PMC:2728203 / 29695-30434
{"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"18190927-1522591-62517998","span":{"begin":582,"end":584},"obj":"1522591"},{"id":"18190927-16552146-62517999","span":{"begin":737,"end":739},"obj":"16552146"},{"id":"18190927-8272427-62517999","span":{"begin":737,"end":739},"obj":"8272427"}],"text":"NOE distance restraints were derived from analysis of all of the data from NOE-based experiments. Cross-peak intensities were measured using the program SPARKY40 and grouped into four categories. The strongest dαN (i, i + 1) were used to set the upper limit for the category “very strong” (0–2.3 Å), strong dNN (i, i + 1) connectivities in α-helices defined the category “strong” (0–2.8 Å), dαN (i, i + 3) cross peaks in helices defined the category “medium” (0–3.5 Å), and all remaining peaks were classified as “weak” (0–5 Å). Lower bounds for all NOE restraints were set to zero,41 and no multiplicity corrections were required since r− 6 summation was used for restraints involving groups of equivalent or nonstereoassigned spins.33,42"}