PMC:7029759 / 13232-15165
Passive antibody transfer from convalescent patient sera
A simple but potentially very effective tool that can be used in infectious outbreaks is to use the serum of patients who have recovered from the virus to treat patients who contract the virus in the future 36. Patients with resolved viral infection will develop a polyclonal antibody immune response to different viral antigens of 2019-nCoV. Some of these polyclonal antibodies will likely neutralize the virus and prevent new rounds of infection, and the patients with resolved infection should produce 2019-nCoV antibodies in high titer.
Patients with resolved cases of 2019-nCoV can simply donate plasma, and then this plasma can be transfused into infected patients 37. Given that plasma donation is well established, and the transfusion of plasma is also routine medical care, this proposal does not need any new science or medical approvals in order to be put into place. Indeed, the same rationale was used in the treatment of several Ebola patients with convalescent serum during the outbreak in 2014–2015, including two American healthcare workers who became infected 38.
As the outbreak continues, more patients who survived infection will become available to serve as donors to make antisera for 2019-nCoV, and a sizeable stock of antisera could be developed to serve as a treatment for the sickest patients. Unfortunately, the exponential growth of the outbreak would work against this strategy, since the growing number of cases would likely outstrip the ability of previous patients to provide donor plasma as treatment. Moreover, convalescent patient sera would have significant variability in the potency of antiviral effect, making it less ideal 37. While transfusion medicine services should certainly pursue convalescent patient sera as an option right now for patient treatment, it is ultimately limited in its effective scope of controlling the outbreak.