> top > docs > PMC:1440874 > spans > 48194-48347 > annotations

PMC:1440874 / 48194-48347 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T10667 0-153 sentence denotes Put simply, carrier females bearing a small initial population of escaping cells would be more severely affected than those bearing a larger population.
T10668 1-4 VBN denotes Put
T10669 88-90 VB denotes be
T10670 5-11 RB denotes simply
T10671 11-13 , denotes ,
T10672 13-20 NN denotes carrier
T10673 21-28 NNS denotes females
T10674 29-36 VBG denotes bearing
T10675 37-38 DT denotes a
T10676 53-63 NN denotes population
T10677 39-44 JJ denotes small
T10678 45-52 JJ denotes initial
T10679 64-66 IN denotes of
T10680 67-75 VBG denotes escaping
T10681 76-81 NNS denotes cells
T10682 82-87 MD denotes would
T10683 91-95 RBR denotes more
T10684 96-104 RB denotes severely
T10685 105-113 VBN denotes affected
T10686 114-118 IN denotes than
T10687 119-124 DT denotes those
T10688 125-132 VBG denotes bearing
T10689 133-134 DT denotes a
T10690 142-152 NN denotes population
T10691 135-141 JJR denotes larger
T10692 152-153 . denotes .
R6625 T10668 T10669 advcl Put,be
R6626 T10670 T10668 advmod simply,Put
R6627 T10671 T10669 punct ", ",be
R6628 T10672 T10673 compound carrier,females
R6629 T10673 T10669 nsubj females,be
R6630 T10674 T10673 acl bearing,females
R6631 T10675 T10676 det a,population
R6632 T10676 T10674 dobj population,bearing
R6633 T10677 T10676 amod small,population
R6634 T10678 T10676 amod initial,population
R6635 T10679 T10676 prep of,population
R6636 T10680 T10681 amod escaping,cells
R6637 T10681 T10679 pobj cells,of
R6638 T10682 T10669 aux would,be
R6639 T10683 T10684 advmod more,severely
R6640 T10684 T10685 advmod severely,affected
R6641 T10685 T10669 acomp affected,be
R6642 T10686 T10685 prep than,affected
R6643 T10687 T10686 pobj those,than
R6644 T10688 T10687 acl bearing,those
R6645 T10689 T10690 det a,population
R6646 T10690 T10688 dobj population,bearing
R6647 T10691 T10690 amod larger,population
R6648 T10692 T10669 punct .,be


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9902 21-28 PATO_UBERON_EXT:female_or_bearer_of_femaleness denotes females
T9904 53-66,76-81 UBERON_EXT:cell_clump_or_cluster_or_group_or_mass_or_population denotes population of cells
T9905 76-81 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cells