PMC:194730 / 1843-2543
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T1135 | 8-10 | NN | denotes | A7 |
T1136 | 11-13 | VBZ | denotes | is |
T1137 | 14-15 | DT | denotes | a |
T1138 | 47-54 | NN | denotes | protein |
T1139 | 16-20 | NN | denotes | Ca2+ |
T1140 | 39-46 | VBG | denotes | binding |
T1141 | 20-21 | HYPH | denotes | - |
T1142 | 22-25 | CC | denotes | and |
T1143 | 26-38 | NN | denotes | phospholipid |
T1144 | 38-39 | HYPH | denotes | - |
T1145 | 54-56 | , | denotes | , |
T1146 | 56-61 | WDT | denotes | which |
T1147 | 66-74 | VBN | denotes | isolated |
T1148 | 62-65 | VBD | denotes | was |
T1149 | 75-77 | IN | denotes | as |
T1150 | 78-81 | DT | denotes | the |
T1151 | 82-87 | NN | denotes | agent |
T1152 | 88-92 | WDT | denotes | that |
T1153 | 93-101 | VBD | denotes | mediated |
T1154 | 102-113 | NN | denotes | aggregation |
T1155 | 114-116 | IN | denotes | of |
T1156 | 117-127 | NN | denotes | chromaffin |
T1157 | 128-136 | NNS | denotes | granules |
T1158 | 137-140 | CC | denotes | and |
T1159 | 141-147 | NN | denotes | fusion |
T1160 | 148-150 | IN | denotes | of |
T1161 | 151-163 | NN | denotes | phospholipid |
T1162 | 164-173 | NNS | denotes | membranes |
T1163 | 174-176 | IN | denotes | in |
T1164 | 177-180 | DT | denotes | the |
T1165 | 181-189 | NN | denotes | presence |
T1166 | 190-192 | IN | denotes | of |
T1167 | 193-197 | NN | denotes | Ca2+ |
T1168 | 197-198 | . | denotes | . |
T1169 | 198-311 | sentence | denotes | This activity led to the proposal of annexin A7's involvement in the exocytotic secretion of catecholamines [1]. |
T1170 | 199-203 | DT | denotes | This |
T1171 | 204-212 | NN | denotes | activity |
T1172 | 213-216 | VBD | denotes | led |
T1173 | 217-219 | IN | denotes | to |
T1174 | 220-223 | DT | denotes | the |
T1175 | 224-232 | NN | denotes | proposal |
T1176 | 233-235 | IN | denotes | of |
T1177 | 236-243 | NN | denotes | annexin |
T1178 | 244-246 | NN | denotes | A7 |
T1179 | 249-260 | NN | denotes | involvement |
T1180 | 246-248 | POS | denotes | 's |
T1181 | 261-263 | IN | denotes | in |
T1182 | 264-267 | DT | denotes | the |
T1183 | 279-288 | NN | denotes | secretion |
T1184 | 268-278 | JJ | denotes | exocytotic |
T1185 | 289-291 | IN | denotes | of |
T1186 | 292-306 | NNS | denotes | catecholamines |
T1187 | 307-308 | -LRB- | denotes | [ |
T1188 | 308-309 | CD | denotes | 1 |
T1189 | 309-310 | -RRB- | denotes | ] |
T1190 | 310-311 | . | denotes | . |
T1191 | 311-467 | sentence | denotes | The protein belongs to a family of evolutionarily conserved proteins of a bipartite structure with a variable N-terminal and a conserved C-terminal domain. |
T1192 | 312-315 | DT | denotes | The |
T1193 | 316-323 | NN | denotes | protein |
T1194 | 324-331 | VBZ | denotes | belongs |
T1195 | 332-334 | IN | denotes | to |
T1196 | 335-336 | DT | denotes | a |
T1197 | 337-343 | NN | denotes | family |
T1198 | 344-346 | IN | denotes | of |
T1199 | 347-361 | RB | denotes | evolutionarily |
T1200 | 362-371 | VBN | denotes | conserved |
