> top > docs > PMC:1920263 > spans > 21960-22224 > annotations

PMC:1920263 / 21960-22224 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7957 202-205 Protein denotes A3G


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8569 185-189 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0019013 denotes core
T8572 95-99 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cell
T8573 126-130 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cell


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8506 0-10 JJ denotes Comparable
T8507 11-21 NNS denotes reductions
T8508 22-30 JJ denotes relative
T8509 31-33 TO denotes to
T8510 34-37 DT denotes the
T8511 38-46 NN denotes activity
T8512 47-49 IN denotes of
T8513 50-53 CD denotes 180
T8514 54-56 NN denotes bp
T8515 57-65 NN denotes fragment
T8516 66-70 VBD denotes were
T8517 71-79 VBN denotes observed
T8518 80-82 IN denotes in
T8519 83-86 DT denotes the
T8520 87-94 JJ denotes myeloid
T8521 95-99 NN denotes cell
T8522 100-104 NN denotes line
T8523 105-109 NNP denotes U937
T8524 110-113 CC denotes and
T8525 114-117 DT denotes the
T8526 118-125 JJ denotes hepatic
T8527 126-130 NN denotes cell
T8528 131-136 NNS denotes lines
T8529 137-142 NNP denotes HepG2
T8530 143-146 CC denotes and
T8531 147-151 NNP denotes Huh7
T8532 152-153 -LRB- denotes (
T8533 153-159 NNP denotes Figure
T8534 160-162 NNP denotes 3C
T8535 162-163 -RRB- denotes )
T8536 163-164 , denotes ,
T8537 165-175 VBG denotes indicating
T8538 176-180 IN denotes that
T8539 181-184 DT denotes the
T8540 185-189 NN denotes core
T8541 190-198 NN denotes promoter
T8542 199-201 IN denotes of
T8543 202-205 NNP denotes A3G
T8544 206-208 VBZ denotes is
T8545 209-216 VBN denotes located
T8546 217-223 IN denotes within
T8547 224-227 DT denotes the
T8548 228-234 NN denotes region
T8549 235-236 VBD denotes
T8550 236-239 CD denotes 114
T8551 239-240 CD denotes /
T8552 240-243 CD denotes +66
T8553 244-252 JJ denotes relative
T8554 253-255 TO denotes to
T8555 256-259 DT denotes the
T8556 260-263 NNP denotes TSS
T8557 263-264 . denotes .
R7049 T8506 T8507 amod Comparable,reductions
R7050 T8507 T8517 nsubjpass reductions,observed
R7051 T8508 T8507 amod relative,reductions
R7052 T8509 T8508 prep to,relative
R7053 T8510 T8511 det the,activity
R7054 T8511 T8509 pobj activity,to
R7055 T8512 T8511 prep of,activity
R7056 T8513 T8515 nummod 180,fragment
R7057 T8514 T8515 compound bp,fragment
R7058 T8515 T8512 pobj fragment,of
R7059 T8516 T8517 auxpass were,observed
R7060 T8517 T8517 ROOT observed,observed
R7061 T8518 T8517 prep in,observed
R7062 T8519 T8522 det the,line
R7063 T8520 T8521 compound myeloid,cell
R7064 T8521 T8522 compound cell,line
R7065 T8522 T8518 pobj line,in
R7066 T8523 T8522 appos U937,line
R7067 T8524 T8517 cc and,observed
R7068 T8525 T8528 det the,lines
R7069 T8526 T8528 amod hepatic,lines
R7070 T8527 T8528 compound cell,lines
R7071 T8528 T8517 conj lines,observed
R7072 T8529 T8528 appos HepG2,lines
R7073 T8530 T8529 cc and,HepG2
R7074 T8531 T8529 conj Huh7,HepG2
R7075 T8532 T8534 punct (,3C
R7076 T8533 T8534 compound Figure,3C
R7077 T8534 T8531 appos 3C,Huh7
R7078 T8535 T8534 punct ),3C
R7079 T8536 T8528 punct ",",lines
R7080 T8537 T8528 acl indicating,lines
R7081 T8538 T8545 mark that,located
R7082 T8539 T8541 det the,promoter
R7083 T8540 T8541 compound core,promoter
R7084 T8541 T8545 nsubjpass promoter,located
R7085 T8542 T8541 prep of,promoter
R7086 T8543 T8542 pobj A3G,of
R7087 T8544 T8545 auxpass is,located
R7088 T8545 T8537 ccomp located,indicating
R7089 T8546 T8545 prep within,located
R7090 T8547 T8548 det the,region
R7091 T8548 T8546 pobj region,within
R7092 T8549 T8553 csubjpass −,relative
R7093 T8550 T8552 nummod 114,+66
R7094 T8551 T8552 nummod /,+66
R7095 T8552 T8549 appos +66,−
R7096 T8553 T8545 conj relative,located
R7097 T8554 T8553 prep to,relative
R7098 T8555 T8556 det the,TSS
R7099 T8556 T8554 pobj TSS,to
R7100 T8557 T8517 punct .,observed


