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PMC:2846953 / 32419-32939 JSONTXT

Adaptive regression modeling of biomarkers of potential harm in a population of U.S. adult cigarette smokers and nonsmokers Abstract Background This article describes the data mining analysis of a clinical exposure study of 3585 adult smokers and 1077 nonsmokers. The analysis focused on developing models for four biomarkers of potential harm (BOPH): white blood cell count (WBC), 24 h urine 8-epi-prostaglandin F2α (EPI8), 24 h urine 11-dehydro-thromboxane B2 (DEH11), and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL). Methods Random Forest was used for initial variable selection and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline was used for developing the final statistical models Results The analysis resulted in the generation of models that predict each of the BOPH as function of selected variables from the smokers and nonsmokers. The statistically significant variables in the models were: platelet count, hemoglobin, C-reactive protein, triglycerides, race and biomarkers of exposure to cigarette smoke for WBC (R-squared = 0.29); creatinine clearance, liver enzymes, weight, vitamin use and biomarkers of exposure for EPI8 (R-squared = 0.41); creatinine clearance, urine creatinine excretion, liver enzymes, use of Non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs, vitamins and biomarkers of exposure for DEH11 (R-squared = 0.29); and triglycerides, weight, age, sex, alcohol consumption and biomarkers of exposure for HDL (R-squared = 0.39). Conclusions Levels of WBC, EPI8, DEH11 and HDL were statistically associated with biomarkers of exposure to cigarette smoking and demographics and life style factors. All of the predictors togather explain 29%-41% of the variability in the BOPH. Background Cigarette smoking is a well known risk factor for cardiovascular diseases [1]. Commonly accepted pathophysiological mechanisms underlying many cigarette smoking associated adverse health effects are inflammation [2,3], oxidative stress [2,4], platelet activation [5,6] and abnormal lipid metabolism [7,8]. Suitable biomarkers of potential harm (BOPH) have been identified for these four different pathophysiological pathways: white blood cell counts (WBC) for inflammation [3,9,10], urine 8-epi-prostaglandin F2α (EPI8) for oxidative stress [11-13], urine 11-dehydro-thromboxane B2 (DEH11) for platelet activation [11,13,14], and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) for abnormal lipid metabolism [15]. The Total Exposure Study (TES) was a stratified, cross-sectional, multi-center study in 3585 adult smokers and 1077 nonsmokers, designed with the primary objective of estimating the exposure to cigarette smoke constituents in a population of U.S. adult cigarette smokers [16]. A secondary objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between cigarette smoke exposure and biomarkers of potential harm. The purpose of this study was to explore relationships between the variables in the TES and four biomarkers of potential harm and to capture those relationships in statistical models. Methods The TES study database contains data on biomarkers of potential harm, biomarkers of exposure (BOE), smoking history, medical history, concomitant medications, clinical laboratory results, and demographics for 3585 adult smokers and 1077 non-smokers. Details about the study have been previously reported [16,17]. The biomarkers of exposure included nicotine equivalents (NICEQ), serum cotinine (COTIN), 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol (NNAL) and NNAL glucuronides (TOTNN), carboxyhemoglobin (COHb), monohydroxy-butenyl-mercapturic acid (MHBMA), mercapturic acid metabolites dihydroxy-butyl-mercapturic acid (DHBMA), 4-aminobiphenyl (4-ABP) hemoglobin adducts, 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP) and 3-hydroxypropylmercapturic acid (3-HPMA). These biomarkers are indicators of exposure to cigarette smoke and represent cigarette smoke constituents. Details about the biomarkers and the smoke constituents represented by these biomarkers can be found in Roethig et al. [16]. They