> top > docs > PMC:1482699 > spans > 558-1392 > annotations

PMC:1482699 / 558-1392 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T692 0-3 DT denotes The
T693 25-30 NN denotes panel
T694 4-9 JJ denotes first
T695 10-15 NN denotes speed
T696 16-24 JJ denotes congenic
T697 35-44 VBN denotes developed
T698 31-34 VBD denotes was
T699 45-47 IN denotes by
T700 48-61 VBG denotes introgressing
T701 62-66 CD denotes four
T702 85-92 NNS denotes regions
T703 67-78 VBG denotes overlapping
T704 79-84 NN denotes donor
T705 93-101 VBG denotes spanning
T706 102-106 NN denotes MMU2
T707 107-109 IN denotes in
T708 110-113 PRP$ denotes its
T709 114-122 NN denotes entirety
T710 123-127 IN denotes onto
T711 128-132 CC denotes both
T712 133-135 NN denotes HG
T713 143-154 NNS denotes backgrounds
T714 136-139 CC denotes and
T715 140-142 NN denotes B6
T716 154-156 , denotes ,
T717 156-159 IN denotes for
T718 160-161 DT denotes a
T719 162-167 NN denotes total
T720 168-170 IN denotes of
T721 171-176 CD denotes eight
T722 177-184 NNS denotes strains
T723 184-185 . denotes .
T724 185-382 sentence denotes Phenotypic characterization of the MMU2 panel confirmed the segregation of multiple growth and obesity QTL and strongly suggested that a subset of these loci modify the effects of the hg deletion.
T725 186-196 JJ denotes Phenotypic
T726 197-213 NN denotes characterization
T727 232-241 VBD denotes confirmed
T728 214-216 IN denotes of
T729 217-220 DT denotes the
T730 226-231 NN denotes panel
T731 221-225 NN denotes MMU2
T732 242-245 DT denotes the
T733 246-257 NN denotes segregation
T734 258-260 IN denotes of
T735 261-269 JJ denotes multiple
T736 270-276 NN denotes growth
T737 289-292 NN denotes QTL
T738 277-280 CC denotes and
T739 281-288 NN denotes obesity
T740 293-296 CC denotes and
T741 297-305 RB denotes strongly
T742 306-315 VBD denotes suggested
T743 316-320 IN denotes that
T744 344-350 VBP denotes modify
T745 321-322 DT denotes a
T746 323-329 NN denotes subset
T747 330-332 IN denotes of
T748 333-338 DT denotes these
T749 339-343 NNS denotes loci
T750 351-354 DT denotes the
T751 355-362 NNS denotes effects
T752 363-365 IN denotes of
T753 366-369 DT denotes the
T754 373-381 NN denotes deletion
T755 370-372 NN denotes hg
T756 381-382 . denotes .
T757 382-499 sentence denotes The second panel consisted of individual donor regions on an HG background for each QTL on MMU1, 5, 8, 9, 11 and 17.
T758 383-386 DT denotes The
T759 394-399 NN denotes panel
T760 387-393 JJ denotes second
T761 400-409 VBD denotes consisted
T762 410-412 IN denotes of
T763 413-423 JJ denotes individual
T764 430-437 NNS denotes regions
T765 424-429 NN denotes donor
T766 438-440 IN denotes on
T767 441-443 DT denotes an
T768 447-457 NN denotes background
T769 444-446 NN denotes HG
T770 458-461 IN denotes for
T771 462-466 DT denotes each
T772 467-470 NN denotes QTL
T773 471-473 IN denotes on
T774 474-477 NN denotes MMU
T775 477-478 CD denotes 1
T776 478-480 , denotes ,
T777 480-481 CD denotes 5
T778 481-483 , denotes ,
T779 483-484 CD denotes 8
T780 484-486 , denotes ,
T781 486-487 CD denotes 9
T782 487-489 , denotes ,
T783 489-491 CD denotes 11
T784 492-495 CC denotes and
T785 496-498 CD denotes 17
T786 498-499 . denotes .
T787 499-654 sentence denotes Of the six developed strains, five were successfully characterized and displayed significant differences in growth and/or obesity as compared to controls.
