> top > docs > PMC:7205724 > spans > 19107-19470 > annotations

PMC:7205724 / 19107-19470 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue tao:has_database_id
661 110-117 Species denotes patient Tax:9606
662 167-176 Species denotes 2019-nCoV Tax:2697049
663 311-319 Species denotes patients Tax:9606


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue fma_id
T144 160-163 Body_part denotes RNA http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma67095
T145 254-257 Body_part denotes IgG http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma62872
T146 262-265 Body_part denotes IgM http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma62873


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T81 38-45 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OGMS_0000031 denotes disease


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue chebi_id
T107 160-163 Chemical denotes RNA http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_33697


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue ncbi_taxonomy_id
T185 167-176 Species denotes 2019-nCoV NCBItxid:2697049


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T152 0-131 Sentence denotes Passive immunization protects against disease, and so it should be administered as early as possible when the patient is diagnosed.
T153 132-363 Sentence denotes Studies show that the viral RNA of 2019-nCoV reaches its peak during the first week and then gradually decreases and that IgG and IgM begin to rise from the 10th day so that most patients have anti-viral antibodies by the 14th day.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue pubann:denotes
661 110-117 Species denotes patient Tax:9606
662 167-176 Species denotes 2019-nCoV Tax:2697049
663 311-319 Species denotes patients Tax:9606