were measured in either urinary samples or blood samples in the TES study [16,17]. Overview of variables in the data mining database In the data mining, variables were selected based on their scientific relevance to the targeted biomarkers of potential harm. Table 1 provides an overview of the variables that appear in the data mining datasets and Table 2 has the full names of the biomarkers of potential harm. Table 1 Overview of variable group (and number of variables) that appear in the data mining data set Group Variables BOPH (4) DEH11, EPI8, HDL, WBC Special interest variables: BOE (9): HPMA3, DHBMA, MHBMA, NICEQ, COTIN, OHP, TOTNN, ABP, COHB Special interest variables: cumulative effects (2) "AGE", "SMKYRS" (years smoked, excluded from analysis of non-smokers) Special interest variables: stratification (1) Smoking Status Exposure variables (4) Measures of exposure to exhaust and chemicals, from questionnaire Exposure variables (non-smokers, 8) Measures of exposure to secondary smoke, from questionnaire Exposure variables (smokers, 19) Measures of exposure to tobacco, including number of cigarettes smoked, tar and nicotine content, presence of menthol, included only in the analysis for smokers Demographics (13) Weight, gender, race, geographical location, income, etc. Vital signs (5) Respiratory rate, temperature, blood pressure, pulse Clinical measures (2) Measures of respiratory capacity, FVC, FEV1 General health (20) General health questions, from questionnaire Lab values (22) Clinical chemistry laboratory values Creatinine clearance (1) CRCL: 24 h urine creatinine/plasma creatinine Lab value flags (6) Lab value flags Medical history indicators (15) Medical history findings broken down into 15 categories Concomitant medications (61) Concomitant medications broken down into 61 categories Table 2 Variables appearing in the final models, names and abbreviations Names Abbreviations Units/category names 24 h urine 11-Dehydro-thromboxane B2 DEH11 ng/24 hr urine 24 h urine 8-epi-prostaglandin F2α EPI8 ng/24 hr urine High density lipoprotein cholesterol HDL ng/dL White Blood Cell Count WBC ×10^3/uL 24 h urine Nicotine equivalents NICEQ mg/24 hr urine Serum Cotinine COTIN ng/mL 24 h urine total 1-hydroxypyrene OHP ng/24 hr urine 24 h urine total 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol (total NNAL) TOTNN ng/24 hr urine Creatinine clearance CRCL dL/day 24 h urine creatinine UCRCAL mg/24 hr urine Aspartate aminotransferase AST U/L Alkaline phosphatase ALKPH U/L Serum Triglycerides TRIG mg/dL Platelet count PLATE ×10^3/uL High-sensitivity C-reactive protein CRP mg/L Hemoglobin HGB g/dL Age AGE Yrs Weight WEIGHTK kg Vitamin supplements VITIMINS yes, no Alcohol consumption DRINK > = once/day, >once/week, once/week, 2. .EQ.xxx, .GT.xxx, .LT.xxx, .GE.xxx, .LE.xxx 3. .IFLT.xxx, .IFGT.xxx Here, is the short name of a variable from Table 2 and xxx is a number or category selected by MARS. Form 1 is used for variables that enter into the MARS models as linear functions. Form 2 is used to describe dummy variables formed from a categorical variable. In this context "EQ", "GT", "LT", "GE", "LE" stand for "equal", "greater than", "less than", "greater than or equal to", and "less than or equal to". For example, Race.EQ.BLACK designates a variable that is one for blacks and zero otherwise. Alcohol consumption.GT.1 PER WEEK designates a variable that is one for subjects who have more than one drink per week and 0 otherwise. Form 3 is used for transformed continuous variables. For example, CRCL.IFGT.100 (read CRCL if greater than 100) indicates a variable that is equal to CRCL if CRCL is greater than 100 and 100 otherwise. Similarly, CRCL.IFLT.100 is a variable that is equal to CRCL when CRCL is < 100 and equal to 100 otherwise. Using this notation, regression coefficients can be interpreted as slopes. Positive slopes indicate that the dependent variable increases as the predictor variable increases and negative slopes indicate that the dependant variable decreases as the predictor variable increases. Variables of Form 3 are called transformations of the original variable and are thought of as the