PMC:1574314 / 6059-7039 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"1574314","source_url":"","text":"Regulation of MAPKs at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels can also play an important role in controlling the MAPK cascades function. Alternative splicing has been observed for the mammalian MAPK ERK1 [26,32], as well as for the Arabidopsis MAPKKK gene, ANP1 [33], and the rice MAPK gene, OsMPK5 [34]. Moreover, strong up-regulation in the expression of some plant MAPK genes is seen in response to stress, including tobacco NtWIPK [15], tomato LeMPK3 [8], alfalfa MsMMK4 [35] and rice OsBWMK1 [36] and OsMSRMK3 [25]. Finally, some plant MAPKs display organ-specific expression, suggesting that their function is spatially and/or temporally delimited. For example, the Petunia hybrida MAPK gene, PMEK 1, is preferentially expressed in reproductive female organs [37], while the tobacco MAPK gene Ntf4 (a close relative of the stress-responsive MAPK gene NtSIPK) is expressed only in certain organs such as pollen grains, developing embryos and mature embryos [38].","tracks":[]}