T1201 | 372-380 | NN | denotes | proteins |
T1202 | 381-383 | IN | denotes | of |
T1203 | 384-385 | DT | denotes | a |
T1204 | 396-405 | NN | denotes | structure |
T1205 | 386-395 | JJ | denotes | bipartite |
T1206 | 406-410 | IN | denotes | with |
T1207 | 411-412 | DT | denotes | a |
T1208 | 413-421 | JJ | denotes | variable |
T1209 | 422-423 | NN | denotes | N |
T1210 | 424-432 | JJ | denotes | terminal |
T1211 | 423-424 | HYPH | denotes | - |
T1212 | 433-436 | CC | denotes | and |
T1213 | 437-438 | DT | denotes | a |
T1214 | 439-448 | VBN | denotes | conserved |
T1215 | 449-450 | NN | denotes | C |
T1216 | 451-459 | JJ | denotes | terminal |
T1217 | 450-451 | HYPH | denotes | - |
T1218 | 460-466 | NN | denotes | domain |
T1219 | 466-467 | . | denotes | . |
T1220 | 467-612 | sentence | denotes | The C-terminal domain is responsible for the Ca2+- and phospholipid-binding, the N-terminal domain appears to confer functional diversity [2-4]. |
T1221 | 468-471 | DT | denotes | The |
T1222 | 483-489 | NN | denotes | domain |
T1223 | 472-473 | NN | denotes | C |
T1224 | 474-482 | JJ | denotes | terminal |
T1225 | 473-474 | HYPH | denotes | - |
T1226 | 490-492 | VBZ | denotes | is |
T1227 | 567-574 | VBZ | denotes | appears |
T1228 | 493-504 | JJ | denotes | responsible |
T1229 | 505-508 | IN | denotes | for |
T1230 | 509-512 | DT | denotes | the |
T1231 | 513-517 | NN | denotes | Ca2+ |
T1232 | 517-518 | HYPH | denotes | - |
T1233 | 519-522 | CC | denotes | and |
T1234 | 523-535 | NN | denotes | phospholipid |
T1235 | 535-536 | HYPH | denotes | - |
T1236 | 536-543 | VBG | denotes | binding |
T1237 | 543-545 | , | denotes | , |
T1238 | 545-548 | DT | denotes | the |
T1239 | 560-566 | NN | denotes | domain |
T1240 | 549-550 | NN | denotes | N |
T1241 | 551-559 | JJ | denotes | terminal |
T1242 | 550-551 | HYPH | denotes | - |
T1243 | 575-577 | TO | denotes | to |
T1244 | 578-584 | VB | denotes | confer |
T1245 | 585-595 | JJ | denotes | functional |
T1246 | 596-605 | NN | denotes | diversity |
T1247 | 606-607 | -LRB- | denotes | [ |
T1248 | 607-608 | CD | denotes | 2 |
T1249 | 608-609 | SYM | denotes | - |
T1250 | 609-610 | CD | denotes | 4 |
T1251 | 610-611 | -RRB- | denotes | ] |
T1252 | 611-612 | . | denotes | . |
T1253 | 612-700 | sentence | denotes | The binding to negatively charged phospholipids is thought to be mediated by Ca2+ ions. |
T1254 | 613-616 | DT | denotes | The |
T1255 | 617-624 | NN | denotes | binding |
T1256 | 664-671 | VBN | denotes | thought |
T1257 | 625-627 | IN | denotes | to |
T1258 | 628-638 | RB | denotes | negatively |
T1259 | 639-646 | JJ | denotes | charged |
T1260 | 647-660 | NNS | denotes | phospholipids |
T1261 | 661-663 | VBZ | denotes | is |
T1262 | 672-674 | TO | denotes | to |
T1263 | 678-686 | VBN | denotes | mediated |
T1264 | 675-677 | VB | denotes | be |
T1265 | 687-689 | IN | denotes | by |
T1266 | 690-694 | NN | denotes | Ca2+ |
T1267 | 695-699 | NNS | denotes | ions |
T1268 | 699-700 | . | denotes | . |
T1134 | 0-7 | NN | denotes | Annexin |
R314 | T1134 | T1135 | compound | Annexin,A7 |
