> top > docs > PMC:1853120 > spans > 20924-21076 > annotations

PMC:1853120 / 20924-21076 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T28994 0-6 NN denotes Testis
T28995 7-15 NNS denotes sections
T28996 16-20 IN denotes from
T28997 21-22 CD denotes 6
T28998 23-25 NN denotes wk
T28999 22-23 HYPH denotes -
T29000 26-29 JJ denotes old
T29001 25-26 HYPH denotes -
T29002 69-80 NNS denotes littermates
T29003 30-34 JJ denotes wild
T29004 35-39 NN denotes type
T29005 34-35 HYPH denotes -
T29006 40-41 -LRB- denotes (
T29007 43-44 SYM denotes +
T29008 41-42 SYM denotes +
T29009 42-43 HYPH denotes /
T29010 44-45 -RRB- denotes )
T29011 46-49 CC denotes and
T29012 50-55 NN denotes Dmrt7
T29013 56-62 NN denotes mutant
T29014 63-64 -LRB- denotes (
T29015 66-67 SYM denotes
T29016 64-65 SYM denotes
T29017 65-66 HYPH denotes /
T29018 67-68 -RRB- denotes )
T29019 81-88 VBN denotes stained
T29020 89-93 IN denotes with
T29021 94-99 NN denotes stage
T29022 100-108 JJ denotes specific
T29023 99-100 HYPH denotes -
T29024 109-119 NNS denotes antibodies
T29025 120-128 JJ denotes specific
T29026 129-131 IN denotes to
T29027 132-145 JJ denotes spermatogenic
T29028 146-151 NNS denotes cells
T29029 151-152 . denotes .
R8109 T28994 T28995 compound Testis,sections
R8110 T28996 T28995 prep from,sections
R8111 T28997 T28998 nummod 6,wk
R8112 T28998 T29000 npadvmod wk,old
R8113 T28999 T28998 punct -,wk
R8114 T29000 T29002 amod old,littermates
R8115 T29001 T29000 punct -,old
R8116 T29002 T28996 pobj littermates,from
R8117 T29003 T29004 amod wild,type
R8118 T29004 T29002 nmod type,littermates
R8119 T29005 T29004 punct -,type
R8120 T29006 T29007 punct (,+
R8121 T29007 T29004 punct +,type
R8122 T29008 T29007 punct +,+
R8123 T29009 T29007 punct /,+
R8124 T29010 T29007 punct ),+
R8125 T29011 T29004 cc and,type
R8126 T29012 T29013 compound Dmrt7,mutant
R8127 T29013 T29004 conj mutant,type
R8128 T29014 T29015 punct (,−
R8129 T29015 T29013 punct −,mutant
R8130 T29016 T29015 punct −,−
R8131 T29017 T29015 punct /,−
R8132 T29018 T29015 punct ),−
R8133 T29019 T28995 acl stained,sections
R8134 T29020 T29019 prep with,stained
R8135 T29021 T29022 npadvmod stage,specific
R8136 T29022 T29024 amod specific,antibodies
R8137 T29023 T29022 punct -,specific
R8138 T29024 T29020 pobj antibodies,with
R8139 T29025 T29024 amod specific,antibodies
R8140 T29026 T29025 prep to,specific
R8141 T29027 T29028 amod spermatogenic,cells
R8142 T29028 T29026 pobj cells,to
R8143 T29029 T28995 punct .,sections


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T28943 0-6 UBERON:0000473 denotes Testis
T28944 50-55 PR:000006549 denotes Dmrt7
T28945 109-119 GO:0042571 denotes antibodies
T28946 132-145 GO:0007283 denotes spermatogenic


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T28960 0-6 UBERON:0000473 denotes Testis
T28961 30-39 SO_EXT:wild_type_entity_or_quality denotes wild-type
T28962 41-42 SO_EXT:normal_or_wild_type_or_present denotes +
T28963 43-44 SO_EXT:normal_or_wild_type_or_present denotes +
T28964 50-55 PR_EXT:000006549 denotes Dmrt7
T28965 56-62 SO_EXT:sequence_altered_entity_or_alteration_process denotes mutant
T28966 64-65 SO_EXT:sequence_nullness_or_absence denotes
T28967 66-67 SO_EXT:sequence_nullness_or_absence denotes
T28968 109-119 GO:0042571 denotes antibodies
T28969 132-145 GO:0007283 denotes spermatogenic
T28970 146-151 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cells