> top > docs > PMC:3279418 > spans > 32309-32473 > annotations

PMC:3279418 / 32309-32473 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12295 0-5 NN denotes Cells
T12296 6-10 VB denotes were
T12297 11-18 RB denotes further
T12298 19-28 VB denotes incubated
T12299 29-33 IN denotes with
T12300 34-38 NN denotes goat
T12301 39-50 JJ denotes anti-rabbit
T12302 51-59 NN denotes IgG-FITC
T12303 60-61 -LRB- denotes (
T12304 61-66 CD denotes 1∶100
T12305 66-67 -RRB- denotes )
T12306 68-70 IN denotes as
T12307 71-74 DT denotes the
T12308 75-84 JJ denotes secondary
T12309 85-93 NN denotes antibody
T12310 94-96 IN denotes at
T12311 97-101 NN denotes room
T12312 102-113 NN denotes temperature
T12313 114-117 IN denotes for
T12314 118-120 CD denotes 30
T12315 121-128 NN denotes minutes
T12316 128-129 -COMMA- denotes ,
T12317 130-138 VB denotes followed
T12318 139-141 IN denotes by
T12319 142-147 CD denotes three
T12320 148-156 JJ denotes 5-minute
T12321 157-163 NN denotes washes
R10238 T12295 T12296 arg1Of Cells,were
R10239 T12295 T12298 arg2Of Cells,incubated
R10240 T12298 T12296 arg2Of incubated,were
R10241 T12298 T12297 arg1Of incubated,further
R10242 T12298 T12299 arg1Of incubated,with
R10243 T12298 T12306 arg1Of incubated,as
R10244 T12298 T12316 arg1Of incubated,","
R10245 T12298 T12317 modOf incubated,followed
R10246 T12302 T12299 arg2Of IgG-FITC,with
R10247 T12302 T12300 arg1Of IgG-FITC,goat
R10248 T12302 T12301 arg1Of IgG-FITC,anti-rabbit
R10249 T12302 T12303 arg1Of IgG-FITC,(
R10250 T12304 T12303 arg2Of 1∶100,(
R10251 T12305 T12303 arg3Of ),(
R10252 T12309 T12306 arg2Of antibody,as
R10253 T12309 T12307 arg1Of antibody,the
R10254 T12309 T12308 arg1Of antibody,secondary
R10255 T12309 T12310 arg1Of antibody,at
R10256 T12312 T12310 arg2Of temperature,at
R10257 T12312 T12311 arg1Of temperature,room
R10258 T12312 T12313 arg1Of temperature,for
R10259 T12315 T12313 arg2Of minutes,for
R10260 T12315 T12314 arg1Of minutes,30
R10261 T12321 T12317 arg1Of washes,followed
R10262 T12321 T12318 arg2Of washes,by
R10263 T12321 T12319 arg1Of washes,three
R10264 T12321 T12320 arg1Of washes,5-minute


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12179 0-5 NNS denotes Cells
T12180 6-10 VBD denotes were
T12181 11-18 JJ denotes further
T12182 19-28 VBN denotes incubated
T12183 29-33 IN denotes with
T12184 34-38 JJ denotes goat
T12185 39-50 JJ denotes anti-rabbit
T12186 51-59 NN denotes IgG-FITC
T12187 60-61 -LRB- denotes (
T12188 61-62 CD denotes 1
T12189 62-63 CD denotes
T12190 63-66 CD denotes 100
T12191 66-67 -RRB- denotes )
T12192 68-70 IN denotes as
T12193 71-74 DT denotes the
T12194 75-84 JJ denotes secondary
T12195 85-93 NN denotes antibody
T12196 94-96 IN denotes at
T12197 97-101 NN denotes room
T12198 102-113 NN denotes temperature
T12199 114-117 IN denotes for
T12200 118-120 CD denotes 30
T12201 121-128 NNS denotes minutes
T12202 128-129 , denotes ,
T12203 130-138 VBN denotes followed
T12204 139-141 IN denotes by
T12205 142-147 CD denotes three
T12206 148-156 JJ denotes 5-minute
T12207 157-163 NNS denotes washes
T12208 163-164 . denotes .
R10122 T12179 T12182 nsubjpass Cells,incubated
R10123 T12180 T12182 auxpass were,incubated
R10124 T12181 T12182 advmod further,incubated
R10125 T12182 T12182 ROOT incubated,incubated
R10126 T12183 T12182 prep with,incubated
R10127 T12184 T12186 amod goat,IgG-FITC
R10128 T12185 T12186 amod anti-rabbit,IgG-FITC
R10129 T12186 T12183 pobj IgG-FITC,with
R10130 T12187 T12188 punct (,1
R10131 T12188 T12190 nummod 1,100
R10132 T12189 T12190 nummod ∶,100
R10133 T12190 T12186 appos 100,IgG-FITC
R10134 T12191 T12186 punct ),IgG-FITC
R10135 T12192 T12182 prep as,incubated
R10136 T12193 T12195 det the,antibody
R10137 T12194 T12195 amod secondary,antibody
R10138 T12195 T12192 pobj antibody,as
R10139 T12196 T12195 prep at,antibody
R10140 T12197 T12198 compound room,temperature
R10141 T12198 T12196 pobj temperature,at
R10142 T12199 T12182 prep for,incubated
R10143 T12200 T12201 nummod 30,minutes
R10144 T12201 T12199 pobj minutes,for
R10145 T12202 T12182 punct ",",incubated
R10146 T12203 T12182 advcl followed,incubated
R10147 T12204 T12203 agent by,followed
R10148 T12205 T12207 nummod three,washes
R10149 T12206 T12207 amod 5-minute,washes
R10150 T12207 T12204 pobj washes,by
R10151 T12208 T12182 punct .,incubated


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12340 85-93 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0003823 denotes antibody


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12346 85-93 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0019815 denotes antibody
T12348 85-93 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0042571 denotes antibody


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12088 0-164 Sentence denotes Cells were further incubated with goat anti-rabbit IgG-FITC (1∶100) as the secondary antibody at room temperature for 30 minutes, followed by three 5-minute washes.
T230 0-164 Sentence denotes Cells were further incubated with goat anti-rabbit IgG-FITC (1∶100) as the secondary antibody at room temperature for 30 minutes, followed by three 5-minute washes.