> top > docs > PMC:194730 > spans > 691-763 > annotations

PMC:194730 / 691-763 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T337 0-72 sentence denotes Interestingly, the Ca2+-mediated vesiculation process was not impaired.
T338 1-14 RB denotes Interestingly
T339 63-71 VBN denotes impaired
T340 14-16 , denotes ,
T341 16-19 DT denotes the
T342 47-54 NN denotes process
T343 20-24 NN denotes Ca2+
T344 25-33 VBN denotes mediated
T345 24-25 HYPH denotes -
T346 34-46 NN denotes vesiculation
T347 55-58 VBD denotes was
T348 59-62 RB denotes not
T349 71-72 . denotes .
R119 T338 T339 advmod Interestingly,impaired
R120 T340 T339 punct ", ",impaired
R121 T341 T342 det the,process
R122 T342 T339 nsubjpass process,impaired
R124 T344 T342 amod mediated,process
R125 T345 T344 punct -,mediated
R127 T347 T339 auxpass was,impaired
R128 T348 T339 neg not,impaired
R129 T349 T339 punct .,impaired
R123 T343 T344 npadvmod Ca2+,mediated
R126 T346 T342 compound vesiculation,process


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T98 20-24 CHEBI:29108 denotes Ca2+
T99 34-46 GO:0006900 denotes vesiculation


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T164 20-24 CHEBI:29108 denotes Ca2+
T165 34-46 GO:0006900 denotes vesiculation