> top > docs > PMC:2222968 > spans > 32530-32671 > annotations

PMC:2222968 / 32530-32671 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T14531 0-4 RB denotes Thus
T14532 5-10 NN denotes GATA3
T14533 11-20 VB denotes restrains
T14534 21-24 DT denotes the
T14535 25-36 NN denotes development
T14536 37-39 IN denotes of
T14537 40-47 JJ denotes certain
T14538 48-52 NN denotes Treg
T14539 53-60 NN denotes subsets
T14540 60-61 -COMMA- denotes ,
T14541 62-72 RB denotes presumably
T14542 73-76 DT denotes the
T14543 77-86 JJ denotes inducible
T14544 86-87 -COMMA- denotes ,
T14545 88-98 JJ denotes peripheral
T14546 99-109 NN denotes population
T14547 110-113 CC denotes and
T14548 114-117 RB denotes not
T14549 118-123 DT denotes those
T14550 124-126 IN denotes of
T14551 127-133 JJ denotes thymic
T14552 134-140 NN denotes origin
R10942 T14532 T14533 arg1Of GATA3,restrains
R10943 T14533 T14531 arg1Of restrains,Thus
R10944 T14535 T14533 arg2Of development,restrains
R10945 T14535 T14534 arg1Of development,the
R10946 T14535 T14536 arg1Of development,of
R10947 T14539 T14536 arg2Of subsets,of
R10948 T14539 T14537 arg1Of subsets,certain
R10949 T14539 T14538 arg1Of subsets,Treg
R10950 T14539 T14540 arg1Of subsets,","
R10951 T14543 T14544 arg1Of inducible,","
R10952 T14545 T14544 arg2Of peripheral,","
R10953 T14546 T14542 arg1Of population,the
R10954 T14546 T14543 arg1Of population,inducible
R10955 T14546 T14545 arg1Of population,peripheral
R10956 T14546 T14547 arg1Of population,and
R10957 T14547 T14540 arg2Of and,","
R10958 T14547 T14541 arg1Of and,presumably
R10959 T14549 T14547 arg2Of those,and
R10960 T14549 T14548 arg1Of those,not
R10961 T14549 T14550 arg1Of those,of
R10962 T14552 T14550 arg2Of origin,of
R10963 T14552 T14551 arg1Of origin,thymic


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T16023 0-4 RB denotes Thus
T16024 5-10 JJ denotes GATA3
T16025 11-20 NNS denotes restrains
T16026 21-24 DT denotes the
T16027 25-36 NN denotes development
T16028 37-39 IN denotes of
T16029 40-47 JJ denotes certain
T16030 48-52 NNP denotes Treg
T16031 53-60 NNS denotes subsets
T16032 60-61 , denotes ,
T16033 62-72 RB denotes presumably
T16034 73-76 DT denotes the
T16035 77-86 JJ denotes inducible
T16036 86-87 , denotes ,
T16037 88-98 JJ denotes peripheral
T16038 99-109 NN denotes population
T16039 110-113 CC denotes and
T16040 114-117 RB denotes not
T16041 118-123 DT denotes those
T16042 124-126 IN denotes of
T16043 127-133 JJ denotes thymic
T16044 134-140 NN denotes origin
T16045 140-141 . denotes .
R12236 T16023 T16025 advmod Thus,restrains
R12238 T16024 T16025 nsubj GATA3,restrains
R12239 T16025 T16025 ROOT restrains,restrains
R12240 T16026 T16027 det the,development
R12242 T16027 T16025 dobj development,restrains
R12243 T16028 T16027 prep of,development
R12244 T16029 T16031 amod certain,subsets
R12246 T16030 T16031 compound Treg,subsets
R12247 T16031 T16028 pobj subsets,of
R12249 T16032 T16031 punct ",",subsets
R12250 T16033 T16038 advmod presumably,population
R12251 T16034 T16038 det the,population
R12253 T16035 T16038 amod inducible,population
R12254 T16036 T16038 punct ",",population
R12255 T16037 T16038 amod peripheral,population
R12257 T16038 T16031 conj population,subsets
R12258 T16039 T16038 cc and,population
R12259 T16040 T16041 neg not,those
R12262 T16041 T16038 conj those,population
R12263 T16042 T16041 prep of,those
R12265 T16043 T16044 amod thymic,origin
R12266 T16044 T16042 pobj origin,of
R12268 T16045 T16025 punct .,restrains


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13483 25-36 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0032502 denotes development


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13464 0-141 Sentence denotes Thus GATA3 restrains the development of certain Treg subsets, presumably the inducible, peripheral population and not those of thymic origin.
T241 0-141 Sentence denotes Thus GATA3 restrains the development of certain Treg subsets, presumably the inducible, peripheral population and not those of thymic origin.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T17489 5-10 Protein denotes GATA3


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13692 5-10 Protein denotes GATA3


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15066 5-10 P23771 denotes GATA3


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13371 5-10 Protein denotes GATA3