> top > docs > PMC:1315279 > spans > 3691-3865 > annotations

PMC:1315279 / 3691-3865 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1180 0-12 NN denotes availability
T1181 13-16 CC denotes and
T1182 17-25 NN denotes response
T1183 26-28 IN denotes of
T1184 29-33 NN denotes bone
T1185 34-39 NNS denotes cells
T1186 40-42 IN denotes to
T1187 43-54 VBG denotes circulating
T1188 55-63 NNS denotes hormones
T1189 64-65 -LRB- denotes [
T1190 65-66 CD denotes 7
T1191 66-67 SYM denotes
T1192 67-68 CD denotes 9
T1193 68-69 -RRB- denotes ]
T1194 70-73 CC denotes and
T1195 74-81 RB denotes locally
T1196 82-89 VBN denotes derived
T1197 97-104 NNS denotes factors
T1198 90-96 NN denotes growth
T1199 105-106 -LRB- denotes [
T1200 109-111 CD denotes 11
T1201 106-108 CD denotes 10
T1202 108-109 , denotes ,
T1203 111-112 -RRB- denotes ]
T1204 112-113 . denotes .
T1206 114-121 IN denotes Whereas
T1207 149-157 VBN denotes provided
T1208 122-129 JJ denotes genetic
T1209 130-135 VBN denotes based
T1210 129-130 HYPH denotes -
T1211 136-143 NNS denotes studies
T1212 144-148 VBP denotes have
T1214 158-163 JJ denotes novel
T1215 164-172 NNS denotes insights
R457 T1181 T1180 cc and,availability
R458 T1182 T1180 conj response,availability
R459 T1183 T1180 prep of,availability
R460 T1184 T1185 compound bone,cells
R461 T1185 T1183 pobj cells,of
R462 T1186 T1180 prep to,availability
R463 T1187 T1188 amod circulating,hormones
R464 T1188 T1186 pobj hormones,to
R465 T1189 T1190 punct [,7
R466 T1190 T1188 parataxis 7,hormones
R467 T1191 T1192 punct –,9
R468 T1192 T1190 prep 9,7
R469 T1193 T1190 punct ],7
R470 T1194 T1188 cc and,hormones
R471 T1195 T1196 advmod locally,derived
R472 T1196 T1197 amod derived,factors
R473 T1197 T1188 conj factors,hormones
R474 T1198 T1197 compound growth,factors
R475 T1199 T1200 punct [,11
R476 T1200 T1197 parataxis 11,factors
R477 T1201 T1200 nummod 10,11
R478 T1202 T1200 punct ",",11
R479 T1203 T1200 punct ],11
R481 T1206 T1207 mark Whereas,provided
R483 T1208 T1209 amod genetic,based
R484 T1209 T1211 amod based,studies
R485 T1210 T1209 punct -,based
R486 T1211 T1207 nsubj studies,provided
R487 T1212 T1207 aux have,provided
R488 T1214 T1215 amod novel,insights
R489 T1215 T1207 dobj insights,provided


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
16362077-12050121-85614429 65-66 12050121 denotes 7
16362077-10660043-85614429 65-66 10660043 denotes 7
16362077-14978271-85614429 65-66 14978271 denotes 7
16362077-9658179-85614430 106-108 9658179 denotes 10
T68833 65-66 12050121 denotes 7
T53053 65-66 10660043 denotes 7
T68630 65-66 14978271 denotes 7
T71943 106-108 9658179 denotes 10


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T744 17-28 _FRAGMENT denotes response of
T745 34-39 GO:0051716 denotes cells
T746 29-39 CL:0001035 denotes bone cells
T747 122-129 SO:0000704 denotes genetic
R331 T745 T744 _lexicallyChainedTo cells,response of


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T867 17-28 _FRAGMENT denotes response of
T868 34-39 GO:0051716 denotes cells
T869 29-33 UBERON_EXT:bone_element_or_tissue denotes bone
T870 29-39 CL:0001035 denotes bone cells
T871 34-39 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cells
T872 55-63 CHEBI_GO_EXT:hormone denotes hormones
T873 90-96 GO_EXT:biological_growth_entity_or_process denotes growth
T874 90-104 GO_EXT:0008083 denotes growth factors
T875 122-129 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes genetic
R335 T868 T867 _lexicallyChainedTo cells,response of