PMC:2944670 / 29162-30207
{"project":"TEST0","denotations":[{"id":"20877434-61-69-476009","span":{"begin":244,"end":248},"obj":"[\"17082507\"]"}],"text":"BCI control of web browsers\nThe history of providing internet access to ALS patients dates back to 1999 when the TTD developed in Tübingen was used to operate a standard web browser. In a first implementation, called “Descartes” (Karim et al., 2006), the web window was shown for a certain amount of time (about 120 s), then a navigation screen would present the links from the current web page as leaves in a tree. A more advanced prototype, called “Nessi” (Bensch et al., 2007), allowed a more flexible selection of links thanks to a better user interface, again highlighting how BCI operation can be facilitated and improved by better HCI principles. More recently, this group has developed another browser based on P300 (Mugler et al., 2008). Theoretically, a browser with P300 control can enable selection from as many links as the elements in the P300 matrix (for a 6 × 6 matrix, 36), and the selection of a link could be completed in one step, although reliable recognition requires several iterations of the presentations of row/columns."}
{"project":"0_colil","denotations":[{"id":"20877434-17082507-476009","span":{"begin":244,"end":248},"obj":"17082507"}],"text":"BCI control of web browsers\nThe history of providing internet access to ALS patients dates back to 1999 when the TTD developed in Tübingen was used to operate a standard web browser. In a first implementation, called “Descartes” (Karim et al., 2006), the web window was shown for a certain amount of time (about 120 s), then a navigation screen would present the links from the current web page as leaves in a tree. A more advanced prototype, called “Nessi” (Bensch et al., 2007), allowed a more flexible selection of links thanks to a better user interface, again highlighting how BCI operation can be facilitated and improved by better HCI principles. More recently, this group has developed another browser based on P300 (Mugler et al., 2008). Theoretically, a browser with P300 control can enable selection from as many links as the elements in the P300 matrix (for a 6 × 6 matrix, 36), and the selection of a link could be completed in one step, although reliable recognition requires several iterations of the presentations of row/columns."}
{"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"20877434-17082507-38386992","span":{"begin":244,"end":248},"obj":"17082507"}],"text":"BCI control of web browsers\nThe history of providing internet access to ALS patients dates back to 1999 when the TTD developed in Tübingen was used to operate a standard web browser. In a first implementation, called “Descartes” (Karim et al., 2006), the web window was shown for a certain amount of time (about 120 s), then a navigation screen would present the links from the current web page as leaves in a tree. A more advanced prototype, called “Nessi” (Bensch et al., 2007), allowed a more flexible selection of links thanks to a better user interface, again highlighting how BCI operation can be facilitated and improved by better HCI principles. More recently, this group has developed another browser based on P300 (Mugler et al., 2008). Theoretically, a browser with P300 control can enable selection from as many links as the elements in the P300 matrix (for a 6 × 6 matrix, 36), and the selection of a link could be completed in one step, although reliable recognition requires several iterations of the presentations of row/columns."}