> top > docs > PMC:3279418 > spans > 2521-2796 > annotations

PMC:3279418 / 2521-2796 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
22348129-11241277-89575662 272-273 11241277 denotes 5
T8236 272-273 11241277 denotes 5


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1600 0-5 EX denotes There
T1601 6-9 VB denotes are
T1602 10-23 NN denotes accumulations
T1603 24-26 IN denotes of
T1604 27-38 NN denotes eosinophils
T1605 38-39 -COMMA- denotes ,
T1606 40-51 NN denotes neutrophils
T1607 52-55 CC denotes and
T1608 56-67 NN denotes macrophages
T1609 68-70 IN denotes in
T1610 71-74 DT denotes the
T1611 75-79 NN denotes skin
T1612 80-82 IN denotes of
T1613 83-106 NNP denotes Sharpincpdm/Sharpincpdm
T1614 107-113 JJ denotes mutant
T1615 114-118 NN denotes mice
T1616 119-120 -LRB- denotes (
T1617 120-129 RB denotes hereafter
T1618 130-138 VB denotes referred
T1619 139-141 TO denotes to
T1620 142-144 IN denotes as
T1621 145-149 NN denotes cpdm
T1622 150-154 NN denotes mice
T1623 154-155 -RRB- denotes )
T1624 156-166 VB denotes associated
T1625 167-171 IN denotes with
T1626 172-181 VB denotes increased
T1627 182-192 NN denotes expression
T1628 193-195 IN denotes of
T1629 196-199 NN denotes Th2
T1630 200-209 NN denotes cytokines
T1631 210-212 IN denotes in
T1632 213-216 DT denotes the
T1633 217-221 NN denotes skin
T1634 222-225 CC denotes and
T1635 226-228 IN denotes in
T1636 229-232 DT denotes the
T1637 233-245 NN denotes supernatants
T1638 246-248 IN denotes of
T1639 249-258 VB denotes activated
T1640 259-270 NN denotes splenocytes
T1641 271-272 -LRB- denotes [
T1642 272-273 CD denotes 5
T1643 273-274 -RRB- denotes ]
R1363 T1600 T1601 arg1Of There,are
R1364 T1602 T1601 arg2Of accumulations,are
R1365 T1602 T1603 arg1Of accumulations,of
R1366 T1602 T1616 arg1Of accumulations,(
R1367 T1602 T1624 arg2Of accumulations,associated
R1368 T1604 T1605 arg1Of eosinophils,","
R1369 T1605 T1607 arg1Of ",",and
R1370 T1606 T1605 arg2Of neutrophils,","
R1371 T1607 T1603 arg2Of and,of
R1372 T1607 T1609 arg1Of and,in
R1373 T1608 T1607 arg2Of macrophages,and
R1374 T1611 T1609 arg2Of skin,in
R1375 T1611 T1610 arg1Of skin,the
R1376 T1611 T1612 arg1Of skin,of
R1377 T1615 T1612 arg2Of mice,of
R1378 T1615 T1613 arg1Of mice,Sharpincpdm/Sharpincpdm
R1379 T1615 T1614 arg1Of mice,mutant
R1380 T1618 T1616 arg2Of referred,(
R1381 T1618 T1617 arg1Of referred,hereafter
R1382 T1618 T1619 arg1Of referred,to
R1383 T1618 T1620 arg1Of referred,as
R1384 T1622 T1620 arg2Of mice,as
R1385 T1622 T1621 arg1Of mice,cpdm
R1386 T1623 T1616 arg3Of ),(
R1387 T1624 T1625 arg1Of associated,with
R1388 T1624 T1635 arg1Of associated,in
R1389 T1625 T1634 arg1Of with,and
R1390 T1627 T1625 arg2Of expression,with
R1391 T1627 T1626 arg2Of expression,increased
R1392 T1627 T1628 arg1Of expression,of
R1393 T1627 T1631 arg1Of expression,in
R1394 T1630 T1628 arg2Of cytokines,of
R1395 T1630 T1629 arg1Of cytokines,Th2
R1396 T1633 T1631 arg2Of skin,in
R1397 T1633 T1632 arg1Of skin,the
R1398 T1635 T1634 arg2Of in,and
R1399 T1637 T1635 arg2Of supernatants,in
R1400 T1637 T1636 arg1Of supernatants,the
R1401 T1637 T1638 arg1Of supernatants,of
R1402 T1640 T1638 arg2Of splenocytes,of
R1403 T1640 T1639 arg2Of splenocytes,activated
R1404 T1640 T1641 arg1Of splenocytes,[
R1405 T1642 T1641 arg2Of 5,[
R1406 T1643 T1641 arg3Of ],[