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7979 0-264 Sentence denotes Comparable reductions relative to the activity of 180 bp fragment were observed in the myeloid cell line U937 and the hepatic cell lines HepG2 and Huh7 (Figure 3C), indicating that the core promoter of A3G is located within the region −114/+66 relative to the TSS.
T159 0-264 Sentence denotes Comparable reductions relative to the activity of 180 bp fragment were observed in the myeloid cell line U937 and the hepatic cell lines HepG2 and Huh7 (Figure 3C), indicating that the core promoter of A3G is located within the region −114/+66 relative to the TSS.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8197 0-10 JJ denotes Comparable
T8198 11-21 NN denotes reductions
T8199 22-30 JJ denotes relative
T8200 31-33 TO denotes to
T8201 34-37 DT denotes the
T8202 38-46 NN denotes activity
T8203 47-49 IN denotes of
T8204 50-56 NN denotes 180 bp
T8205 57-65 NN denotes fragment
T8206 66-70 VB denotes were
T8207 71-79 VB denotes observed
T8208 80-82 IN denotes in
T8209 83-86 DT denotes the
T8210 87-94 JJ denotes myeloid
T8211 95-99 NN denotes cell
T8212 100-104 NN denotes line
T8213 105-109 NN denotes U937
T8214 110-113 CC denotes and
T8215 114-117 DT denotes the
T8216 118-125 JJ denotes hepatic
T8217 126-130 NN denotes cell
T8218 131-136 NN denotes lines
T8219 137-142 NN denotes HepG2
T8220 143-146 CC denotes and
T8221 147-151 NN denotes Huh7
T8222 152-153 -LRB- denotes (
T8223 153-159 NN denotes Figure
T8224 160-162 NN denotes 3C
T8225 162-163 -RRB- denotes )
T8226 163-164 -COMMA- denotes ,
T8227 165-175 VB denotes indicating
T8228 176-180 IN denotes that
T8229 181-184 DT denotes the
T8230 185-189 NN denotes core
T8231 190-198 NN denotes promoter
T8232 199-201 IN denotes of
T8233 202-205 NN denotes A3G
T8234 206-208 VB denotes is
T8235 209-216 JJ denotes located
T8236 217-223 IN denotes within
T8237 224-227 DT denotes the
T8238 228-234 NN denotes region
T8239 235-243 CD denotes −114/+66
T8240 244-252 JJ denotes relative
T8241 253-255 TO denotes to
T8242 256-259 DT denotes the
T8243 260-263 NN denotes TSS
R6762 T8198 T8197 arg1Of reductions,Comparable
R6763 T8198 T8199 arg1Of reductions,relative
R6764 T8198 T8206 arg1Of reductions,were
R6765 T8198 T8207 arg2Of reductions,observed
R6766 T8199 T8200 arg1Of relative,to
R6767 T8202 T8200 arg2Of activity,to
R6768 T8202 T8201 arg1Of activity,the
R6769 T8202 T8203 arg1Of activity,of
R6770 T8205 T8203 arg2Of fragment,of
R6771 T8205 T8204 arg1Of fragment,180 bp
R6772 T8207 T8206 arg2Of observed,were
R6773 T8207 T8208 arg1Of observed,in
R6774 T8207 T8226 arg1Of observed,","
R6775 T8207 T8227 modOf observed,indicating
R6776 T8213 T8209 arg1Of U937,the
R6777 T8213 T8210 arg1Of U937,myeloid
R6778 T8213 T8211 arg1Of U937,cell
R6779 T8213 T8212 arg1Of U937,line
R6780 T8213 T8214 arg1Of U937,and
R6781 T8214 T8208 arg2Of and,in
R6782 T8218 T8215 arg1Of lines,the
R6783 T8218 T8216 arg1Of lines,hepatic
R6784 T8218 T8217 arg1Of lines,cell
R6785 T8219 T8218 arg1Of HepG2,lines
R6786 T8219 T8220 arg1Of HepG2,and
R6787 T8220 T8214 arg2Of and,and
R6788 T8221 T8220 arg2Of Huh7,and
R6789 T8221 T8222 arg1Of Huh7,(
R6790 T8224 T8222 arg2Of 3C,(
R6791 T8224 T8223 arg1Of 3C,Figure
R6792 T8225 T8222 arg3Of ),(
R6793 T8231 T8229 arg1Of promoter,the
R6794 T8231 T8230 arg1Of promoter,core
R6795 T8231 T8232 arg1Of promoter,of
R6796 T8231 T8234 arg1Of promoter,is
R6797 T8231 T8235 arg1Of promoter,located
R6798 T8233 T8232 arg2Of A3G,of
R6799 T8234 T8227 arg2Of is,indicating
R6800 T8234 T8228 arg1Of is,that
R6801 T8235 T8234 arg2Of located,is
R6802 T8235 T8236 arg1Of located,within
R6803 T8238 T8236 arg2Of region,within
R6804 T8238 T8237 arg1Of region,the
R6805 T8238 T8239 arg1Of region,−114/+66
R6806 T8238 T8241 arg1Of region,to
R6807 T8241 T8240 arg1Of to,relative
R6808 T8243 T8241 arg2Of TSS,to
R6809 T8243 T8242 arg1Of TSS,the


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8647 202-205 Protein denotes A3G


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8657 202-205 Protein denotes A3G


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7970 202-205 Protein denotes A3G


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8257 22-30 Q04864 denotes relative
T8258 202-205 Q9HC16 denotes A3G
T8259 244-252 Q04864 denotes relative