> top > docs > PMC:1920263 > spans > 32226-32354 > annotations

PMC:1920263 / 32226-32354 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11327 47-49 Entity denotes GC
T11328 69-72 Protein denotes A3G
T11329 99-106 Binding denotes binding
T11330 116-119 Protein denotes Sp1
T11331 124-127 Protein denotes Sp3
R9217 T11330 T11329 themeOf Sp1,binding
R9218 T11331 T11329 themeOf Sp3,binding


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12494 73-77 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0019013 denotes core


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12453 99-106 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005488 denotes binding


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12292 0-5 VBN denotes Taken
T12293 6-14 RB denotes together
T12294 14-15 , denotes ,
T12295 16-19 DT denotes the
T12296 20-24 NNP denotes EMSA
T12297 25-37 VBD denotes demonstrated
T12298 38-42 IN denotes that
T12299 43-46 DT denotes the
T12300 47-53 NNP denotes GC-box
T12301 54-61 VBN denotes located
T12302 62-64 IN denotes on
T12303 65-68 DT denotes the
T12304 69-72 NNP denotes A3G
T12305 73-77 NN denotes core
T12306 78-86 NN denotes promoter
T12307 87-93 VBZ denotes serves
T12308 94-96 IN denotes as
T12309 97-98 DT denotes a
T12310 99-106 JJ denotes binding
T12311 107-111 NN denotes site
T12312 112-115 IN denotes for
T12313 116-119 NNP denotes Sp1
T12314 120-123 CC denotes and
T12315 124-127 NNP denotes Sp3
T12316 127-128 . denotes .
R10071 T12292 T12297 advcl Taken,demonstrated
R10072 T12293 T12292 advmod together,Taken
R10073 T12294 T12297 punct ",",demonstrated
R10074 T12295 T12296 det the,EMSA
R10075 T12296 T12297 nsubj EMSA,demonstrated
R10076 T12297 T12297 ROOT demonstrated,demonstrated
R10077 T12298 T12301 mark that,located
R10078 T12299 T12300 det the,GC-box
R10079 T12300 T12301 nsubj GC-box,located
R10080 T12301 T12297 ccomp located,demonstrated
R10081 T12302 T12301 prep on,located
R10082 T12303 T12306 det the,promoter
R10083 T12304 T12306 compound A3G,promoter
R10084 T12305 T12306 compound core,promoter
R10085 T12306 T12302 pobj promoter,on
R10086 T12307 T12297 conj serves,demonstrated
R10087 T12308 T12307 prep as,serves
R10088 T12309 T12311 det a,site
R10089 T12310 T12311 amod binding,site
R10090 T12311 T12308 pobj site,as
R10091 T12312 T12311 prep for,site
R10092 T12313 T12312 pobj Sp1,for
R10093 T12314 T12313 cc and,Sp1
R10094 T12315 T12313 conj Sp3,Sp1
R10095 T12316 T12297 punct .,demonstrated


