> top > docs > PMC:1482699 > spans > 2989-3111 > annotations

PMC:1482699 / 2989-3111 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2958 0-122 sentence denotes While technically straightforward this is a time consuming endeavor taking over three years to construct a single strain.
T2959 1-6 IN denotes While
T2960 19-34 JJ denotes straightforward
T2961 7-18 RB denotes technically
T2962 40-42 VBZ denotes is
T2963 35-39 NN denotes this
T2964 43-44 DT denotes a
T2965 60-68 NN denotes endeavor
T2966 45-49 NN denotes time
T2967 50-59 VBG denotes consuming
T2968 69-75 VBG denotes taking
T2969 76-80 IN denotes over
T2970 81-86 CD denotes three
T2971 87-92 NNS denotes years
T2972 93-95 TO denotes to
T2973 96-105 VB denotes construct
T2974 106-107 DT denotes a
T2975 115-121 NN denotes strain
T2976 108-114 JJ denotes single
T2977 121-122 . denotes .
R471 T2959 T2960 mark While,straightforward
R472 T2960 T2962 advcl straightforward,is
R474 T2961 T2960 advmod technically,straightforward
R475 T2963 T2962 nsubj this,is
R477 T2964 T2965 det a,endeavor
R478 T2965 T2962 attr endeavor,is
R479 T2966 T2967 npadvmod time,consuming
R481 T2967 T2965 amod consuming,endeavor
R482 T2968 T2965 acl taking,endeavor
R483 T2969 T2970 quantmod over,three
R485 T2970 T2971 nummod three,years
R486 T2971 T2968 dobj years,taking
R487 T2972 T2973 aux to,construct
R488 T2973 T2968 advcl construct,taking
R489 T2974 T2975 det a,strain
R490 T2975 T2973 dobj strain,construct
R492 T2976 T2975 amod single,strain
R493 T2977 T2962 punct .,is