> top > docs > PMC:1626108 > spans > 23915-24044 > annotations

PMC:1626108 / 23915-24044 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4315 0-129 sentence denotes The growth rates of inbred RanBP2+/− mice on high-fat (~10% fat) diet were significantly slower than RanBP2+/+ mice (Figure 6A).
T4316 1-4 DT denotes The
T4317 12-17 NNS denotes rates
T4318 5-11 NN denotes growth
T4319 71-75 VBD denotes were
T4320 18-20 IN denotes of
T4321 21-27 JJ denotes inbred
T4322 38-42 NNS denotes mice
T4323 28-34 NN denotes RanBP2
T4324 34-35 SYM denotes +
T4325 35-36 HYPH denotes /
T4326 36-37 SYM denotes
T4327 43-45 IN denotes on
T4328 46-50 JJ denotes high
T4329 51-54 NN denotes fat
T4330 50-51 HYPH denotes -
T4331 66-70 NN denotes diet
T4332 55-56 -LRB- denotes (
T4333 56-57 SYM denotes ~
T4334 57-59 CD denotes 10
T4335 59-60 NN denotes %
T4336 61-64 NN denotes fat
T4337 64-65 -RRB- denotes )
T4338 76-89 RB denotes significantly
T4339 90-96 JJR denotes slower
T4340 97-101 IN denotes than
T4341 102-108 NN denotes RanBP2
T4342 112-116 NNS denotes mice
T4343 108-109 SYM denotes +
T4344 109-110 HYPH denotes /
T4345 110-111 SYM denotes +
T4346 117-118 -LRB- denotes (
T4347 125-127 NN denotes 6A
T4348 118-124 NN denotes Figure
T4349 127-128 -RRB- denotes )
T4350 128-129 . denotes .
R2632 T4316 T4317 det The,rates
R2633 T4317 T4319 nsubj rates,were
R2634 T4318 T4317 compound growth,rates
R2635 T4320 T4317 prep of,rates
R2636 T4321 T4322 amod inbred,mice
R2637 T4322 T4320 pobj mice,of
R2638 T4323 T4322 nmod RanBP2,mice
R2639 T4324 T4323 punct +,RanBP2
R2640 T4325 T4323 punct /,RanBP2
R2641 T4326 T4323 punct −,RanBP2
R2642 T4327 T4322 prep on,mice
R2643 T4328 T4329 amod high,fat
R2644 T4329 T4331 nmod fat,diet
R2645 T4330 T4329 punct -,fat
R2646 T4331 T4327 pobj diet,on
R2647 T4332 T4329 punct (,fat
R2648 T4333 T4334 punct ~,10
R2649 T4334 T4335 nummod 10,%
R2650 T4335 T4336 compound %,fat
R2651 T4336 T4329 appos fat,fat
R2652 T4337 T4331 punct ),diet
R2653 T4338 T4339 advmod significantly,slower
R2654 T4339 T4319 acomp slower,were
R2655 T4340 T4339 prep than,slower
R2656 T4341 T4342 nmod RanBP2,mice
R2657 T4342 T4340 pobj mice,than
R2658 T4343 T4341 punct +,RanBP2
R2659 T4344 T4341 punct /,RanBP2
R2660 T4345 T4341 punct +,RanBP2
R2661 T4346 T4347 punct (,6A
R2662 T4347 T4319 parataxis 6A,were
R2663 T4348 T4347 compound Figure,6A
R2664 T4349 T4347 punct ),6A
R2665 T4350 T4319 punct .,were


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4205 5-11 GO_EXT:biological_growth_entity_or_process denotes growth
T4206 28-34 PR_EXT:000013712 denotes RanBP2
T4207 34-35 SO_EXT:normal_or_wild_type_or_present denotes +
T4208 36-37 SO_EXT:sequence_nullness_or_absence denotes
T4209 38-42 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mice
T4210 51-54 CHEBI_UBERON_EXT:triglyceride_or_adipose_tissue denotes fat
T4211 61-64 CHEBI_UBERON_EXT:triglyceride_or_adipose_tissue denotes fat
T4212 102-108 PR_EXT:000013712 denotes RanBP2
T4213 108-109 SO_EXT:normal_or_wild_type_or_present denotes +
T4214 110-111 SO_EXT:normal_or_wild_type_or_present denotes +
T4215 112-116 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mice


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4136 28-34 PR:000013712 denotes RanBP2
T4137 38-42 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mice
T4138 102-108 PR:000013712 denotes RanBP2
T4139 112-116 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mice