R315 | T1135 | T1136 | nsubj | A7,is |
R316 | T1137 | T1138 | det | a,protein |
R317 | T1138 | T1136 | attr | protein,is |
R318 | T1139 | T1140 | npadvmod | Ca2+,binding |
R319 | T1140 | T1138 | amod | binding,protein |
R320 | T1141 | T1139 | punct | -,Ca2+ |
R321 | T1142 | T1139 | cc | and,Ca2+ |
R322 | T1143 | T1139 | conj | phospholipid,Ca2+ |
R323 | T1144 | T1140 | punct | -,binding |
R324 | T1145 | T1138 | punct | ", ",protein |
R325 | T1146 | T1147 | dep | which,isolated |
R326 | T1147 | T1138 | relcl | isolated,protein |
R327 | T1148 | T1147 | auxpass | was,isolated |
R328 | T1149 | T1147 | prep | as,isolated |
R329 | T1150 | T1151 | det | the,agent |
R330 | T1151 | T1149 | pobj | agent,as |
R331 | T1152 | T1153 | dep | that,mediated |
R332 | T1153 | T1151 | relcl | mediated,agent |
R333 | T1154 | T1153 | dobj | aggregation,mediated |
R334 | T1155 | T1154 | prep | of,aggregation |
R335 | T1156 | T1157 | compound | chromaffin,granules |
R336 | T1157 | T1155 | pobj | granules,of |
R337 | T1158 | T1154 | cc | and,aggregation |
R338 | T1159 | T1154 | conj | fusion,aggregation |
R339 | T1160 | T1159 | prep | of,fusion |
R340 | T1161 | T1162 | compound | phospholipid,membranes |
R341 | T1162 | T1160 | pobj | membranes,of |
R342 | T1163 | T1154 | prep | in,aggregation |
R343 | T1164 | T1165 | det | the,presence |
R344 | T1165 | T1163 | pobj | presence,in |
R345 | T1166 | T1165 | prep | of,presence |
R346 | T1167 | T1166 | pobj | Ca2+,of |
R347 | T1168 | T1136 | punct | .,is |
R348 | T1170 | T1171 | det | This,activity |
R349 | T1171 | T1172 | nsubj | activity,led |
R350 | T1173 | T1172 | prep | to,led |
R351 | T1174 | T1175 | det | the,proposal |
R352 | T1175 | T1173 | pobj | proposal,to |
R353 | T1176 | T1175 | prep | of,proposal |
R354 | T1177 | T1178 | compound | annexin,A7 |
R355 | T1178 | T1179 | poss | A7,involvement |
R356 | T1179 | T1176 | pobj | involvement,of |
R357 | T1180 | T1178 | case | 's,A7 |
R358 | T1181 | T1179 | prep | in,involvement |
R359 | T1182 | T1183 | det | the,secretion |
R360 | T1183 | T1181 | pobj | secretion,in |
R361 | T1184 | T1183 | amod | exocytotic,secretion |
R362 | T1185 | T1183 | prep | of,secretion |
R363 | T1186 | T1185 | pobj | catecholamines,of |
R364 | T1187 | T1188 | punct | [,1 |
R365 | T1188 | T1172 | parataxis | 1,led |
R366 | T1189 | T1188 | punct | ],1 |
R367 | T1190 | T1172 | punct | .,led |
R368 | T1192 | T1193 | det | The,protein |
R369 | T1193 | T1194 | nsubj | protein,belongs |
R370 | T1195 | T1194 | prep | to,belongs |
R371 | T1196 | T1197 | det | a,family |
R372 | T1197 | T1195 | pobj | family,to |
R373 | T1198 | T1197 | prep | of,family |
R374 | T1199 | T1200 | advmod | evolutionarily,conserved |
R375 | T1200 | T1201 | amod | conserved,proteins |
R376 | T1201 | T1198 | pobj | proteins,of |
R377 | T1202 | T1201 | prep | of,proteins |
R378 | T1203 | T1204 | det | a,structure |
R379 | T1204 | T1202 | pobj | structure,of |
R380 | T1205 | T1204 | amod | bipartite,structure |
R381 | T1206 | T1201 | prep | with,proteins |