result of applying a function (or transformation) to the original variable. Other commonly used transformations that do not appear in our regression output are square root, power, and log transformations. Collectively, interactions and variables of forms 1, 2, and 3 are called basis functions. The MARS procedure, to be discussed below, may be thought of as a procedure for selecting an optimal set of basis functions that are to be used as the predictor of a given dependent variable. The basis functions used by MARS differ slightly from the basis functions described here. We have chosen to use the basis functions as described here in preference to those used by MARS, because the former seem easier to interpret. Results Tables 3 and 4 present parameter estimates, standard errors and p values for the final models for each of the four BOPH for the analysis data set. The parameters often characterize multiple transformations of the same underlying predictor. Figures 1 to 2 show the importance plots of the predictor variables based on Marginal R-squared and Delta R-squared values. All plots were based on unimputed data. Table 3 Parameter estimates in models for DEH11 and EPI8 for all subjects (analysis data set) a) Model for DEH11 R2 = 0.29 Parameters Value. Std Error t value P value Intercept -4045.3022 752.258 -5.38 <0.001 COTIN.IFGT.11 1.4494 0.123 11.78 <0.001 UCRCAL.IFLT.3036 0.3531 0.0484 7.30 <0.001 CRCL.IFLT.4325 0.3698 0.0391 9.45 <0.001 AST.IFGT.25 17.9064 1.2832 13.95 <0.001 AST.IFGT.126 -18.2428 2.3656 -7.71 <0.001 ALKPH.IFLT.184 3.1360 0.6583 4.76 <0.001 ALKPH.IFGT.184 30.7979 3.6627 8.41 <0.001 NSAID.EQ.YES -346.0560 38.2528 -9.05 <0.001 VITAMIN.EQ.YES -211.7183 29.8500 -7.09 <0.001 b) Model for EPI8 R2 = 0.41 Parameters Value. Std Error t value P value Intercept 1383.0200 574.483 2.41 0.016 TOTNN.IFLT.57 5.1813 0.7683 6.74 <0.001 TOTNN.IFGT.57 0.5548 0.0593 9.35 <0.001 TOTNN.IFGT.1452 -1.4595 0.3895 -3.75 0.000 OHP.IFLT.473 0.8552 0.1212 7.05 <0.001 CRCL 0.6268 0.0262 23.93 <0.001 AST.IFGT.22 -135.4800 30.5048 -4.44 <0.001 AST.IFGT.24 247.4960 59.5308 4.16 <0.001 AST.IFGT.26 -108.4000 33.1568 -3.27 0.001 AST.IFLT.106 12.2512 2.2425 5.46 <0.001 WEIGHTK 6.2845 0.7274 8.64 <0.001 VITAMIN.EQ.YES -250.7700 28.4736 -8.81 <0.001 Table 4 Parameter estimates in models for WBC and HDL for all subjects (analysis data set) a) Model for WBC R2 = 0.29 Parameters Value Std. Error t value P value Intercept -6.4951 1.4436 -4.50 <0.001 TOTNN.IFGT.51 -0.0055 0.0026 -2.17 0.030 TOTNN.IFLT.471 0.0078 0.0023 3.36 0.001 TOTNN.IFGT.471 0.0065 0.0026 2.49 0.013 CRP.IFLT.2 0.3426 0.0548 6.25 <0.001 CRP.IFGT.2 0.0715 0.0096 7.48 <0.001 CRP.IFGT.20 -0.0477 0.0169 -2.82 0.005 PLATE.IFLT.245 0.0106 0.0014 7.69 <0.001 PLATE.IFGT.245 0.007 0.0007 10.64 <0.001 HGB.IFLT.14 0.3242 0.0477 6.80 <0.001 TRIG.IFLT.171 0.0051 0.0008 6.32 <0.001 TRIG.IFGT.503 0.0025 0.0008 3.17 0.002 RACE.EQ.BLACK -0.679 0.0914 -7.42 <0.001 b) Model for HDL R2 = 0.39 Parameters Value Std. Error t value P value Intercept 55.4292 2.948 18.80 <0.001 COTIN.IFGT.31 -0.0291 0.0036 -7.97 <0.001 COTIN.IFGT.193 0.0258 0.0069 3.75 0.000 TRIG.IFGT.52 -0.5819 0.0786 -7.40 <0.001 TRIG.IFGT.64 0.483 0.0816 5.92 <0.001 TRIG.IFGT.177 0.0753 0.0086 8.76 <0.001 WEIGHT.IFLT.76 -0.267 0.032 -8.34 <0.001 WEIGHT.IFGT.76 -0.0834 0.0157 -5.30 <0.001 AGE.IFLT.55 0.3119 0.0197 15.83 <0.001 SEX.EQ.F 6.72 0.4723 14.23 <0.001 DRINK.EQ.Y 2.0567 0.5099 4.03 0.0001 DRINK.GT.1.PER.WK 7.875 0.5393 14.60 <0.001 Figure 1 Variable importance plots for DEH11 and EPI8 for All Subjects (Analysis data set). Figure 2 Variable importance plots for HDL and WBC for All Subjects (Analysis data set). The model for DEH11 contains predictors COTIN, UCRCAL, CRCL, AST, ALKPH, NSAID, and VITAMIN (Table 3). The model accounts for 29% of the total variability in DEH11 in all subjects. Higher serum cotinine, urine creatinine and creatinine clearance were predictors of higher 24-hour urinary excretion of 11-dehydrothromboxane B2. Higher serum AST (up to 126 U/L) was mainly a predictor of higher 24-hour urinary excretion of 11-dehydrothromboxane B2 while use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents