> top > docs > PMC:1920263 > spans > 26735-26943 > annotations

PMC:1920263 / 26735-26943 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8749 130-140 Protein denotes luciferase
T8750 164-171 Positive_regulation denotes induced
T8751 175-180 Protein denotes IFN-α
R7175 T8751 T8750 causeOf IFN-α,induced


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9888 190-195 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9880 74-77 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0034005 denotes GAS


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8863 74-77 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0034005 denotes GAS


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9736 0-13 RB denotes Interestingly
T9737 13-14 , denotes ,
T9738 15-16 DT denotes a
T9739 17-24 NN denotes control
T9740 25-32 NN denotes plasmid
T9741 33-34 -LRB- denotes (
T9742 34-42 NN denotes pGL2-CVX
T9743 42-43 -RRB- denotes )
T9744 44-54 VBG denotes containing
T9745 55-58 CD denotes two
T9746 59-73 JJ denotes IFN-responsive
T9747 74-77 NNP denotes GAS
T9748 78-79 -LRB- denotes (
T9749 79-84 NN denotes gamma
T9750 85-94 VBN denotes activated
T9751 95-103 NN denotes sequence
T9752 103-104 -RRB- denotes )
T9753 105-113 NNS denotes elements
T9754 114-122 RB denotes upstream
T9755 123-125 IN denotes of
T9756 126-129 DT denotes the
T9757 130-140 NN denotes luciferase
T9758 141-149 NN denotes reporter
T9759 150-154 NN denotes gene
T9760 155-158 VBD denotes was
T9761 159-163 RB denotes only
T9762 164-171 JJ denotes induced
T9763 172-174 IN denotes by
T9764 175-180 NNP denotes IFN-α
T9765 181-183 IN denotes in
T9766 184-189 DT denotes these
T9767 190-195 NNS denotes cells
T9768 196-197 -LRB- denotes (
T9769 197-203 NN denotes Figure
T9770 204-206 NN denotes 4C
T9771 206-207 -RRB- denotes )
T9772 207-208 . denotes .
R8062 T9738 T9740 det a,plasmid
R8063 T9739 T9740 compound control,plasmid
R8064 T9740 T9760 nsubj plasmid,was
R8065 T9741 T9740 punct (,plasmid
R8066 T9742 T9740 appos pGL2-CVX,plasmid
R8067 T9743 T9740 punct ),plasmid
R8068 T9744 T9740 acl containing,plasmid
R8069 T9745 T9747 nummod two,GAS
R8070 T9746 T9747 compound IFN-responsive,GAS
R8071 T9747 T9744 dobj GAS,containing
R8072 T9748 T9747 punct (,GAS
R8073 T9749 T9750 nsubj gamma,activated
R8074 T9750 T9747 acl activated,GAS
R8075 T9751 T9750 npadvmod sequence,activated
R8076 T9752 T9747 punct ),GAS
R8077 T9753 T9740 conj elements,plasmid
R8078 T9754 T9753 advmod upstream,elements
R8079 T9755 T9753 prep of,elements
R8080 T9756 T9759 det the,gene
R8081 T9757 T9759 compound luciferase,gene
R8082 T9758 T9759 compound reporter,gene
R8083 T9759 T9755 pobj gene,of
R8084 T9760 T9762 auxpass was,induced
R8085 T9761 T9762 advmod only,induced
R8086 T9762 T9762 ROOT induced,induced
R8087 T9763 T9762 agent by,induced
R8088 T9764 T9763 pobj IFN-α,by
R8089 T9765 T9762 prep in,induced
R8090 T9766 T9767 det these,cells
R8091 T9767 T9765 pobj cells,in
R8092 T9768 T9770 punct (,4C
R8093 T9769 T9770 compound Figure,4C
R8094 T9770 T9762 dep 4C,induced
R8095 T9771 T9770 punct ),4C
R8096 T9772 T9762 punct .,induced
R8060 T9736 T9760 advmod Interestingly,was
R8061 T9737 T9760 punct ",",was


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8854 0-208 Sentence denotes Interestingly, a control plasmid (pGL2-CVX) containing two IFN-responsive GAS (gamma activated sequence) elements upstream of the luciferase reporter gene was only induced by IFN-α in these cells (Figure 4C).
T193 0-208 Sentence denotes Interestingly, a control plasmid (pGL2-CVX) containing two IFN-responsive GAS (gamma activated sequence) elements upstream of the luciferase reporter gene was only induced by IFN-α in these cells (Figure 4C).


