> top > docs > PMC:1440874 > spans > 52401-52563 > annotations

PMC:1440874 / 52401-52563 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11827 0-162 sentence denotes Methylation of rDNA was analysed in DNA from ES cell clones or from embryoid bodies recovered after 7 d of in vitro differentiation as described previously [41].
T11828 1-12 NN denotes Methylation
T11829 25-33 VBN denotes analysed
T11830 13-15 IN denotes of
T11831 16-20 NN denotes rDNA
T11832 21-24 VBD denotes was
T11833 34-36 IN denotes in
T11834 37-40 NN denotes DNA
T11835 41-45 IN denotes from
T11836 46-48 NN denotes ES
T11837 49-53 NN denotes cell
T11838 54-60 NNS denotes clones
T11839 61-63 CC denotes or
T11840 64-68 IN denotes from
T11841 69-77 JJ denotes embryoid
T11842 78-84 NNS denotes bodies
T11843 85-94 VBN denotes recovered
T11844 95-100 IN denotes after
T11845 101-102 CD denotes 7
T11846 103-104 NNS denotes d
T11847 105-107 IN denotes of
T11848 108-110 FW denotes in
T11849 111-116 FW denotes vitro
T11850 117-132 NN denotes differentiation
T11851 133-135 IN denotes as
T11852 136-145 VBN denotes described
T11853 146-156 RB denotes previously
T11854 157-158 -LRB- denotes [
T11855 158-160 CD denotes 41
T11856 160-161 -RRB- denotes ]
T11857 161-162 . denotes .
R7376 T11828 T11829 nsubjpass Methylation,analysed
R7377 T11830 T11828 prep of,Methylation
R7378 T11831 T11830 pobj rDNA,of
R7379 T11832 T11829 auxpass was,analysed
R7380 T11833 T11829 prep in,analysed
R7381 T11834 T11833 pobj DNA,in
R7382 T11835 T11834 prep from,DNA
R7383 T11836 T11837 compound ES,cell
R7384 T11837 T11838 compound cell,clones
R7385 T11838 T11835 pobj clones,from
R7386 T11839 T11835 cc or,from
R7387 T11840 T11835 conj from,from
R7388 T11841 T11842 amod embryoid,bodies
R7389 T11842 T11840 pobj bodies,from
R7390 T11843 T11842 acl recovered,bodies
R7391 T11844 T11843 prep after,recovered
R7392 T11845 T11846 nummod 7,d
R7393 T11846 T11844 pobj d,after
R7394 T11847 T11846 prep of,d
R7395 T11848 T11849 advmod in,vitro
R7396 T11849 T11850 amod vitro,differentiation
R7397 T11850 T11847 pobj differentiation,of
R7398 T11851 T11852 mark as,described
R7399 T11852 T11829 advcl described,analysed
R7400 T11853 T11852 advmod previously,described
R7401 T11854 T11855 punct [,41
R7402 T11855 T11829 parataxis 41,analysed
R7403 T11856 T11855 punct ],41
R7404 T11857 T11829 punct .,analysed


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11531 1-12 GO_MOP_EXT:methylation denotes Methylation
T11532 37-40 CHEBI_SO_EXT:DNA denotes DNA
T11533 46-53 CL:0002322 denotes ES cell
T11534 49-53 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cell
T11535 54-60 SO_EXT:sequence_cloned_entity denotes clones
T11536 69-84 UBERON:0014374 denotes embryoid bodies
T11537 117-132 GO_RO_EXT:developmental_differentiation_process denotes differentiation


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
16628246-8417345-85799788 158-160 8417345 denotes 41
T26504 158-160 8417345 denotes 41


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11471 46-53 CL:0002322 denotes ES cell
T11472 69-84 UBERON:0014374 denotes embryoid bodies