,to
R1580 T1590 T1586 arg2Of β,to
R1581 T1590 T1587 arg1Of β,the
R1582 T1590 T1588 arg1Of β,substrate-binding
R1583 T1590 T1589 arg1Of β,domain
R1584 T1590 T1591 arg1Of β,(
R1585 T1592 T1591 arg2Of SBDB,(
R1586 T1593 T1591 arg3Of ),(
R1587 T1590 T1594 arg1Of β,of
R1588 T1595 T1594 arg2Of GRP78,of
R1589 T1595 T1596 arg1Of GRP78,using
R1590 T1610 T1596 arg2Of and,using
R1591 T1598 T1597 arg1Of H-bonds,five
R1592 T1598 T1599 arg1Of H-bonds,(
R1593 T1600 T1599 arg2Of through,(
R1594 T1609 T1599 arg3Of ),(
R1595 T1607 T1600 arg2Of and,through
R1596 T1601 T1602 arg1Of P479,","
R1597 T1603 T1602 arg2Of N481,","
R1598 T1602 T1604 arg1Of ",",","
R1599 T1605 T1604 arg2Of E484,","
R1600 T1607 T1606 arg1Of and,","
R1601 T1604 T1607 arg1Of ",",and
R1602 T1608 T1607 arg2Of N487,and
R1603 T1598 T1610 arg1Of H-bonds,and
R1604 T1613 T1610 arg2Of interactions,and
R1612 T1618 T1617 arg2Of E484,","
R1613 T1620 T1619 arg1Of and,","
R1614 T1617 T1620 arg1Of ",",and
R1615 T1621 T1620 arg2Of F486,and


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue fma_id
T66 23-30 Body_part denotes protein http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma67257


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T73 0-154 Sentence denotes On the 2019-nCoV spike protein, 13 disulfide bonds are corresponding to 13 different cyclic regions thought to be similar to the cyclic form of Pep42 [8].
T74 155-320 Sentence denotes Among these, four regions I-IV take place in the outer surface of a putative receptor-binding domain (RBD) on the viral spike., including C361, C379, C391, and C480.
T75 321-403 Sentence denotes These regions share sequence similarity with Pep42, ranging from 15.38% to 46.15%.
T76 404-513 Sentence denotes However, only one of them, i.e., region IV (GRAVY = 0.08), is a hydrophobic region, like Pep42 (GRAVY = 1.1).
T77 514-738 Sentence denotes Structural models evaluate the energy contribution for region IV as a part of region III to the GRP78 to be about (−9.8 out of −14.0 kcal/mol), and the docking platform proposes region IV as the best region binding to GRP78.
T78 739-938 Sentence denotes The region IV can be linked to the substrate-binding domain β (SBDB) of GRP78 using five H-bonds (through P479, N481, E484, and N487) and four hydrophobic interactions (through T478, E484, and F486).