> top > docs > PMC:2222968 > spans > 13395-13518 > annotations

PMC:2222968 / 13395-13518 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T24739 0-3 DT denotes The
T24740 4-9 NN denotes cells
T24741 10-14 VB denotes were
T24742 15-24 VB denotes harvested
T24743 25-27 IN denotes at
T24744 28-37 JJ denotes different
T24745 38-42 NN denotes time
T24746 43-49 NN denotes points
T24747 49-50 -COMMA- denotes ,
T24748 51-54 CC denotes and
T24749 55-59 NN denotes mRNA
T24750 60-63 VB denotes was
T24751 64-74 VB denotes quantified
T24752 75-77 IN denotes by
T24753 78-87 JJ denotes real-time
T24754 88-91 NN denotes PCR
T24755 92-95 IN denotes for
T24756 96-101 NN denotes FOXP3
T24757 102-105 CC denotes and
T24758 106-111 NN denotes GATA3
T24759 112-122 NN denotes expression
R18475 T24740 T24739 arg1Of cells,The
R18476 T24740 T24741 arg1Of cells,were
R18477 T24740 T24742 arg2Of cells,harvested
R18478 T24742 T24741 arg2Of harvested,were
R18479 T24742 T24743 arg1Of harvested,at
R18480 T24742 T24748 arg1Of harvested,and
R18481 T24746 T24743 arg2Of points,at
R18482 T24746 T24744 arg1Of points,different
R18483 T24746 T24745 arg1Of points,time
R18484 T24748 T24747 arg1Of and,","
R18485 T24749 T24750 arg1Of mRNA,was
R18486 T24749 T24751 arg2Of mRNA,quantified
R18487 T24751 T24748 arg2Of quantified,and
R18488 T24751 T24750 arg2Of quantified,was
R18489 T24754 T24751 arg1Of PCR,quantified
R18490 T24754 T24752 arg2Of PCR,by
R18491 T24754 T24753 arg1Of PCR,real-time
R18492 T24754 T24755 arg1Of PCR,for
R18493 T24756 T24757 arg1Of FOXP3,and
R18494 T24758 T24757 arg2Of GATA3,and
R18495 T24759 T24755 arg2Of expression,for
R18496 T24759 T24756 arg1Of expression,FOXP3
R18497 T24759 T24758 arg1Of expression,GATA3


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T24864 0-3 DT denotes The
T24865 4-9 NNS denotes cells
T24866 10-14 VBD denotes were
T24867 15-24 VBN denotes harvested
T24868 25-27 IN denotes at
T24869 28-37 JJ denotes different
T24870 38-42 NN denotes time
T24871 43-49 NNS denotes points
T24872 49-50 , denotes ,
T24873 51-54 CC denotes and
T24874 55-59 NNP denotes mRNA
T24875 60-63 VBD denotes was
T24876 64-74 VBN denotes quantified
T24877 75-77 IN denotes by
T24878 78-87 JJ denotes real-time
T24879 88-91 NNP denotes PCR
T24880 92-95 IN denotes for
T24881 96-101 NNP denotes FOXP3
T24882 102-105 CC denotes and
T24883 106-111 NNP denotes GATA3
T24884 112-122 NN denotes expression
T24885 122-123 . denotes .
R18590 T24874 T24876 nsubjpass mRNA,quantified
R18591 T24875 T24876 auxpass was,quantified
R18592 T24876 T24867 conj quantified,harvested
R18593 T24877 T24876 agent by,quantified
R18594 T24878 T24879 amod real-time,PCR
R18595 T24879 T24877 pobj PCR,by
R18596 T24880 T24876 prep for,quantified
R18597 T24881 T24880 pobj FOXP3,for
R18598 T24882 T24881 cc and,FOXP3
R18599 T24883 T24884 compound GATA3,expression
R18600 T24884 T24881 conj expression,FOXP3
R18601 T24885 T24876 punct .,quantified
R18580 T24864 T24865 det The,cells
R18581 T24865 T24867 nsubjpass cells,harvested
R18582 T24866 T24867 auxpass were,harvested
R18583 T24867 T24867 ROOT harvested,harvested
R18584 T24868 T24867 prep at,harvested
R18585 T24869 T24871 amod different,points
R18586 T24870 T24871 compound time,points
R18587 T24871 T24868 pobj points,at
R18588 T24872 T24867 punct ",",harvested
R18589 T24873 T24867 cc and,harvested


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T24955 4-9 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T24701 0-123 Sentence denotes The cells were harvested at different time points, and mRNA was quantified by real-time PCR for FOXP3 and GATA3 expression.
T100 0-123 Sentence denotes The cells were harvested at different time points, and mRNA was quantified by real-time PCR for FOXP3 and GATA3 expression.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue Speculation
T25032 96-101 Protein denotes FOXP3
T25033 106-111 Protein denotes GATA3
T25034 112-122 Gene_expression denotes expression true
T25035 112-122 Gene_expression denotes expression true
R18676 T25032 T25035 themeOf FOXP3,expression
R18677 T25033 T25034 themeOf GATA3,expression


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T24964 96-101 Protein denotes FOXP3
T24965 106-111 Protein denotes GATA3
T24966 112-122 Gene_expression denotes expression
T24967 112-122 Gene_expression denotes expression
R18657 T24964 T24966 themeOf FOXP3,expression
R18658 T24965 T24967 themeOf GATA3,expression


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue Speculation
T24689 96-101 Protein denotes FOXP3
T24690 106-111 Protein denotes GATA3
T24691 112-122 Gene_expression denotes expression true
T24692 112-122 Gene_expression denotes expression true
R18439 T24689 T24692 themeOf FOXP3,expression
R18440 T24690 T24691 themeOf GATA3,expression


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T24813 96-101 Q9BZS1 denotes FOXP3
T24814 106-111 P23771 denotes GATA3


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T24673 96-101 Protein denotes FOXP3
T24674 106-111 Protein denotes GATA3
T24675 112-122 Gene_expression denotes expression
R18434 T24673 T24675 themeOf FOXP3,expression
R18435 T24674 T24675 themeOf GATA3,expression