> top > docs > PMC:1626108 > spans > 35291-35589 > annotations

PMC:1626108 / 35291-35589 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6875 0-298 sentence denotes These data add a new dimension to the complexity of the regulation of the glycolytic pathway, in particular in the CNS, where glycolysis plays a major role in supplying energy and where the proteasome machinery may play a critical role in modulating components of the energy supply machinery [43].
T6876 1-6 DT denotes These
T6877 7-11 NNS denotes data
T6878 12-15 VBP denotes add
T6879 16-17 DT denotes a
T6880 22-31 NN denotes dimension
T6881 18-21 JJ denotes new
T6882 32-34 IN denotes to
T6883 35-38 DT denotes the
T6884 39-49 NN denotes complexity
T6885 50-52 IN denotes of
T6886 53-56 DT denotes the
T6887 57-67 NN denotes regulation
T6888 68-70 IN denotes of
T6889 71-74 DT denotes the
T6890 86-93 NN denotes pathway
T6891 75-85 JJ denotes glycolytic
T6892 93-95 , denotes ,
T6893 95-97 IN denotes in
T6894 109-111 IN denotes in
T6895 98-108 JJ denotes particular
T6896 112-115 DT denotes the
T6897 116-119 NN denotes CNS
T6898 119-121 , denotes ,
T6899 121-126 WRB denotes where
T6900 138-143 VBZ denotes plays
T6901 127-137 NN denotes glycolysis
T6902 144-145 DT denotes a
T6903 152-156 NN denotes role
T6904 146-151 JJ denotes major
T6905 157-159 IN denotes in
T6906 160-169 VBG denotes supplying
T6907 170-176 NN denotes energy
T6908 177-180 CC denotes and
T6909 181-186 WRB denotes where
T6910 216-220 VB denotes play
T6911 187-190 DT denotes the
T6912 202-211 NN denotes machinery
T6913 191-201 NN denotes proteasome
T6914 212-215 MD denotes may
T6915 221-222 DT denotes a
T6916 232-236 NN denotes role
T6917 223-231 JJ denotes critical
T6918 237-239 IN denotes in
T6919 240-250 VBG denotes modulating
T6920 251-261 NNS denotes components
T6921 262-264 IN denotes of
T6922 265-268 DT denotes the
T6923 283-292 NN denotes machinery
T6924 269-275 NN denotes energy
T6925 276-282 NN denotes supply
T6926 293-294 -LRB- denotes [
T6927 294-296 CD denotes 43
T6928 296-297 -RRB- denotes ]
T6929 297-298 . denotes .
R4281 T6876 T6877 det These,data
R4282 T6877 T6878 nsubj data,add
R4283 T6879 T6880 det a,dimension
R4284 T6880 T6878 dobj dimension,add
R4285 T6881 T6880 amod new,dimension
R4286 T6882 T6878 prep to,add
R4287 T6883 T6884 det the,complexity
R4288 T6884 T6882 pobj complexity,to
R4289 T6885 T6884 prep of,complexity
R4290 T6886 T6887 det the,regulation
R4291 T6887 T6885 pobj regulation,of
R4292 T6888 T6887 prep of,regulation
R4293 T6889 T6890 det the,pathway
R4294 T6890 T6888 pobj pathway,of
R4295 T6891 T6890 amod glycolytic,pathway
R4296 T6892 T6887 punct ", ",regulation
R4297 T6893 T6894 prep in,in
R4298 T6894 T6887 prep in,regulation
R4299 T6895 T6893 amod particular,in
R4300 T6896 T6897 det the,CNS
R4301 T6897 T6894 pobj CNS,in
R4302 T6898 T6897 punct ", ",CNS
R4303 T6899 T6900 advmod where,plays
R4304 T6900 T6897 advcl plays,CNS
R4305 T6901 T6900 nsubj glycolysis,plays
R4306 T6902 T6903 det a,role
R4307 T6903 T6900 dobj role,plays
R4308 T6904 T6903 amod major,role
R4309 T6905 T6900 prep in,plays
R4310 T6906 T6905 pcomp supplying,in
R4311 T6907 T6906 dobj energy,supplying
R4312 T6908 T6900 cc and,plays
R4313 T6909 T6910 advmod where,play
R4314 T6910 T6900 conj play,plays
R4315 T6911 T6912 det the,machinery
R4316 T6912 T6910 nsubj machinery,play
R4317 T6913 T6912 compound proteasome,machinery
R4318 T6914 T6910 aux may,play
R4319 T6915 T6916 det a,role
R4320 T6916 T6910 dobj role,play
R4321 T6917 T6916 amod critical,role
R4322 T6918 T6910 prep in,play
R4323 T6919 T6918 pcomp modulating,in
R4324 T6920 T6919 dobj components,modulating
R4325 T6921 T6920 prep of,components
R4326 T6922 T6923 det the,machinery
R4327 T6923 T6921 pobj machinery,of
R4328 T6924 T6925 compound energy,supply
R4329 T6925 T6923 compound supply,machinery
R4330 T6926 T6927 punct [,43
R4331 T6927 T6910 parataxis 43,play
R4332 T6928 T6927 punct ],43
R4333 T6929 T6878 punct .,add


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5984 57-70 _FRAGMENT denotes regulation of
T5985 75-93 GO:0006110 denotes glycolytic pathway
T5986 116-119 UBERON:0001017 denotes CNS
T5987 127-137 GO:0006096 denotes glycolysis
T5988 191-201 GO:0000502 denotes proteasome
T5989 240-250 GO:0065007 denotes modulating
R3548 T5985 T5984 _lexicallyChainedTo glycolytic pathway,regulation of


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5754 57-70 _FRAGMENT denotes regulation of
T5755 75-93 GO:0006110 denotes glycolytic pathway
T5756 116-119 UBERON:0001017 denotes CNS
T5757 127-137 GO:0006096 denotes glycolysis
T5758 191-201 GO:0000502 denotes proteasome
T5759 240-250 GO:0065007 denotes modulating
R3542 T5755 T5754 _lexicallyChainedTo glycolytic pathway,regulation of


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
17069463-8003523-85858857 294-296 8003523 denotes 43
T3016 294-296 8003523 denotes 43