R382 | T1207 | T1208 | det | a,variable |
R383 | T1208 | T1206 | pobj | variable,with |
R384 | T1209 | T1210 | npadvmod | N,terminal |
R385 | T1210 | T1208 | amod | terminal,variable |
R386 | T1211 | T1210 | punct | -,terminal |
R387 | T1212 | T1208 | cc | and,variable |
R388 | T1213 | T1214 | det | a,conserved |
R389 | T1214 | T1208 | conj | conserved,variable |
R390 | T1215 | T1216 | npadvmod | C,terminal |
R391 | T1216 | T1214 | amod | terminal,conserved |
R392 | T1217 | T1216 | punct | -,terminal |
R393 | T1218 | T1208 | appos | domain,variable |
R394 | T1219 | T1194 | punct | .,belongs |
R395 | T1221 | T1222 | det | The,domain |
R396 | T1222 | T1226 | nsubj | domain,is |
R397 | T1223 | T1224 | npadvmod | C,terminal |
R398 | T1224 | T1222 | amod | terminal,domain |
R399 | T1225 | T1224 | punct | -,terminal |
R400 | T1226 | T1227 | ccomp | is,appears |
R401 | T1228 | T1226 | acomp | responsible,is |
R402 | T1229 | T1228 | prep | for,responsible |
R403 | T1230 | T1231 | det | the,Ca2+ |
R404 | T1231 | T1229 | pobj | Ca2+,for |
R405 | T1232 | T1231 | punct | -,Ca2+ |
R406 | T1233 | T1231 | cc | and,Ca2+ |
R407 | T1234 | T1231 | conj | phospholipid,Ca2+ |
R408 | T1235 | T1231 | punct | -,Ca2+ |
R409 | T1236 | T1231 | amod | binding,Ca2+ |
R410 | T1237 | T1227 | punct | ", ",appears |
R411 | T1238 | T1239 | det | the,domain |
R412 | T1239 | T1227 | nsubj | domain,appears |
R413 | T1240 | T1241 | npadvmod | N,terminal |
R414 | T1241 | T1239 | amod | terminal,domain |
R415 | T1242 | T1241 | punct | -,terminal |
R416 | T1243 | T1244 | aux | to,confer |
R417 | T1244 | T1227 | xcomp | confer,appears |
R418 | T1245 | T1246 | amod | functional,diversity |
R419 | T1246 | T1244 | dobj | diversity,confer |
R420 | T1247 | T1248 | punct | [,2 |
R421 | T1248 | T1227 | parataxis | 2,appears |
R422 | T1249 | T1250 | punct | -,4 |
R423 | T1250 | T1248 | prep | 4,2 |
R424 | T1251 | T1248 | punct | ],2 |
R425 | T1252 | T1227 | punct | .,appears |
R426 | T1254 | T1255 | det | The,binding |
R427 | T1255 | T1256 | nsubjpass | binding,thought |
R428 | T1257 | T1255 | prep | to,binding |
R429 | T1258 | T1259 | advmod | negatively,charged |
R430 | T1259 | T1260 | amod | charged,phospholipids |
R431 | T1260 | T1257 | pobj | phospholipids,to |
R432 | T1261 | T1256 | auxpass | is,thought |
R433 | T1262 | T1263 | aux | to,mediated |
R434 | T1263 | T1256 | xcomp | mediated,thought |
R435 | T1264 | T1263 | auxpass | be,mediated |
R436 | T1265 | T1263 | agent | by,mediated |
R437 | T1266 | T1267 | compound | Ca2+,ions |
R438 | T1267 | T1265 | pobj | ions,by |
R439 | T1268 | T1256 | punct | .,thought |
Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T726 | 0-10 | PR:000004080 | denotes | Annexin A7 |
T728 | 26-38 | CHEBI:16247 | denotes | phospholipid |
T729 | 117-136 | GO:0042583 | denotes | chromaffin granules |
T731 | 141-150,164-173 | GO:0061025 | denotes | fusion of membranes |
T732 | 151-163 | CHEBI:16247 | denotes | phospholipid |
T733 | 164-173 | GO:0016020 | denotes | membranes |
