> top > docs > PMC:1858683 > spans > 11632-12084 > annotations

PMC:1858683 / 11632-12084 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5938 450-451 IN denotes o
T5937 448-449 JJ denotes l
T5936 447-448 CC denotes a
T5935 449-450 NNS denotes s
T5934 9-17 NN denotes analysis
T5933 0-8 JJ denotes Confocal
T5932 0-452 sentence denotes Confocal analysis of Pygo2 wild-type, heterozygous, and null E18.5 kidneys on the Pygo1 null background. Genotype Ureteric tip Condensing mesenchyme Ureteric tips/mm2 SD n Mesenchyme condensate size (μm) SD n Pygo2 +/+ 196 8.36 3 16.2 1.09 3 Pygo2 +/- 191 11.6 7 15.6 1.18 5 Pygo2 -/- 147* 12.2 7 20.9 * 1.12 5 *Significant change (P < 0.01) between the three groups. SD, Standard deviation; n, number Confocal analysis also
T27506 103-104 . denotes .
T27505 88-92 JJ denotes null
T27504 82-87 NN denotes Pygo1
T27503 93-103 NN denotes background
T27502 78-81 DT denotes the
T27501 75-77 IN denotes on
T27500 61-66 NN denotes E18.5
T27499 56-60 JJ denotes null
T27498 52-55 CC denotes and
T27497 50-52 , denotes ,
T27496 38-50 JJ denotes heterozygous
T27495 36-38 , denotes ,
T27494 67-74 NNS denotes kidneys
T27493 31-32 HYPH denotes -
T27492 27-31 JJ denotes wild
T27491 32-36 NN denotes type
T27490 21-26 NN denotes Pygo2
T27489 18-20 IN denotes of
T27488 9-17 NN denotes analysis
T27487 0-8 JJ denotes Confocal
R1621 T5933 T5934 amod Confocal,analysis
R8000 T27487 T27488 amod Confocal,analysis
R8001 T27489 T27488 prep of,analysis
R8002 T27490 T27491 dep Pygo2,type
R8003 T27491 T27494 nmod type,kidneys
R8004 T27492 T27491 amod wild,type
R8005 T27493 T27491 punct -,type
R8006 T27494 T27489 pobj kidneys,of
R8007 T27495 T27491 punct ", ",type
R8008 T27496 T27491 conj heterozygous,type
R8009 T27497 T27496 punct ", ",heterozygous
R8010 T27498 T27496 cc and,heterozygous
R8011 T27499 T27496 conj null,heterozygous
R8012 T27500 T27494 compound E18.5,kidneys
R8013 T27501 T27488 prep on,analysis
R8014 T27502 T27503 det the,background
R8015 T27503 T27501 pobj background,on
R8016 T27504 T27505 npadvmod Pygo1,null
R8017 T27505 T27503 amod null,background
R8018 T27506 T27488 punct .,analysis
R1622 T5938 T5934 prep o,analysis


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5628 449-450 UBERON:0002113 denotes s
T5627 448-449 SO_EXT:sequence_nullness denotes l
T27486 88-92 SO_EXT:sequence_nullness denotes null
T27485 82-87 PR_EXT:000013523 denotes Pygo1
T27484 67-74 UBERON:0002113 denotes kidneys
T27483 56-60 SO_EXT:sequence_nullness denotes null
T27482 27-36 SO_EXT:wild_type_entity_or_quality denotes wild-type
T27481 21-26 PR_EXT:000013524 denotes Pygo2


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5553 449-450 UBERON:0002113 denotes s
T27480 82-87 PR:000013523 denotes Pygo1
T27479 67-74 UBERON:0002113 denotes kidneys
T27478 21-26 PR:000013524 denotes Pygo2