PMC:4067558 / 5925-6810 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"24768552-2745388-2047092","span":{"begin":104,"end":106},"obj":"2745388"},{"id":"24768552-7814313-2047093","span":{"begin":160,"end":162},"obj":"7814313"},{"id":"24768552-16926617-2047094","span":{"begin":410,"end":412},"obj":"16926617"}],"text":"Affected AGP participants were classified according to the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)22 and the Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised (ADI-R).23 The ADOS is a semistructured, clinically administered instrument for assessing and diagnosing ASD. The ADI-R is a structured clinical interview conducted with the parents or caregivers; spectrum classification on the ADI-R was based on Risi et al.24 The AGP strict and spectrum classifications are based on both instruments (Table S1A, available online). To meet criteria for strict autism, affected individuals must have an autism classification on both measures, whereas for the spectrum classification, individuals must meet the autism spectrum criteria on both measures or meet criteria for autism on one measure if the other measure was not available or not administered. The mean age of ADI-R assessment was 8 years."}