> top > docs > PMC:1440874 > spans > 51919-52047 > annotations

PMC:1440874 / 51919-52047 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11726 0-128 sentence denotes The blot was hybridised with a probe from within exon 10 of the Atrx gene (generated with primers Mxnp4 and Mxnp28 [Table S1]).
T11727 1-4 DT denotes The
T11728 5-9 NN denotes blot
T11729 14-24 VBN denotes hybridised
T11730 10-13 VBD denotes was
T11731 25-29 IN denotes with
T11732 30-31 DT denotes a
T11733 32-37 NN denotes probe
T11734 38-42 IN denotes from
T11735 43-49 IN denotes within
T11736 50-54 NN denotes exon
T11737 55-57 CD denotes 10
T11738 58-60 IN denotes of
T11739 61-64 DT denotes the
T11740 70-74 NN denotes gene
T11741 65-69 NN denotes Atrx
T11742 75-76 -LRB- denotes (
T11743 76-85 VBN denotes generated
T11744 86-90 IN denotes with
T11745 91-98 NNS denotes primers
T11746 99-104 NN denotes Mxnp4
T11747 105-108 CC denotes and
T11748 109-115 NN denotes Mxnp28
T11749 116-117 -LRB- denotes [
T11750 123-125 NN denotes S1
T11751 117-122 NN denotes Table
T11752 125-126 -RRB- denotes ]
T11753 126-127 -RRB- denotes )
T11754 127-128 . denotes .
R7283 T11727 T11728 det The,blot
R7284 T11728 T11729 nsubjpass blot,hybridised
R7285 T11730 T11729 auxpass was,hybridised
R7286 T11731 T11729 prep with,hybridised
R7287 T11732 T11733 det a,probe
R7288 T11733 T11731 pobj probe,with
R7289 T11734 T11733 prep from,probe
R7290 T11735 T11734 prep within,from
R7291 T11736 T11735 pobj exon,within
R7292 T11737 T11736 nummod 10,exon
R7293 T11738 T11736 prep of,exon
R7294 T11739 T11740 det the,gene
R7295 T11740 T11738 pobj gene,of
R7296 T11741 T11740 compound Atrx,gene
R7297 T11742 T11733 punct (,probe
R7298 T11743 T11733 acl generated,probe
R7299 T11744 T11743 prep with,generated
R7300 T11745 T11746 compound primers,Mxnp4
R7301 T11746 T11744 pobj Mxnp4,with
R7302 T11747 T11746 cc and,Mxnp4
R7303 T11748 T11746 conj Mxnp28,Mxnp4
R7304 T11749 T11750 punct [,S1
R7305 T11750 T11729 parataxis S1,hybridised
R7306 T11751 T11750 compound Table,S1
R7307 T11752 T11750 punct ],S1
R7308 T11753 T11729 punct ),hybridised
R7309 T11754 T11729 punct .,hybridised


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11513 14-24 GO:0097617 denotes hybridised
T11514 32-37 CHEBI_SO_EXT:molecular_probe denotes probe
T11515 50-54 SO_EXT:0000147 denotes exon
T11516 65-69 PR_EXT:000004503 denotes Atrx
T11517 70-74 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes gene
T11518 91-98 SO_EXT:0000112 denotes primers


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11458 14-24 GO:0097617 denotes hybridised
T11459 50-54 SO:0000147 denotes exon
T11460 65-69 PR:000004503 denotes Atrx
T11461 70-74 SO:0000704 denotes gene
T11462 91-98 SO:0000112 denotes primers