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1236 0-5 EX denotes There
T1237 6-9 VBP denotes are
T1238 10-23 NNS denotes accumulations
T1239 24-26 IN denotes of
T1240 27-38 NNS denotes eosinophils
T1241 38-39 , denotes ,
T1242 40-51 NNS denotes neutrophils
T1243 52-55 CC denotes and
T1244 56-67 NNS denotes macrophages
T1245 68-70 IN denotes in
T1246 71-74 DT denotes the
T1247 75-79 NN denotes skin
T1248 80-82 IN denotes of
T1249 83-106 NNP denotes Sharpincpdm/Sharpincpdm
T1250 107-113 JJ denotes mutant
T1251 114-118 NNS denotes mice
T1252 119-120 -LRB- denotes (
T1253 120-129 NN denotes hereafter
T1254 130-138 VBD denotes referred
T1255 139-141 TO denotes to
T1256 142-144 IN denotes as
T1257 145-149 NN denotes cpdm
T1258 150-154 NNS denotes mice
T1259 154-155 -RRB- denotes )
T1260 156-166 VBN denotes associated
T1261 167-171 IN denotes with
T1262 172-181 VBN denotes increased
T1263 182-192 NN denotes expression
T1264 193-195 IN denotes of
T1265 196-199 JJ denotes Th2
T1266 200-209 NNS denotes cytokines
T1267 210-212 IN denotes in
T1268 213-216 DT denotes the
T1269 217-221 NN denotes skin
T1270 222-225 CC denotes and
T1271 226-228 IN denotes in
T1272 229-232 DT denotes the
T1273 233-245 NNS denotes supernatants
T1274 246-248 IN denotes of
T1275 249-258 VBN denotes activated
T1276 259-270 NNS denotes splenocytes
T1277 271-272 VBP denotes [
T1278 272-273 CD denotes 5
T1279 273-274 NNP denotes ]
T1280 274-275 . denotes .
R998 T1236 T1237 expl There,are
R999 T1237 T1237 ROOT are,are
R1000 T1238 T1237 attr accumulations,are
R1001 T1239 T1238 prep of,accumulations
R1002 T1240 T1239 pobj eosinophils,of
R1003 T1241 T1240 punct ",",eosinophils
R1004 T1242 T1240 conj neutrophils,eosinophils
R1005 T1243 T1242 cc and,neutrophils
R1006 T1244 T1242 conj macrophages,neutrophils
R1007 T1245 T1238 prep in,accumulations
R1008 T1246 T1247 det the,skin
R1009 T1247 T1245 pobj skin,in
R1010 T1248 T1247 prep of,skin
R1011 T1249 T1251 nmod Sharpincpdm/Sharpincpdm,mice
R1012 T1250 T1251 amod mutant,mice
R1013 T1251 T1248 pobj mice,of
R1014 T1252 T1254 punct (,referred
R1015 T1253 T1254 nsubj hereafter,referred
R1016 T1254 T1237 parataxis referred,are
R1017 T1255 T1254 prep to,referred
R1018 T1256 T1254 prep as,referred
R1019 T1257 T1258 compound cpdm,mice
R1020 T1258 T1256 pobj mice,as
R1021 T1259 T1254 punct ),referred
R1022 T1260 T1237 conj associated,are
R1023 T1261 T1260 prep with,associated
R1024 T1262 T1263 amod increased,expression
R1025 T1263 T1261 pobj expression,with
R1026 T1264 T1263 prep of,expression
R1027 T1265 T1266 amod Th2,cytokines
R1028 T1266 T1264 pobj cytokines,of
R1029 T1267 T1266 prep in,cytokines
R1030 T1268 T1269 det the,skin
R1031 T1269 T1267 pobj skin,in
R1032 T1270 T1267 cc and,in
R1033 T1271 T1267 conj in,in
R1034 T1272 T1273 det the,supernatants
R1035 T1273 T1271 pobj supernatants,in
R1036 T1274 T1273 prep of,supernatants
R1037 T1275 T1276 amod activated,splenocytes
R1038 T1276 T1274 pobj splenocytes,of
R1039 T1277 T1279 nmod [,]
R1040 T1278 T1279 nummod 5,]
R1041 T1279 T1260 npadvmod ],associated
R1042 T1280 T1260 punct .,associated


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T982 0-275 Sentence denotes There are accumulations of eosinophils, neutrophils and macrophages in the skin of Sharpincpdm/Sharpincpdm mutant mice (hereafter referred to as cpdm mice) associated with increased expression of Th2 cytokines in the skin and in the supernatants of activated splenocytes [5].
T18 0-275 Sentence denotes There are accumulations of eosinophils, neutrophils and macrophages in the skin of Sharpincpdm/Sharpincpdm mutant mice (hereafter referred to as cpdm mice) associated with increased expression of Th2 cytokines in the skin and in the supernatants of activated splenocytes [5].