T788 500-502 IN denotes Of
T789 553-566 VBN denotes characterized
T790 503-506 DT denotes the
T791 521-528 NNS denotes strains
T792 507-510 CD denotes six
T793 511-520 VBN denotes developed
T794 528-530 , denotes ,
T795 530-534 CD denotes five
T796 535-539 VBD denotes were
T797 540-552 RB denotes successfully
T798 567-570 CC denotes and
T799 571-580 VBN denotes displayed
T800 581-592 JJ denotes significant
T801 593-604 NNS denotes differences
T802 605-607 IN denotes in
T803 608-614 NN denotes growth
T804 615-618 CC denotes and
T805 618-619 HYPH denotes /
T806 619-621 CC denotes or
T807 622-629 NN denotes obesity
T808 630-632 IN denotes as
T809 633-641 VBN denotes compared
T810 642-644 IN denotes to
T811 645-653 NNS denotes controls
T812 653-654 . denotes .
T813 654-834 sentence denotes All five displayed phenotypes similar to those originally attributed to each QTL, however, novel phenotypes were unmasked in several of the strains including sex-specific effects.
T814 655-658 DT denotes All
T815 659-663 CD denotes five
T816 664-673 VBD denotes displayed
T817 768-776 VBN denotes unmasked
T818 674-684 NNS denotes phenotypes
T819 685-692 JJ denotes similar
T820 693-695 IN denotes to
T821 696-701 DT denotes those
T822 702-712 RB denotes originally
T823 713-723 VBN denotes attributed
T824 724-726 IN denotes to
T825 727-731 DT denotes each
T826 732-735 NN denotes QTL
T827 735-737 , denotes ,
T828 737-744 RB denotes however
T829 744-746 , denotes ,
T830 746-751 JJ denotes novel
T831 752-762 NNS denotes phenotypes
T832 763-767 VBD denotes were
T833 777-779 IN denotes in
T834 780-787 JJ denotes several
T835 788-790 IN denotes of
T836 791-794 DT denotes the
T837 795-802 NNS denotes strains
T838 803-812 VBG denotes including
T839 813-816 NN denotes sex
T840 817-825 JJ denotes specific
T841 816-817 HYPH denotes -
T842 826-833 NNS denotes effects
T843 833-834 . denotes .
R107 T692 T693 det The,panel
R108 T693 T697 nsubjpass panel,developed
R112 T698 T697 auxpass was,developed
R113 T699 T697 prep by,developed
R114 T700 T699 pcomp introgressing,by
R115 T701 T702 nummod four,regions
R116 T702 T700 dobj regions,introgressing
R119 T705 T702 acl spanning,regions
R120 T706 T705 dobj MMU2,spanning
R121 T707 T706 prep in,MMU2
R122 T708 T709 poss its,entirety
R123 T709 T707 pobj entirety,in
R124 T710 T700 prep onto,introgressing
R125 T711 T712 preconj both,HG
R126 T712 T713 nmod HG,backgrounds
R127 T713 T710 pobj backgrounds,onto
R130 T716 T700 punct ", ",introgressing
R131 T717 T700 prep for,introgressing
R132 T718 T719 det a,total
R133 T719 T717 pobj total,for
R134 T720 T719 prep of,total
R135 T721 T722 nummod eight,strains
R136 T722 T720 pobj strains,of
R137 T723 T697 punct .,developed
R138 T725 T726 amod Phenotypic,characterization
R139 T726 T727 nsubj characterization,confirmed
R140 T728 T726 prep of,characterization
R141 T729 T730 det the,panel
R142 T730 T728 pobj panel,of
R144 T732 T733 det the,segregation
R145 T733 T727 dobj segregation,confirmed
R146 T734 T733 prep of,segregation
R147 T735 T736 amod multiple,growth
R148 T736 T737 nmod growth,QTL
R149 T737 T734 pobj QTL,of
R152 T740 T727 cc and,confirmed
R153 T741 T742 advmod strongly,suggested
R154 T742 T727 conj suggested,confirmed
R155 T743 T744 mark that,modify
R156 T744 T742 ccomp modify,suggested
R162 T750 T751 det the,effects
R163 T751 T744 dobj effects,modify
R164 T752 T751 prep of,effects
R165 T753 T754 det the,deletion
R166 T754 T752 pobj deletion,of
R168 T756 T727 punct .,confirmed
R169 T758 T759 det The,panel
R170 T759 T761 nsubj panel,consisted
R172 T762 T761 prep of,consisted
R173 T763 T764 amod individual,regions
