> top > docs > PMC:1472690 > spans > 909-1298 > annotations

PMC:1472690 / 909-1298 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T311 5-9 Protein denotes IL-8
T312 95-99 Protein denotes IL-8
T313 125-148 Protein denotes IL-1receptor antagonist
T314 149-151 Protein denotes RA
T315 253-257 Protein denotes IL-8
T316 365-371 Protein denotes IL-1RA


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T441 5-9 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P10145 denotes IL-8
T442 95-99 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P10145 denotes IL-8
T443 253-257 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P10145 denotes IL-8
T444 365-371 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P18510 denotes IL-1RA


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T338 52-59 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005488 denotes binding
T339 303-310 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005488 denotes binding
T351 5-9 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005153 denotes IL-8
T352 95-99 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005153 denotes IL-8
T353 253-257 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005153 denotes IL-8


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T357 220-225 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T195 25-109 Sentence denotes 5000 pg/ml), likely due to binding of NFκB to a consensus site in the IL-8 promoter.
T196 110-178 Sentence denotes An increase in IL-1receptor antagonist(RA) production (peak at 24 h:
T197 179-265 Sentence denotes 12000 pg/ml) by glucan phosphate-treated cells positively correlated with IL-8 levels.
T9 25-109 Sentence denotes 5000 pg/ml), likely due to binding of NFκB to a consensus site in the IL-8 promoter.
T10 110-178 Sentence denotes An increase in IL-1receptor antagonist(RA) production (peak at 24 h:
T11 179-265 Sentence denotes 12000 pg/ml) by glucan phosphate-treated cells positively correlated with IL-8 levels.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T404 5-9 Protein denotes IL-8
T405 95-99 Protein denotes IL-8
T406 125-148 Protein denotes IL-1receptor antagonist
T407 149-151 Protein denotes RA
T408 253-257 Protein denotes IL-8
T409 365-371 Protein denotes IL-1RA


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T863 52-59 Binding denotes binding
T865 153-163 Gene_expression denotes production
T866 113-121 Positive_regulation denotes increase
T867 303-310 Binding denotes binding
T868 283-290 Positive_regulation denotes induced
T836 5-9 Protein denotes IL-8
T837 95-99 Protein denotes IL-8
T838 125-148 Protein denotes IL-1receptor antagonist
T839 149-151 Protein denotes RA
T840 253-257 Protein denotes IL-8
T841 365-371 Protein denotes IL-1RA
R215 T865 T866 themeOf production,increase
R216 T865 T866 themeOf production,increase
R217 T867 T868 themeOf binding,induced
R345 T837 T863 themeOf IL-8,binding
R346 T838 T865 themeOf IL-1receptor antagonist,production
R347 T839 T865 themeOf RA,production
R348 T841 T867 themeOf IL-1RA,binding


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T490 52-59 Binding denotes binding
T491 153-163 Gene_expression denotes production
T492 113-121 Positive_regulation denotes increase
T493 303-310 Binding denotes binding
T494 283-290 Positive_regulation denotes induced
T462 5-9 Protein denotes IL-8
T463 95-99 Protein denotes IL-8
T464 125-148 Protein denotes IL-1receptor antagonist
T465 149-151 Protein denotes RA
T466 253-257 Protein denotes IL-8
T467 365-371 Protein denotes IL-1RA
R127 T491 T492 themeOf production,increase
R128 T491 T492 themeOf production,increase
R129 T493 T494 themeOf binding,induced
R255 T463 T490 themeOf IL-8,binding
R256 T464 T491 themeOf IL-1receptor antagonist,production
R257 T465 T491 themeOf RA,production
R258 T467 T493 themeOf IL-1RA,binding


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T610 52-59 Binding denotes binding
T611 153-163 Gene_expression denotes production
T612 113-121 Positive_regulation denotes increase
T613 303-310 Binding denotes binding
T614 283-290 Positive_regulation denotes induced
T582 5-9 Protein denotes IL-8
T583 95-99 Protein denotes IL-8
T584 125-148 Protein denotes IL-1receptor antagonist
T585 149-151 Protein denotes RA
T586 253-257 Protein denotes IL-8
T587 365-371 Protein denotes IL-1RA
R148 T611 T612 themeOf production,increase
R307 T585 T611 themeOf RA,production
R147 T611 T612 themeOf production,increase
R149 T613 T614 themeOf binding,induced
R304 T582 T610 themeOf IL-8,binding
R305 T583 T610 themeOf IL-8,binding
R306 T584 T611 themeOf IL-1receptor antagonist,production
R308 T587 T613 themeOf IL-1RA,binding