T734 | 193-197 | CHEBI:29108 | denotes | Ca2+ |
T735 | 236-246 | PR:000004080 | denotes | annexin A7 |
T736 | 268-278 | GO:0006887 | denotes | exocytotic |
T737 | 292-306 | CHEBI:33567 | denotes | catecholamines |
T738 | 460-466 | SO:0000417 | denotes | domain |
T739 | 483-489 | SO:0000417 | denotes | domain |
T740 | 513-517 | CHEBI:29108 | denotes | Ca2+ |
T741 | 523-535 | CHEBI:16247 | denotes | phospholipid |
T742 | 560-566 | SO:0000417 | denotes | domain |
T743 | 628-660 | CHEBI:62643 | denotes | negatively charged phospholipids |
T744 | 690-699 | CHEBI:29108 | denotes | Ca2+ ions |
T727 | 16-20 | CHEBI:29108 | denotes | Ca2+ |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
12925238-632306-8102376 | 308-309 | 632306 | denotes | 1 |
12925238-8155692-8102377 | 607-608 | 8155692 | denotes | 2 |
12925238-9223619-8102377 | 607-608 | 9223619 | denotes | 2 |
12925238-11917092-8102377 | 607-608 | 11917092 | denotes | 2 |
Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T895 | 16-20 | CHEBI:29108 | denotes | Ca2+ |
T896 | 26-38 | CHEBI:16247 | denotes | phospholipid |
T897 | 39-46 | CHEMINF_GO_EXT:chemical_binding_or_bond_formation | denotes | binding |
T898 | 47-54 | CHEBI_PR_EXT:protein | denotes | protein |
T899 | 117-136 | GO:0042583 | denotes | chromaffin granules |
T901 | 141-150,164-173 | GO:0061025 | denotes | fusion of membranes |
T902 | 151-163 | CHEBI:16247 | denotes | phospholipid |
T903 | 164-173 | GO:0016020 | denotes | membranes |
T904 | 193-197 | CHEBI:29108 | denotes | Ca2+ |
T905 | 236-246 | PR_EXT:000004080 | denotes | annexin A7 |
T906 | 268-278 | GO:0006887 | denotes | exocytotic |
T907 | 279-288 | GO_EXT:secretion_entity_or_process | denotes | secretion |
T908 | 292-306 | CHEBI:33567 | denotes | catecholamines |
T909 | 316-323 | CHEBI_PR_EXT:protein | denotes | protein |
T910 | 347-371 | SO_EXT:biological_conservation_process_or_quality | denotes | evolutionarily conserved |
T911 | 372-380 | CHEBI_PR_EXT:protein | denotes | proteins |
T912 | 422-432 | CHEBI_SO_EXT:N_terminus_or_N_terminal_region | denotes | N-terminal |
T913 | 439-448 | SO_EXT:biological_conservation_process_or_quality | denotes | conserved |
T914 | 449-459 | CHEBI_SO_EXT:C_terminus_or_C_terminal_region | denotes | C-terminal |
T915 | 460-466 | SO_EXT:0000417 | denotes | domain |
T916 | 472-482 | CHEBI_SO_EXT:C_terminus_or_C_terminal_region | denotes | C-terminal |
T917 | 483-489 | SO_EXT:0000417 | denotes | domain |
T918 | 513-517 | CHEBI:29108 | denotes | Ca2+ |
T919 | 523-535 | CHEBI:16247 | denotes | phospholipid |
T920 | 536-543 | CHEMINF_GO_EXT:chemical_binding_or_bond_formation | denotes | binding |
T921 | 549-559 | CHEBI_SO_EXT:N_terminus_or_N_terminal_region | denotes | N-terminal |
T922 | 560-566 | SO_EXT:0000417 | denotes | domain |
T923 | 617-624 | CHEMINF_GO_EXT:chemical_binding_or_bond_formation | denotes | binding |
T924 | 628-660 | CHEBI:62643 | denotes | negatively charged phospholipids |
T925 | 690-699 | CHEBI:29108 | denotes | Ca2+ ions |
T894 | 0-10 | PR_EXT:000004080 | denotes | Annexin A7 |