and vitamin supplements were predictors of lower 24-hour urinary excretion of 11-dehydrothromboxane B2. In the validation data set the same predictors were significant with the exception of ALKPH. The model for EPI8 contains predictors TOTNN, OHP, CRCL, AST, WEIGHTK, and VITAMIN and it accounts for 41% of the total variability in EPI8 in all subjects (Table 3). Higher total NNAL (up to 1452 ng/24 h), OHP (if less than 473 ng/24 h), creatinine clearance and weight were predictors of higher 24-hour excretion of urinary 8-epi-ProstaglandinF2α Type III. Higher serum AST was either a predictor of higher or lower 24-hour excretion of urinary 8-epi-ProstaglandinF2α Type III, depending on its concentration level. Use of vitamin supplements was a predictor of lower 24-hour excretion of urinary 8-epi-ProstaglandinF2α Type III. In the validation data set the same predictors were significant with the exception of AST. The model for WBC in all subjects contains predictors TOTNN, CRP, PLATE, HGB, TRIG, and RACE (Table 4). The model accounts for 29% of the total variability in WBC. Increases in total NNAL (if greater than 51 and less than 471 ng/24 h), high sensitivity c-reactive protein (up to 20 mg/L), platelet count, hemoglobin (if less than 14 g/DL), and triglycerides were predictors of higher WBC count, while race categories of Black and "other" were predictors of lower WBC count. In the validation data set the same predictors were significant. The model for HDL in all subjects contains predictors COTIN, TRIG, WEIGHTK, HGB, AGE, SEX, and ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION (Table 4). The model accounts for 39% of the total variability in HDL. Higher age, alcohol consumption and female gender were predictors of higher HDL cholesterol, while higher triglycerides was a predictor of lower HDL cholesterol. Higher weight and cotinine (if less than 31 ng/ml) were predictors of lower HDL cholesterol. In the validation data set the same predictors were significant. Table 5 provides a summary of fit statistics across models for the analysis data set and the validation data set. Figures 1 and 2 gives the importance plots for the predictors for the 4 BOPH. Table 5 Summary of model fit statistics across models for all subjects Model Random Forest R2: Analysis Data Set MARS GCV R2: Analysis Data Set Linear Regression R2: Analysis Data Set Linear Regression R2: Validation Data Set (applied) Linear Regression R2: Validation Data Set (Refit) WBC 0.28 0.27 0.29 0.29 0.31 EPI8 0.40 0.42 0.41 0.35 0.38 DEH11 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.25 0.27 HDL 0.40 0.37 0.39 0.40 0.41 Discussion The primary purpose of this analysis was to explore the quantitative associations of biomarkers of exposure and other variables with biomarkers of potential harm related to cigarette smoking. We examined the covariates (or secondary variables) to see whether they could mediate or modulate the effect of biomarkers of exposure. In pursuing this, we developed a systematic approach to the mining of a complex biomarker database. This approach helped us find interpretable linear models that could explain a substantial proportion of the variability for all four of the biomarkers of potential harm (WBC, EPI8, DEH11, HDL). These regression models summarize the information originally contained in 169 variables. We began by applying a general purpose data mining procedure (Random Forest) to find a list of important variables that could plausibly affect the chosen dependant variables and black box models that relate these variables to the four BOPH. Results from the Random Forest procedure were used as a starting point for the MARS algorithm which produced the multiple regression models. The regression models found by MARS were then applied and refit to a validation data set in SPLUS. It is remarkable that (as shown in Table 5) the R-squared statistics generated by the Random Forests, MARS and regression procedures are in good agreement with each other, suggesting that the proposed models will be reproducible in future studies. MARS is a nonparametric regression model in which no assumption is made