> top > docs > PMC:3279418 > spans > 7146-7227 > annotations

PMC:3279418 / 7146-7227 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13185 0-2 IN denotes In
T13186 3-7 DT denotes both
T13187 8-19 VB denotes transfected
T13188 20-24 NN denotes cell
T13189 25-30 NN denotes lines
T13190 30-31 -COMMA- denotes ,
T13191 32-44 NN denotes FLAG-SHARPIN
T13192 45-48 VB denotes was
T13193 49-54 VB denotes found
T13194 55-57 TO denotes to
T13195 58-60 VB denotes be
T13196 61-80 JJ denotes cytoplasm-localized
R10980 T13189 T13185 arg2Of lines,In
R10981 T13189 T13186 arg1Of lines,both
R10982 T13189 T13187 arg2Of lines,transfected
R10983 T13189 T13188 arg1Of lines,cell
R10984 T13191 T13192 arg1Of FLAG-SHARPIN,was
R10985 T13191 T13193 arg2Of FLAG-SHARPIN,found
R10986 T13191 T13195 arg1Of FLAG-SHARPIN,be
R10987 T13191 T13196 arg1Of FLAG-SHARPIN,cytoplasm-localized
R10988 T13193 T13185 arg1Of found,In
R10989 T13193 T13190 arg1Of found,","
R10990 T13193 T13192 arg2Of found,was
R10991 T13195 T13193 arg3Of be,found
R10992 T13195 T13194 arg1Of be,to
R10993 T13196 T13195 arg2Of cytoplasm-localized,be


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12978 0-2 IN denotes In
T12979 3-7 DT denotes both
T12980 8-19 VBN denotes transfected
T12981 20-24 NN denotes cell
T12982 25-30 NNS denotes lines
T12983 30-31 , denotes ,
T12984 32-44 NNP denotes FLAG-SHARPIN
T12985 45-48 VBD denotes was
T12986 49-54 VBN denotes found
T12987 55-57 TO denotes to
T12988 58-60 VB denotes be
T12989 61-80 JJ denotes cytoplasm-localized
T12990 80-81 . denotes .
R10765 T12978 T12986 prep In,found
R10766 T12979 T12982 det both,lines
R10767 T12980 T12982 amod transfected,lines
R10768 T12981 T12982 compound cell,lines
R10769 T12982 T12978 pobj lines,In
R10770 T12983 T12986 punct ",",found
R10771 T12984 T12986 nsubjpass FLAG-SHARPIN,found
R10772 T12985 T12986 auxpass was,found
R10773 T12986 T12986 ROOT found,found
R10774 T12987 T12988 aux to,be
R10775 T12988 T12986 xcomp be,found
R10776 T12989 T12988 acomp cytoplasm-localized,be
R10777 T12990 T12986 punct .,found


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13213 71-80 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0051179 denotes localized


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13218 20-24 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cell
T13221 61-70 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005737 denotes cytoplasm


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12770 0-81 Sentence denotes In both transfected cell lines, FLAG-SHARPIN was found to be cytoplasm-localized.
T48 0-81 Sentence denotes In both transfected cell lines, FLAG-SHARPIN was found to be cytoplasm-localized.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13243 37-44 Protein denotes SHARPIN
T13244 61-70 Entity denotes cytoplasm
T13245 71-80 Localization denotes localized
R11001 T13243 T13245 themeOf SHARPIN,localized
R11002 T13244 T13245 locationOf cytoplasm,localized


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13255 32-36 Protein denotes FLAG
T13256 37-44 Protein denotes SHARPIN


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12760 37-44 Protein denotes SHARPIN
T12761 61-70 Entity denotes cytoplasm
T12762 71-80 Localization denotes localized
R10556 T12760 T12762 themeOf SHARPIN,localized
R10557 T12761 T12762 locationOf cytoplasm,localized


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13202 37-44 Q9H0F6 denotes SHARPIN


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12752 37-44 Protein denotes SHARPIN
T12753 71-80 Localization denotes localized
R10554 T12752 T12753 themeOf SHARPIN,localized