R174 T764 T762 pobj regions,of
R176 T766 T764 prep on,regions
R177 T767 T768 det an,background
R178 T768 T766 pobj background,on
R180 T770 T764 prep for,regions
R181 T771 T772 det each,QTL
R182 T772 T770 pobj QTL,for
R183 T773 T764 prep on,regions
R184 T774 T775 nmod MMU,1
R185 T775 T773 pobj 1,on
R186 T776 T775 punct ", ",1
R187 T777 T775 conj 5,1
R188 T778 T777 punct ", ",5
R189 T779 T777 conj 8,5
R190 T780 T779 punct ", ",8
R191 T781 T779 conj 9,8
R192 T782 T781 punct ", ",9
R193 T783 T781 conj 11,9
R194 T784 T783 cc and,11
R195 T785 T783 conj 17,11
R196 T786 T761 punct .,consisted
R197 T788 T789 prep Of,characterized
R198 T790 T791 det the,strains
R199 T791 T788 pobj strains,Of
R202 T794 T789 punct ", ",characterized
R203 T795 T789 nsubjpass five,characterized
R204 T796 T789 auxpass were,characterized
R205 T797 T789 advmod successfully,characterized
R206 T798 T789 cc and,characterized
R207 T799 T789 conj displayed,characterized
R208 T800 T801 amod significant,differences
R209 T801 T799 dobj differences,displayed
R210 T802 T801 prep in,differences
R211 T803 T802 pobj growth,in
R212 T804 T803 cc and,growth
R213 T805 T804 punct /,and
R214 T806 T804 cc or,and
R215 T807 T803 conj obesity,growth
R216 T808 T809 mark as,compared
R217 T809 T799 advcl compared,displayed
R218 T810 T809 prep to,compared
R219 T811 T810 pobj controls,to
R220 T812 T789 punct .,characterized
R221 T814 T815 det All,five
R222 T815 T816 nsubj five,displayed
R223 T816 T817 ccomp displayed,unmasked
R224 T818 T816 dobj phenotypes,displayed
R225 T819 T818 amod similar,phenotypes
R226 T820 T819 prep to,similar
R227 T821 T820 pobj those,to
R228 T822 T823 advmod originally,attributed
R229 T823 T821 acl attributed,those
R230 T824 T823 prep to,attributed
R231 T825 T826 det each,QTL
R232 T826 T824 pobj QTL,to
R233 T827 T817 punct ", ",unmasked
R234 T828 T817 advmod however,unmasked
R235 T829 T817 punct ", ",unmasked
R236 T830 T831 amod novel,phenotypes
R237 T831 T817 nsubjpass phenotypes,unmasked
R238 T832 T817 auxpass were,unmasked
R239 T833 T817 prep in,unmasked
R240 T834 T833 pobj several,in
R241 T835 T834 prep of,several
R242 T836 T837 det the,strains
R243 T837 T835 pobj strains,of
R244 T838 T817 prep including,unmasked
R245 T839 T840 npadvmod sex,specific
R246 T840 T842 amod specific,effects
R248 T842 T838 pobj effects,including
R249 T843 T817 punct .,unmasked
R109 T694 T693 amod first,panel
R110 T695 T696 npadvmod speed,congenic
R111 T696 T693 amod congenic,panel
R117 T703 T702 amod overlapping,regions
R118 T704 T702 compound donor,regions
R128 T714 T712 cc and,HG
R129 T715 T712 conj B6,HG
R143 T731 T730 compound MMU2,panel
R150 T738 T736 cc and,growth
R151 T739 T736 conj obesity,growth
R157 T745 T746 det a,subset
R158 T746 T744 nsubj subset,modify
R159 T747 T746 prep of,subset
R160 T748 T749 det these,loci
R161 T749 T747 pobj loci,of
R167 T755 T754 compound hg,deletion
R171 T760 T759 amod second,panel
R175 T765 T764 compound donor,regions
R179 T769 T768 compound HG,background
R200 T792 T791 nummod six,strains
R201 T793 T791 amod developed,strains
R247 T841 T840 punct -,specific


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T563 270-276 GO_EXT:biological_growth_entity_or_process denotes growth
T564 289-292 SO_EXT:0000771 denotes QTL
T565 373-381 SO_EXT:sequence_deletion_entity_or_process denotes deletion
T566 467-470 SO_EXT:0000771 denotes QTL
T567 608-614 GO_EXT:biological_growth_entity_or_process denotes growth
T568 732-735 SO_EXT:0000771 denotes QTL


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T540 289-292 SO:0000771 denotes QTL
T541 467-470 SO:0000771 denotes QTL
T542 732-735 SO:0000771 denotes QTL