On the 2019-nCoV spike protein, 13 disulfide bonds are corresponding to 13 different cyclic regions thought to be similar to the cyclic form of Pep42 [8]. Among these, four regions I-IV take place in the outer surface of a putative receptor-binding domain (RBD) on the viral spike., including C361, C379, C391, and C480. These regions share sequence similarity with Pep42, ranging from 15.38% to 46.15%. However, only one of them, i.e., region IV (GRAVY = 0.08), is a hydrophobic region, like Pep42 (GRAVY = 1.1). Structural models evaluate the energy contribution for region IV as a part of region III to the GRP78 to be about (−9.8 out of −14.0 kcal/mol), and the docking platform proposes region IV as the best region binding to GRP78. The region IV can be linked to the substrate-binding domain β (SBDB) of GRP78 using five H-bonds (through P479, N481, E484, and N487) and four hydrophobic interactions (through T478, E484, and F486).