> top > docs > PMC:340383 > spans > 7426-7576 > annotations

PMC:340383 / 7426-7576 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2348 0-150 sentence denotes The evolutionary relationships among those proteins are illustrated by a phylogenetic tree constructed based on the AA homology of proteins (Fig. 4).
T2349 1-4 DT denotes The
T2350 18-31 NNS denotes relationships
T2351 5-17 JJ denotes evolutionary
T2352 57-68 VBN denotes illustrated
T2353 32-37 IN denotes among
T2354 38-43 DT denotes those
T2355 44-52 NN denotes proteins
T2356 53-56 VBP denotes are
T2357 69-71 IN denotes by
T2358 72-73 DT denotes a
T2359 87-91 NN denotes tree
T2360 74-86 JJ denotes phylogenetic
T2361 92-103 VBN denotes constructed
T2362 104-109 VBN denotes based
T2363 110-112 IN denotes on
T2364 113-116 DT denotes the
T2365 120-128 NN denotes homology
T2366 117-119 NN denotes AA
T2367 129-131 IN denotes of
T2368 132-140 NN denotes proteins
T2369 141-142 -LRB- denotes (
T2370 142-146 NN denotes Fig.
T2371 147-148 CD denotes 4
T2372 148-149 -RRB- denotes )
T2373 149-150 . denotes .
R1312 T2367 T2365 prep of,homology
R1313 T2368 T2367 pobj proteins,of
R1314 T2369 T2370 punct (,Fig.
R1295 T2349 T2350 det The,relationships
R1296 T2350 T2352 nsubjpass relationships,illustrated
R1297 T2351 T2350 amod evolutionary,relationships
R1298 T2353 T2350 prep among,relationships
R1299 T2354 T2355 det those,proteins
R1300 T2355 T2353 pobj proteins,among
R1301 T2356 T2352 auxpass are,illustrated
R1302 T2357 T2352 prep by,illustrated
R1303 T2358 T2359 det a,tree
R1304 T2359 T2357 pobj tree,by
R1305 T2360 T2359 amod phylogenetic,tree
R1306 T2361 T2359 acl constructed,tree
R1307 T2362 T2361 prep based,constructed
R1308 T2363 T2362 prep on,based
R1309 T2364 T2365 det the,homology
R1310 T2365 T2363 pobj homology,on
R1311 T2366 T2365 compound AA,homology
R1315 T2370 T2352 parataxis Fig.,illustrated
R1316 T2371 T2370 nummod 4,Fig.
R1317 T2372 T2370 punct ),Fig.
R1318 T2373 T2352 punct .,illustrated


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1851 120-128 SO:0000857 denotes homology


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1969 44-52 CHEBI_PR_EXT:protein denotes proteins
T1970 117-119 CHEBI_SO_EXT:amino_acid denotes AA
T1971 120-128 SO:0000857 denotes homology
T1972 132-140 CHEBI_PR_EXT:protein denotes proteins