PMC:1359071 / 43724-43950
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T21819 | 0-226 | sentence | denotes | The model selection procedure makes use of forward stepwise regression techniques to determine whether it is beneficial to include the sex-interaction terms, conditional on realizing a significant additive effect (p < 0.001). |
T21820 | 1-4 | DT | denotes | The |
T21821 | 21-30 | NN | denotes | procedure |
T21822 | 5-10 | NN | denotes | model |
T21823 | 11-20 | NN | denotes | selection |
T21824 | 31-36 | VBZ | denotes | makes |
T21825 | 37-40 | NN | denotes | use |
T21826 | 41-43 | IN | denotes | of |
T21827 | 44-51 | JJ | denotes | forward |
T21828 | 61-71 | NN | denotes | regression |
T21829 | 52-60 | JJ | denotes | stepwise |
T21830 | 72-82 | NNS | denotes | techniques |
T21831 | 83-85 | TO | denotes | to |
T21832 | 86-95 | VB | denotes | determine |
T21833 | 96-103 | IN | denotes | whether |
T21834 | 107-109 | VBZ | denotes | is |
T21835 | 104-106 | PRP | denotes | it |
T21836 | 110-120 | JJ | denotes | beneficial |
T21837 | 121-123 | TO | denotes | to |
T21838 | 124-131 | VB | denotes | include |
T21839 | 132-135 | DT | denotes | the |
T21840 | 152-157 | NNS | denotes | terms |
T21841 | 136-139 | NN | denotes | sex |
T21842 | 140-151 | NN | denotes | interaction |
T21843 | 139-140 | HYPH | denotes | - |
T21844 | 157-159 | , | denotes | , |
T21845 | 159-170 | JJ | denotes | conditional |
T21846 | 171-173 | IN | denotes | on |
T21847 | 174-183 | VBG | denotes | realizing |
T21848 | 184-185 | DT | denotes | a |
T21849 | 207-213 | NN | denotes | effect |
T21850 | 186-197 | JJ | denotes | significant |
T21851 | 198-206 | JJ | denotes | additive |
T21852 | 214-215 | -LRB- | denotes | ( |
T21853 | 219-224 | CD | denotes | 0.001 |
T21854 | 215-216 | NN | denotes | p |
T21855 | 217-218 | SYM | denotes | < |
T21856 | 224-225 | -RRB- | denotes | ) |
T21857 | 225-226 | . | denotes | . |
R6613 | T21820 | T21821 | det | The,procedure |
R6614 | T21821 | T21824 | nsubj | procedure,makes |
R6615 | T21822 | T21823 | compound | model,selection |
R6616 | T21823 | T21821 | compound | selection,procedure |
R6617 | T21825 | T21824 | dobj | use,makes |
R6618 | T21826 | T21824 | prep | of,makes |
R6619 | T21827 | T21828 | amod | forward,regression |
R6620 | T21828 | T21830 | compound | regression,techniques |
R6621 | T21829 | T21828 | amod | stepwise,regression |
R6622 | T21830 | T21826 | pobj | techniques,of |
R6623 | T21831 | T21832 | aux | to,determine |
R6624 | T21832 | T21824 | advcl | determine,makes |
R6625 | T21833 | T21834 | mark | whether,is |
R6626 | T21834 | T21832 | ccomp | is,determine |
R6627 | T21835 | T21834 | nsubj | it,is |
R6628 | T21836 | T21834 | acomp | beneficial,is |
R6629 | T21837 | T21838 | aux | to,include |
R6630 | T21838 | T21836 | xcomp | include,beneficial |
R6631 | T21839 | T21840 | det | the,terms |
R6632 | T21840 | T21838 | dobj | terms,include |
R6633 | T21841 | T21842 | compound | sex,interaction |
R6634 | T21842 | T21840 | compound | interaction,terms |
R6635 | T21843 | T21842 | punct | -,interaction |
R6636 | T21844 | T21838 | punct | ", ",include |
R6637 | T21845 | T21838 | advcl | conditional,include |
R6638 | T21846 | T21845 | prep | on,conditional |
R6639 | T21847 | T21846 | pcomp | realizing,on |
R6640 | T21848 | T21849 | det | a,effect |
R6641 | T21849 | T21847 | dobj | effect,realizing |
R6642 | T21850 | T21849 | amod | significant,effect |
R6643 | T21851 | T21849 | amod | additive,effect |
R6644 | T21852 | T21853 | punct | (,0.001 |
R6645 | T21853 | T21824 | parataxis | 0.001,makes |
R6646 | T21854 | T21853 | nsubj | p,0.001 |
R6647 | T21855 | T21853 | punct | <,0.001 |
R6648 | T21856 | T21853 | punct | ),0.001 |
R6649 | T21857 | T21824 | punct | .,makes |