> top > docs > PMC:3279418 > spans > 29373-29509 > annotations

PMC:3279418 / 29373-29509 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T10878 0-4 NN denotes Dead
T10879 5-10 NN denotes cells
T10880 11-15 VB denotes were
T10881 16-23 VB denotes omitted
T10882 24-28 IN denotes from
T10883 29-32 DT denotes the
T10884 33-41 NN denotes analysis
T10885 42-44 IN denotes by
T10886 45-51 VB denotes gating
T10887 52-54 IN denotes on
T10888 55-62 JJ denotes forward
T10889 63-66 CC denotes and
T10890 67-70 CD denotes 90°
T10891 71-76 JJ denotes light
T10892 77-84 NN denotes scatter
T10893 84-85 -COMMA- denotes ,
T10894 86-89 CC denotes and
T10895 90-96 CD denotes 10,000
T10896 97-102 NN denotes cells
T10897 103-107 VB denotes were
T10898 108-116 VB denotes analyzed
T10899 117-119 IN denotes by
T10900 120-126 NNP denotes FlowJo
T10901 127-135 NN denotes software
R9038 T10879 T10878 arg1Of cells,Dead
R9039 T10879 T10880 arg1Of cells,were
R9040 T10879 T10881 arg2Of cells,omitted
R9041 T10879 T10886 arg1Of cells,gating
R9042 T10881 T10880 arg2Of omitted,were
R9043 T10881 T10882 arg1Of omitted,from
R9044 T10881 T10885 arg1Of omitted,by
R9045 T10881 T10894 arg1Of omitted,and
R9046 T10884 T10882 arg2Of analysis,from
R9047 T10884 T10883 arg1Of analysis,the
R9048 T10886 T10885 arg2Of gating,by
R9049 T10886 T10887 arg1Of gating,on
R9050 T10888 T10889 arg1Of forward,and
R9051 T10889 T10891 arg1Of and,light
R9052 T10890 T10889 arg2Of 90°,and
R9053 T10892 T10887 arg2Of scatter,on
R9054 T10892 T10888 arg1Of scatter,forward
R9055 T10892 T10890 arg1Of scatter,90°
R9056 T10894 T10893 arg1Of and,","
R9057 T10896 T10895 arg1Of cells,"10,000"
R9058 T10896 T10897 arg1Of cells,were
R9059 T10896 T10898 arg2Of cells,analyzed
R9060 T10898 T10894 arg2Of analyzed,and
R9061 T10898 T10897 arg2Of analyzed,were
R9062 T10901 T10898 arg1Of software,analyzed
R9063 T10901 T10899 arg2Of software,by
R9064 T10901 T10900 arg1Of software,FlowJo


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T10650 0-4 NNP denotes Dead
T10651 5-10 NNS denotes cells
T10652 11-15 VBD denotes were
T10653 16-23 VBN denotes omitted
T10654 24-28 IN denotes from
T10655 29-32 DT denotes the
T10656 33-41 NN denotes analysis
T10657 42-44 IN denotes by
T10658 45-51 VBG denotes gating
T10659 52-54 IN denotes on
T10660 55-62 RB denotes forward
T10661 63-66 CC denotes and
T10662 67-69 CD denotes 90
T10663 69-70 NN denotes °
T10664 71-76 JJ denotes light
T10665 77-84 NN denotes scatter
T10666 84-85 , denotes ,
T10667 86-89 CC denotes and
T10668 90-96 CD denotes 10,000
T10669 97-102 NNS denotes cells
T10670 103-107 VBD denotes were
T10671 108-116 VBN denotes analyzed
T10672 117-119 IN denotes by
T10673 120-126 NNP denotes FlowJo
T10674 127-135 NN denotes software
T10675 135-136 . denotes .
R8802 T10650 T10651 compound Dead,cells
R8803 T10651 T10653 nsubjpass cells,omitted
R8804 T10652 T10653 auxpass were,omitted
R8805 T10653 T10653 ROOT omitted,omitted
R8806 T10654 T10653 prep from,omitted
R8807 T10655 T10656 det the,analysis
R8808 T10656 T10654 pobj analysis,from
R8809 T10657 T10653 prep by,omitted
R8810 T10658 T10657 pcomp gating,by
R8811 T10659 T10658 prep on,gating
R8812 T10660 T10659 pobj forward,on
R8813 T10661 T10660 cc and,forward
R8814 T10662 T10663 nummod 90,°
R8815 T10663 T10665 npadvmod °,scatter
R8816 T10664 T10665 amod light,scatter
R8817 T10665 T10660 conj scatter,forward
R8818 T10666 T10665 punct ",",scatter
R8819 T10667 T10665 cc and,scatter
R8820 T10668 T10669 nummod "10,000",cells
R8821 T10669 T10671 nsubjpass cells,analyzed
R8822 T10670 T10671 auxpass were,analyzed
R8823 T10671 T10653 conj analyzed,omitted
R8824 T10672 T10671 agent by,analyzed
R8825 T10673 T10674 compound FlowJo,software
R8826 T10674 T10672 pobj software,by
R8827 T10675 T10671 punct .,analyzed


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T10922 5-10 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells
T10923 97-102 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T10431 0-136 Sentence denotes Dead cells were omitted from the analysis by gating on forward and 90° light scatter, and 10,000 cells were analyzed by FlowJo software.
T203 0-136 Sentence denotes Dead cells were omitted from the analysis by gating on forward and 90° light scatter, and 10,000 cells were analyzed by FlowJo software.