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9206 0-13 RB denotes Interestingly
T9207 13-14 -COMMA- denotes ,
T9208 15-16 DT denotes a
T9209 17-24 NN denotes control
T9210 25-32 NN denotes plasmid
T9211 33-34 -LRB- denotes (
T9212 34-42 NN denotes pGL2-CVX
T9213 42-43 -RRB- denotes )
T9214 44-54 VB denotes containing
T9215 55-58 CD denotes two
T9216 59-73 JJ denotes IFN-responsive
T9217 74-77 NN denotes GAS
T9218 78-79 -LRB- denotes (
T9219 79-84 NN denotes gamma
T9220 85-94 VB denotes activated
T9221 95-103 NN denotes sequence
T9222 103-104 -RRB- denotes )
T9223 105-113 NN denotes elements
T9224 114-122 JJ denotes upstream
T9225 123-125 IN denotes of
T9226 126-129 DT denotes the
T9227 130-140 NN denotes luciferase
T9228 141-149 NN denotes reporter
T9229 150-154 NN denotes gene
T9230 155-158 VB denotes was
T9231 159-163 RB denotes only
T9232 164-171 VB denotes induced
T9233 172-174 IN denotes by
T9234 175-180 NN denotes IFN-α
T9235 181-183 IN denotes in
T9236 184-189 DT denotes these
T9237 190-195 NN denotes cells
T9238 196-197 -LRB- denotes (
T9239 197-203 NN denotes Figure
T9240 204-206 NN denotes 4C
T9241 206-207 -RRB- denotes )
R7581 T9210 T9208 arg1Of plasmid,a
R7582 T9210 T9209 arg1Of plasmid,control
R7583 T9210 T9211 arg1Of plasmid,(
R7584 T9210 T9214 arg1Of plasmid,containing
R7585 T9210 T9230 arg1Of plasmid,was
R7586 T9210 T9232 arg2Of plasmid,induced
R7587 T9212 T9211 arg2Of pGL2-CVX,(
R7588 T9213 T9211 arg3Of ),(
R7589 T9219 T9218 arg2Of gamma,(
R7590 T9219 T9220 arg2Of gamma,activated
R7591 T9221 T9220 arg3Of sequence,activated
R7592 T9222 T9218 arg3Of ),(
R7593 T9223 T9214 arg2Of elements,containing
R7594 T9223 T9215 arg1Of elements,two
R7595 T9223 T9216 arg1Of elements,IFN-responsive
R7596 T9223 T9217 arg1Of elements,GAS
R7597 T9223 T9218 arg1Of elements,(
R7598 T9223 T9224 arg1Of elements,upstream
R7599 T9224 T9225 arg1Of upstream,of
R7600 T9229 T9225 arg2Of gene,of
R7601 T9229 T9226 arg1Of gene,the
R7602 T9229 T9227 arg1Of gene,luciferase
R7603 T9229 T9228 arg1Of gene,reporter
R7604 T9232 T9206 arg1Of induced,Interestingly
R7605 T9232 T9207 arg1Of induced,","
R7606 T9232 T9230 arg2Of induced,was
R7607 T9232 T9231 arg1Of induced,only
R7608 T9232 T9235 arg1Of induced,in
R7609 T9234 T9232 arg1Of IFN-α,induced
R7610 T9234 T9233 arg2Of IFN-α,by
R7611 T9237 T9235 arg2Of cells,in
R7612 T9237 T9236 arg1Of cells,these
R7613 T9237 T9238 arg1Of cells,(
R7614 T9240 T9238 arg2Of 4C,(
R7615 T9240 T9239 arg1Of 4C,Figure
R7616 T9241 T9238 arg3Of ),(


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T10177 130-140 Protein denotes luciferase
T10178 175-180 Protein denotes IFN-α


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T10221 59-62 Protein denotes IFN
T10222 130-154 Protein denotes luciferase reporter gene
T10223 175-180 Protein denotes IFN-α


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8803 130-140 Protein denotes luciferase
T8804 175-180 Protein denotes IFN-α


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9371 130-140 P08659 denotes luciferase
T9372 175-180 P01562 denotes IFN-α