> top > docs > PMC:1482699 > spans > 34719-34837 > annotations

PMC:1482699 / 34719-34837 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T20831 0-118 sentence denotes The product of this digestion was diluted (1:10) in sterile H2O and used for genotyping without further purification.
T20832 1-4 DT denotes The
T20833 5-12 NN denotes product
T20834 35-42 VBN denotes diluted
T20835 13-15 IN denotes of
T20836 16-20 DT denotes this
T20837 21-30 NN denotes digestion
T20838 31-34 VBD denotes was
T20839 43-44 -LRB- denotes (
T20840 44-45 CD denotes 1
T20841 45-46 SYM denotes :
T20842 46-48 CD denotes 10
T20843 48-49 -RRB- denotes )
T20844 50-52 IN denotes in
T20845 53-60 JJ denotes sterile
T20846 61-64 NN denotes H2O
T20847 65-68 CC denotes and
T20848 69-73 VBN denotes used
T20849 74-77 IN denotes for
T20850 78-88 NN denotes genotyping
T20851 89-96 IN denotes without
T20852 97-104 JJ denotes further
T20853 105-117 NN denotes purification
T20854 117-118 . denotes .
R6441 T20832 T20833 det The,product
R6442 T20833 T20834 nsubjpass product,diluted
R6443 T20835 T20833 prep of,product
R6444 T20836 T20837 det this,digestion
R6445 T20837 T20835 pobj digestion,of
R6446 T20838 T20834 auxpass was,diluted
R6447 T20839 T20840 punct (,1
R6448 T20840 T20834 parataxis 1,diluted
R6449 T20841 T20842 punct :,10
R6450 T20842 T20840 prep 10,1
R6451 T20843 T20840 punct ),1
R6452 T20844 T20834 prep in,diluted
R6453 T20845 T20846 amod sterile,H2O
R6454 T20846 T20844 pobj H2O,in
R6455 T20847 T20834 cc and,diluted
R6456 T20848 T20834 conj used,diluted
R6457 T20849 T20848 prep for,used
R6458 T20850 T20849 pobj genotyping,for
R6459 T20851 T20848 prep without,used
R6460 T20852 T20853 amod further,purification
R6461 T20853 T20851 pobj purification,without
R6462 T20854 T20834 punct .,diluted


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T20756 61-64 CHEBI:15377 denotes H2O


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T20734 61-64 CHEBI:15377 denotes H2O