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T85504 0-7 JJ denotes Passive
T86520 8-20 NN denotes immunization
T22143 21-29 VBZ denotes protects
T80547 30-37 IN denotes against
T21735 38-45 NN denotes disease
T15590 45-46 -COMMA- denotes ,
T4169 47-50 CC denotes and
T50400 51-53 IN denotes so
T4187 54-56 PRP denotes it
T38504 57-63 MD denotes should
T8453 64-66 VB denotes be
T27914 67-79 VBN denotes administered
T25991 80-82 RB denotes as
T54707 83-88 RB denotes early
T29802 89-91 IN denotes as
T24869 92-100 JJ denotes possible
T10896 101-105 WRB denotes when
T25638 106-109 DT denotes the
T29960 110-117 NN denotes patient
T20464 118-120 VBZ denotes is
T3036 121-130 VBN denotes diagnosed
T87261 132-139 NNS denotes Studies
T96660 140-144 VBP denotes show
T29990 145-149 IN denotes that
T81080 150-153 DT denotes the
T36950 154-159 JJ denotes viral
T53426 160-163 NN denotes RNA
T78293 164-166 IN denotes of
T18048 167-176 NN denotes 2019-nCoV
T93176 177-184 VBZ denotes reaches
T83675 185-188 PRP-DOLLAR- denotes its
T2594 189-193 NN denotes peak
T62926 194-200 IN denotes during
T35185 201-204 DT denotes the
T47524 205-210 JJ denotes first
T79772 211-215 NN denotes week
T85972 216-219 CC denotes and
T60597 220-224 RB denotes then
T18711 225-234 RB denotes gradually
T40522 235-244 VBZ denotes decreases
T67874 245-248 CC denotes and
T80013 249-253 IN denotes that
T48373 254-257 NN denotes IgG
T85015 258-261 CC denotes and
T48892 262-265 NN denotes IgM
T97802 266-271 VBP denotes begin
T54813 272-274 TO denotes to
T87582 275-279 VB denotes rise
T15243 280-284 IN denotes from
T79089 285-288 DT denotes the
T92830 289-293 JJ denotes 10th
T91091 294-297 NN denotes day
T75308 298-300 IN denotes so
T98992 301-305 IN denotes that
T91226 306-310 JJS denotes most
T66875 311-319 NNS denotes patients
T44373 320-324 VBP denotes have
T45012 325-335 JJ denotes anti-viral
T2304 336-346 NNS denotes antibodies
T90719 347-349 IN denotes by
T66178 350-353 DT denotes the
T38757 354-358 JJ denotes 14th
T73930 359-362 NN denotes day
R55232 T86520 T85504 arg1Of immunization,Passive
R10991 T86520 T22143 arg1Of immunization,protects
R69581 T22143 T80547 arg1Of protects,against
R58848 T21735 T80547 arg2Of disease,against
R89140 T4169 T15590 arg1Of and,","
R87834 T22143 T4169 arg1Of protects,and
R91588 T27914 T4169 arg2Of administered,and
R50799 T27914 T50400 arg1Of administered,so
R82498 T4187 T38504 arg1Of it,should
R94705 T27914 T38504 arg2Of administered,should
R14592 T4187 T8453 arg1Of it,be
R28181 T27914 T8453 arg2Of administered,be
R94232 T4187 T27914 arg2Of it,administered
R68805 T54707 T25991 arg1Of early,as
R98402 T27914 T54707 arg1Of administered,early
R46464 T54707 T29802 arg1Of early,as
R22163 T24869 T29802 arg2Of possible,as
R45063 T27914 T10896 arg1Of administered,when
R89732 T3036 T10896 arg2Of diagnosed,when
R29783 T29960 T25638 arg1Of patient,the
R50945 T29960 T20464 arg1Of patient,is
R9347 T3036 T20464 arg2Of diagnosed,is
R96008 T29960 T3036 arg2Of patient,diagnosed
R15494 T87261 T96660 arg1Of Studies,show
R35568 T67874 T96660 arg2Of and,show
R23868 T85972 T29990 arg1Of and,that
R73123 T53426 T81080 arg1Of RNA,the
R53013 T53426 T36950 arg1Of RNA,viral
R7573 T53426 T78293 arg1Of RNA,of
R81045 T18048 T78293 arg2Of 2019-nCoV,of
R2548 T53426 T93176 arg1Of RNA,reaches
R70781 T2594 T93176 arg2Of peak,reaches
R53482 T2594 T83675 arg1Of peak,its
R57386 T93176 T62926 arg1Of reaches,during
R56679 T79772 T62926 arg2Of week,during
R40741 T79772 T35185 arg1Of week,the
R25803 T79772 T47524 arg1Of week,first
R42816 T93176 T85972 arg1Of reaches,and
R99315 T40522 T85972 arg2Of decreases,and
R84704 T40522 T60597 arg1Of decreases,then
R48610 T40522 T18711 arg1Of decreases,gradually
R43001 T53426 T40522 arg1Of RNA,decreases
R36109 T85972 T67874 arg1Of and,and
R96845 T80013 T67874 arg2Of that,and
R2631 T97802 T80013 arg2Of begin,that
R52755 T48373 T85015 arg1Of IgG,and
R60239 T48892 T85015 arg2Of IgM,and
R48496 T85015 T97802 arg1Of and,begin
R27628 T87582 T97802 arg2Of rise,begin
R58171 T87582 T54813 arg1Of rise,to
R42427 T85015 T87582 arg1Of and,rise
R47112 T87582 T15243 arg1Of rise,from
R54860 T91091 T15243 arg2Of day,from
R40258 T91091 T79089 arg1Of day,the
R81041 T91091 T92830 arg1Of day,10th
R10340 T87582 T75308 arg1Of rise,so
R28808 T44373 T75308 arg2Of have,so
R89374 T75308 T98992 arg1Of so,that
R10355 T66875 T91226 arg1Of patients,most
R53372 T66875 T44373 arg1Of patients,have
R13811 T2304 T44373 arg2Of antibodies,have
R80044 T2304 T45012 arg1Of antibodies,anti-viral
R71283 T44373 T90719 arg1Of have,by
R16551 T73930 T90719 arg2Of day,by
R27976 T73930 T66178 arg1Of day,the
R35060 T73930 T38757 arg1Of day,14th


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue fma_id
T144 160-163 Body_part denotes RNA http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma67095
T145 254-257 Body_part denotes IgG http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma62872
T146 262-265 Body_part denotes IgM http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma62873


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T152 0-131 Sentence denotes Passive immunization protects against disease, and so it should be administered as early as possible when the patient is diagnosed.
T153 132-363 Sentence denotes Studies show that the viral RNA of 2019-nCoV reaches its peak during the first week and then gradually decreases and that IgG and IgM begin to rise from the 10th day so that most patients have anti-viral antibodies by the 14th day.