> top > docs > PMC:3317373 > spans > 0-137 > annotations

PMC:3317373 / 0-137 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T53 0-3 DT denotes The
T54 4-11 NN denotes Absence
T55 12-14 IN denotes of
T56 15-19 NN denotes Nrf2
T57 20-28 VB denotes Enhances
T58 29-44 JJ denotes NF-κB-Dependent
T59 45-57 NN denotes Inflammation
T60 58-67 VB denotes following
T61 68-75 NNP denotes Scratch
T62 76-82 NNP denotes Injury
T63 83-85 IN denotes in
T64 86-91 NNP denotes Mouse
T65 92-99 NNP denotes Primary
T66 100-108 NNP denotes Cultured
T67 109-119 NN denotes Astrocytes
T69 133-136 VB denotes has
T68 130-132 PRP denotes It
R1 T54 T53 arg1Of Absence,The
R2 T54 T55 arg1Of Absence,of
R3 T54 T57 arg1Of Absence,Enhances
R4 T56 T55 arg2Of Nrf2,of
R5 T57 T60 arg1Of Enhances,following
R6 T59 T57 arg2Of Inflammation,Enhances
R7 T59 T58 arg1Of Inflammation,NF-κB-Dependent
R8 T62 T60 arg2Of Injury,following
R9 T62 T61 arg1Of Injury,Scratch
R10 T62 T63 arg1Of Injury,in
R11 T66 T64 arg1Of Cultured,Mouse
R12 T66 T65 arg1Of Cultured,Primary
R13 T67 T63 arg2Of Astrocytes,in
R14 T67 T66 arg1Of Astrocytes,Cultured


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T48 45-57 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0006954 denotes Inflammation


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T24 0-119 Sentence denotes The Absence of Nrf2 Enhances NF-κB-Dependent Inflammation following Scratch Injury in Mouse Primary Cultured Astrocytes
T1 0-119 Sentence denotes The Absence of Nrf2 Enhances NF-κB-Dependent Inflammation following Scratch Injury in Mouse Primary Cultured Astrocytes
T2 121-129 Sentence denotes Abstract


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T255 76-82 http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/ICD10/T14.9 denotes Injury


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T567 12-19 Protein denotes of Nrf2
T574 86-119 Entity denotes Mouse Primary Cultured Astrocytes


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T315 0-3 DT denotes The
T316 4-11 NN denotes Absence
T317 12-14 IN denotes of
T318 15-19 NNP denotes Nrf2
T319 20-28 NNP denotes Enhances
T320 29-44 NNP denotes NF-κB-Dependent
T321 45-57 NNP denotes Inflammation
T322 58-67 VBG denotes following
T323 68-75 NNP denotes Scratch
T324 76-82 NNP denotes Injury
T325 83-85 IN denotes in
T326 86-91 NNP denotes Mouse
T327 92-99 JJ denotes Primary
T328 100-108 NNP denotes Cultured
T329 109-119 NNPS denotes Astrocytes
T331 133-136 VBZ denotes has
T330 130-132 PRP denotes It
R217 T315 T316 det The,Absence
R219 T317 T316 prep of,Absence
R220 T318 T319 compound Nrf2,Enhances
R221 T319 T317 pobj Enhances,of
R222 T320 T321 compound NF-κB-Dependent,Inflammation
R223 T321 T316 appos Inflammation,Absence
R225 T323 T324 compound Scratch,Injury
R226 T324 T322 dobj Injury,following
R227 T325 T324 prep in,Injury
R228 T326 T329 compound Mouse,Astrocytes
R229 T327 T328 compound Primary,Cultured
R230 T328 T329 compound Cultured,Astrocytes
R231 T329 T325 pobj Astrocytes,in


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T287 15-34 Protein denotes Nrf2 Enhances NF-κB