> top > docs > PMC:1315279 > spans > 4333-4449 > annotations

PMC:1315279 / 4333-4449 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1306 0-6 NN denotes leptin
T1307 7-13 NNS denotes levels
T1308 14-17 CC denotes and
T1309 18-21 DT denotes the
T1310 42-48 NN denotes system
T1311 22-33 JJ denotes sympathetic
T1312 34-41 JJ denotes nervous
T1313 49-50 -LRB- denotes [
T1314 50-51 CD denotes 8
T1315 51-52 , denotes ,
T1316 52-54 CD denotes 18
T1317 54-55 SYM denotes
T1318 55-57 CD denotes 20
T1319 57-58 -RRB- denotes ]
T1320 58-60 , denotes ,
T1321 60-63 CC denotes and
T1322 64-66 IN denotes to
T1323 67-78 NNS denotes alterations
T1324 79-81 IN denotes in
T1325 82-86 NN denotes bone
T1326 87-91 NN denotes cell
T1327 92-101 NN denotes apoptosis
T1328 102-103 -LRB- denotes [
T1329 103-105 CD denotes 21
T1330 105-106 -RRB- denotes ]
T1331 106-107 . denotes .
T1333 108-112 NN denotes Bone
R576 T1306 T1307 compound leptin,levels
R578 T1308 T1307 cc and,levels
R579 T1309 T1310 det the,system
R580 T1310 T1307 conj system,levels
R581 T1311 T1310 amod sympathetic,system
R582 T1312 T1310 amod nervous,system
R583 T1313 T1314 punct [,8
R584 T1314 T1310 parataxis 8,system
R585 T1315 T1314 punct ",",8
R586 T1316 T1314 appos 18,8
R587 T1317 T1318 punct –,20
R588 T1318 T1316 prep 20,18
R589 T1319 T1314 punct ],8
R593 T1323 T1322 pobj alterations,to
R594 T1324 T1323 prep in,alterations
R595 T1325 T1326 compound bone,cell
R596 T1326 T1327 compound cell,apoptosis
R597 T1327 T1324 pobj apoptosis,in
R598 T1328 T1329 punct [,21
R599 T1329 T1323 parataxis 21,alterations
R600 T1330 T1329 punct ],21


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
16362077-10660043-85614435 50-51 10660043 denotes 8
16362077-12419242-85614436 52-54 12419242 denotes 18
16362077-15724149-85614436 52-54 15724149 denotes 18
16362077-16143109-85614436 52-54 16143109 denotes 18
16362077-10782361-85614437 103-105 10782361 denotes 21
T35902 50-51 10660043 denotes 8
T72210 52-54 12419242 denotes 18
T76591 52-54 15724149 denotes 18
T99315 52-54 16143109 denotes 18
T54733 103-105 10782361 denotes 21


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T753 22-48 UBERON:0000013 denotes sympathetic nervous system
T754 82-91 CL:0001035 denotes bone cell
T755 87-101 GO:0006915 denotes cell apoptosis


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T892 0-6 CHEBI_PR_EXT:leptin denotes leptin
T893 22-48 UBERON:0000013 denotes sympathetic nervous system
T894 82-86 UBERON_EXT:bone_element_or_tissue denotes bone
T895 82-91 CL:0001035 denotes bone cell
T896 87-91 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cell
T897 87-101 GO:0006915 denotes cell apoptosis
T898 108-112 UBERON_EXT:bone_element_or_tissue denotes Bone