regarding the function relationship between dependent and independent variables [22,29]. Instead of residual plots, other approaches are commonly used for assessing nonparametric regression models [29]. Due to the availability of a relatively large sample size in our dataset, we set aside a validation dataset of 20% of the observations and use it to assess the performance of our models. As presented in Table 5 of our manuscript, the R-squared values of the final models based on the analysis dataset are in good agreement with those based on the validation dataset. This approach confirmed the appropriateness of the models. The proposed regression models, which involve the transformations of some predictor variables, provide predictive capability comparable to that produced by the Random Forest models. Interactions between dependent variables are not needed. In spite of the generally good agreement of model fit statistics between analysis and validation data sets, the linear models fit to the analysis and validation data sets are not identical, i.e. some variables that are highly significant in the analysis data set do not remain so in the validation data set. These discrepancies, which may suggest aspects of the modeling that will not be generalized to future studies or may be artifacts of the smaller sample size of the validation data set, will be discussed below. The role of smoking status in our analysis is of special interest. It is notable that smoking status does not appear in any of the regression models. This suggests that the effect of smoking on each biomarker of potential harm is mediated by one or more of the biomarkers of exposure or covariates. 19 additional variables, which measured specifics of smoking behavior, were also entered as candidate variables, but none were included in the final model. Each model contains at least one BOE predictor: COTIN appears as a predictor of DEH11 and HDL, TOTNN appears as a predictor of EPI8 and WBC, and OHP appears as a predictor of EPI8. The inclusion of the variables COTIN or TOTNN, instead of smoking status or nicotine equivalents, in the final model for DEH11 or EPI8 does not necessarily mean that these variables by themselves are more biologically important than smoking status or nicotine equivalents. In MARS modeling, the inclusion of a new predictor is dependent on the number of predictors already in the model and the correlation(s) of the new predictor with the remaining predictor(s). COTIN or TOTNN is included in the final model because its contribution and that from other existing predictors accounts for a larger variability in DEH11 and EPI8 than smoking status or nicotine equivalents. On the other hand, the contribution of smoking status or nicotine equivalents is most likely already captured by COTIN or TOTNN and other variables in the model. As shown in Figure 1, UCRCAL and CRCL are overall important predictors of DEH11, accounting for more variation in DEH11 than the BOE COTIN. Similarly, CRCL is the most important predictor of EPI8, with TOTNN and OHP also playing important roles. The importance of CRCL here is likely related to the fact that DEH11 and EPI8 were both measured in urine. As defined here, CRCL is a marker of kidney function. UCRCAL reflects variability in creatinine production, which is known to be related to muscle mass and is thus influenced by AGE, WEIGHT, and SEX. One of the purposes of this analysis was to investigate various sources of variability, therefore we included the creatinine excretion and creatinine clearance in the model, so that we could understand the magnitude of impact of these factors on the variability. Indeed it was not surprising that, based on the marginal r-squared values (Figure 1), urine creatinine/creatinine clearance had a relatively large contribution on the final models for EPI8 and DEH11. This suggests that normalization for creatinine could potentially reduce the variability in these biomarkers. The variables TRIG, SEX, WEIGHTK and ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION are all more important predictors of HDL than is the BOE COTIN. The situation is somewhat different