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T763 266-272 Entity denotes Glucan
T764 68-108 Entity denotes to a consensus site in the IL-8 promoter
T766 344-348 Protein denotes NFAT
T772 2-9 Protein denotes of IL-8
T779 195-225 Entity denotes glucan phosphate-treated cells
T783 338-381 Entity denotes a new NFAT site within the IL-1RA promoter,
T786 91-108 Entity denotes the IL-8 promoter
T787 195-201 Entity denotes glucan
T793 138-152 Entity denotes antagonist(RA)
T795 202-219 Entity denotes phosphate-treated
T799 95-99 Protein denotes IL-8
T802 122-163 Protein denotes in IL-1receptor antagonist(RA) production
T806 314-333 Entity denotes a known NFIL-6 site
T809 125-129 Protein denotes IL-1
T735 149-151 Protein denotes RA
T736 361-381 Entity denotes the IL-1RA promoter,
T738 322-328 Protein denotes NFIL-6
T744 176-177 Entity denotes h
T747 365-371 Protein denotes IL-1RA
T750 22-23 Entity denotes h
T752 253-257 Protein denotes IL-8
T754 60-67 Protein denotes of NFκB
T759 266-290 Entity denotes Glucan phosphate induced
T821 110-163 Positive_regulation denotes An increase in IL-1receptor antagonist(RA) production
T822 52-108 Binding denotes binding of NFκB to a consensus site in the IL-8 promoter
R199 T786 T799 partOf the IL-8 promoter,IL-8
R329 T736 T747 partOf "the IL-1RA promoter,",IL-1RA
R333 T754 T822 themeOf of NFκB,binding of NFκB to a consensus site in the IL-8 promoter


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T532 5-9 Protein denotes IL-8
T533 63-67 Protein denotes NFκB
T534 95-108 Protein denotes IL-8 promoter
T536 52-59 Binding denotes binding
T537 52-59 Binding denotes binding
T539 125-137 Protein denotes IL-1receptor
T540 253-257 Protein denotes IL-8
T541 322-333 Protein denotes NFIL-6 site
T542 344-353 Protein denotes NFAT site
T543 365-380 Protein denotes IL-1RA promoter
T544 303-310 Binding denotes binding
T545 303-310 Binding denotes binding
T547 283-290 Positive_regulation denotes induced
T548 283-290 Positive_regulation denotes induced
R275 T532 T536 themeOf IL-8,binding
R276 T533 T536 themeOf NFκB,binding
R277 T533 T537 themeOf NFκB,binding
R278 T534 T537 themeOf IL-8 promoter,binding
R280 T542 T544 themeOf NFAT site,binding
R281 T543 T545 themeOf IL-1RA promoter,binding
R283 T544 T547 themeOf binding,induced
R284 T545 T548 themeOf binding,induced


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T47 5-9 Protein denotes IL-8
T48 95-99 Protein denotes IL-8
T49 125-148 Protein denotes IL-1receptor antagonist
T50 149-151 Protein denotes RA
T51 253-257 Protein denotes IL-8
T52 365-371 Protein denotes IL-1RA
T74 52-59 Binding denotes binding
T75 100-108 Entity denotes promoter
T76 113-121 Positive_regulation denotes increase
T77 138-148 Negative_regulation denotes antagonist
T78 153-163 Gene_expression denotes production
T79 283-290 Positive_regulation denotes induced
T80 303-310 Binding denotes binding
T81 322-333 Entity denotes NFIL-6 site
T82 349-353 Entity denotes site
T83 372-380 Entity denotes promoter
R6 T49 T78 themeOf IL-1receptor antagonist,production
R7 T50 T49 equivalentTo RA,IL-1receptor antagonist
R8 T51 T76 causeOf IL-8,increase
R23 T75 T74 themeOf promoter,binding
R24 T75 T48 partOf promoter,IL-8
R25 T77 T76 themeOf antagonist,increase
R26 T78 T76 themeOf production,increase
R27 T80 T79 themeOf binding,induced
R28 T81 T80 themeOf NFIL-6 site,binding
R29 T81 T52 partOf NFIL-6 site,IL-1RA
R30 T83 T80 themeOf promoter,binding
R31 T83 T52 partOf promoter,IL-1RA


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T108 5-9 Protein denotes IL-8
T109 95-99 Protein denotes IL-8
T110 125-148 Protein denotes IL-1receptor antagonist
T111 149-151 Protein denotes RA
T112 253-257 Protein denotes IL-8
T113 365-371 Protein denotes IL-1RA
T148 5-9 Protein denotes IL-8
T149 52-59 Binding denotes binding
T150 95-99 Protein denotes IL-8
T151 113-121 Positive_regulation denotes increase
T152 125-148 Protein denotes IL-1receptor antagonist
T153 149-151 Protein denotes RA
T154 153-163 Gene_expression denotes production
T155 253-257 Protein denotes IL-8
T156 283-290 Positive_regulation denotes induced
T157 303-310 Binding denotes binding
T158 365-371 Protein denotes IL-1RA
R50 T148 T149 themeOf IL-8,binding
R52 T152 T154 themeOf IL-1receptor antagonist,production
R53 T153 T152 equivalentTo RA,IL-1receptor antagonist
R54 T154 T151 themeOf production,increase
R56 T157 T156 themeOf binding,induced