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11403 0-128 Sentence denotes Taken together, the EMSA demonstrated that the GC-box located on the A3G core promoter serves as a binding site for Sp1 and Sp3.
T226 0-128 Sentence denotes Taken together, the EMSA demonstrated that the GC-box located on the A3G core promoter serves as a binding site for Sp1 and Sp3.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11742 0-5 VB denotes Taken
T11743 6-14 RB denotes together
T11744 14-15 -COMMA- denotes ,
T11745 16-19 DT denotes the
T11746 20-24 NN denotes EMSA
T11747 25-37 VB denotes demonstrated
T11748 38-42 IN denotes that
T11749 43-46 DT denotes the
T11750 47-53 NN denotes GC-box
T11751 54-61 JJ denotes located
T11752 62-64 IN denotes on
T11753 65-68 DT denotes the
T11754 69-72 NN denotes A3G
T11755 73-77 NN denotes core
T11756 78-86 NN denotes promoter
T11757 87-93 VB denotes serves
T11758 94-96 IN denotes as
T11759 97-98 DT denotes a
T11760 99-106 VB denotes binding
T11761 107-111 NN denotes site
T11762 112-115 IN denotes for
T11763 116-119 NN denotes Sp1
T11764 120-123 CC denotes and
T11765 124-127 NN denotes Sp3
R9572 T11742 T11743 arg1Of Taken,together
R9573 T11746 T11745 arg1Of EMSA,the
R9574 T11746 T11747 arg1Of EMSA,demonstrated
R9575 T11747 T11742 modOf demonstrated,Taken
R9576 T11747 T11744 arg1Of demonstrated,","
R9577 T11750 T11749 arg1Of GC-box,the
R9578 T11750 T11751 arg1Of GC-box,located
R9579 T11750 T11757 arg1Of GC-box,serves
R9580 T11751 T11752 arg1Of located,on
R9581 T11756 T11752 arg2Of promoter,on
R9582 T11756 T11753 arg1Of promoter,the
R9583 T11756 T11754 arg1Of promoter,A3G
R9584 T11756 T11755 arg1Of promoter,core
R9585 T11757 T11747 arg2Of serves,demonstrated
R9586 T11757 T11748 arg1Of serves,that
R9587 T11757 T11758 arg1Of serves,as
R9588 T11761 T11758 arg2Of site,as
R9589 T11761 T11759 arg1Of site,a
R9590 T11761 T11760 arg1Of site,binding
R9591 T11761 T11762 arg1Of site,for
R9592 T11763 T11764 arg1Of Sp1,and
R9593 T11764 T11762 arg2Of and,for
R9594 T11765 T11764 arg2Of Sp3,and


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12720 47-53 Entity denotes GC-box
T12721 69-72 Protein denotes A3G
T12722 87-111 Binding denotes serves as a binding site
T12723 87-111 Binding denotes serves as a binding site
T12724 116-119 Protein denotes Sp1
T12725 124-127 Protein denotes Sp3
R10357 T12720 T12722 themeOf GC-box,serves as a binding site
R10358 T12720 T12721 partOf GC-box,A3G
R10359 T12720 T12723 themeOf GC-box,serves as a binding site
R10360 T12724 T12722 themeOf Sp1,serves as a binding site
R10361 T12725 T12723 themeOf Sp3,serves as a binding site


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12779 69-86 Protein denotes A3G core promoter
T12780 116-119 Protein denotes Sp1
T12781 124-127 Protein denotes Sp3
T12782 47-53 Entity denotes GC-box
T12783 99-106 Binding denotes binding
T12784 99-106 Binding denotes binding
T12785 99-106 Binding denotes binding
T12786 99-106 Binding denotes binding
R10381 T12779 T12783 themeOf A3G core promoter,binding
R10382 T12779 T12785 themeOf A3G core promoter,binding
R10383 T12779 T12786 themeOf A3G core promoter,binding
R10384 T12779 T12782 partOf A3G core promoter,GC-box
R10385 T12780 T12784 themeOf Sp1,binding
R10386 T12780 T12785 themeOf Sp1,binding
R10387 T12781 T12786 themeOf Sp3,binding
R10388 T12782 T12783 Site GC-box,binding
R10389 T12782 T12784 Site GC-box,binding
R10390 T12782 T12785 Site GC-box,binding
R10391 T12782 T12786 Site GC-box,binding


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11367 47-53 Entity denotes GC-box
T11368 69-72 Protein denotes A3G
T11369 87-111 Binding denotes serves as a binding site
T11370 87-111 Binding denotes serves as a binding site
T11371 116-119 Protein denotes Sp1
T11372 124-127 Protein denotes Sp3
R9238 T11367 T11369 themeOf GC-box,serves as a binding site
R9239 T11367 T11368 partOf GC-box,A3G
R9240 T11367 T11370 themeOf GC-box,serves as a binding site
R9241 T11371 T11369 themeOf Sp1,serves as a binding site
R9242 T11372 T11370 themeOf Sp3,serves as a binding site


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11908 69-72 Q9HC16 denotes A3G
T11909 116-119 P08047 denotes Sp1
T11910 124-127 Q02447 denotes Sp3