for WBC, where the BOE TOTNN appears as the most important predictor, followed by the variables PLATE and CRP. The model for WBC contains the following predictors: TOTNN, CRP, PLATE, HGB, TRIG, and RACE. The model reflects some well known factors influencing WBC, such as smoking, race and inflammation. The model also indicates a relationship with other hematologic variables such as platelets and red blood cells. Metabolic factors are also known to impact WBC [30]. The model for EPI8 contains the following predictors: TOTNN, OHP, CRCL, AST, WEIGHTK, and VITAMIN. The model suggests that kidney function and body mass are related to the excretion of this biomarker in urine. Exposure to cigarette smoke is thought to increases oxidative stress [11-13], whereas use of vitamin consumption decreases oxidative stress. Oxidative stress may also impact cell membranes, so that enzymes may leak to a higher degree from cells. The weak relationship between AST and EPI8 may be suggestive of the oxidative damage to the cells, since serum AST is localized in heart, brain, skeletal muscle and liver tissue and is generally considered a general biomarker of leaky/damaged cells e.g. hepatocytes as well as myocytes [31]. However this relationship should be interpreted with caution since the contribution of the AST levels to the variability of EPI8 was relatively small (Figure 1). Furthermore AST levels are also reported to be influence by the use of medications [31-33]. The model for DEH11 contains the following predictors: COTIN, UCRCAL, CRCL, AST, ALKPH, NSAID, and VITAMIN. The model suggests that kidney function and muscle mass are related to the excretion of this biomarker in urine. Exposure to cigarette smoke increases platelet activation, whereas use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, e.g. aspirin and vitamin consumption decrease platelet activation [11,15]. The relationship with serum enzymes is less clear but might indicate that processes, which activate platelets, impact cell membranes, so that enzymes may leak to a higher degree from cells. The model for HDL contains COTIN, TRIG, WEIGHTK, AGE, SEX, and ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION. It suggests that bodyweight and male gender impact HDL negatively, whereas older age, female sex and regular alcohol consumption have a positive effect on HDL cholesterol. Higher triglycerides is generally associated with lower HDL cholesterol [34]. Conclusions In summary, levels of WBC, EPI8, DEH11 and HDL were statistically significantly related to biomarkers of exposure to cigarette smoking, demographics and life style factors. The statistical models successfully captured a large amount of variability in the biomarkers and depicted the important biological relationships between the biomarker and the effects. Considering the numerous potential sources of variability for the 4 biomarkers and their complex relationships, the R-squared values of 29% to 41% are significant. List of abbreviations The abbreviations of all model variables are listed in Table 2. Competing interests All authors except JHW are or were employees of Philip Morris USA Inc./Altria Client Services Inc. JHW was an employee of Pharsight Corporation when he was conducting the modeling for this paper. Pharsight Corporation received funding from Philip Morris USA for the modeling. Authors' contributions JHW contributed as the primary modeler. He carried out the statistical modeling and participated in developing the manuscript. QL contributed as the corresponding author of the manuscript. He participated in developing the models and finalized the manuscript. MS participated in developing the manuscript. PEM participated in developing the manuscript. HJR initiated the project and participated in developing the models and the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Pre-publication history The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2288/10/19/prepub Acknowledgements We thank Lonnie Rimmer, Kim Frost-Pineda, Jianmin Liu and Sunil Kapur for project management and technical assistance with the study.

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