> top > docs > PMC:1310901 > spans > 5522-5740 > annotations

PMC:1310901 / 5522-5740 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T3045 80-85 Protein denotes Gibco
T3046 86-89 Protein denotes BRL


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T3043 4-8 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cell


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2859 0-218 Sentence denotes All cell lines were maintained at 5% CO2 in RPMI 1640 medium with 1% glutamine (Gibco/BRL Eggenstein, Germany) supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (Gibco/BRL), 1% penicillin/streptomycin (Biochrom, Berlin, Germany).
T39 0-218 Sentence denotes All cell lines were maintained at 5% CO2 in RPMI 1640 medium with 1% glutamine (Gibco/BRL Eggenstein, Germany) supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (Gibco/BRL), 1% penicillin/streptomycin (Biochrom, Berlin, Germany).


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2866 0-3 DT denotes All
T2867 4-8 NN denotes cell
T2868 9-14 NN denotes lines
T2869 15-19 VB denotes were
T2870 20-30 VB denotes maintained
T2871 31-33 IN denotes at
T2872 34-35 CD denotes 5
T2873 35-36 NN denotes %
T2874 37-40 NN denotes CO2
T2875 41-43 IN denotes in
T2876 44-48 NN denotes RPMI
T2877 49-53 CD denotes 1640
T2878 54-60 NN denotes medium
T2879 61-65 IN denotes with
T2880 66-67 CD denotes 1
T2881 67-68 NN denotes %
T2882 69-78 NN denotes glutamine
T2883 79-80 -LRB- denotes (
T2884 80-89 NNP denotes Gibco/BRL
T2885 90-100 NNP denotes Eggenstein
T2886 100-101 -COMMA- denotes ,
T2887 102-109 NNP denotes Germany
T2888 109-110 -RRB- denotes )
T2889 111-123 VB denotes supplemented
T2890 124-128 IN denotes with
T2891 129-131 CD denotes 10
T2892 131-132 NN denotes %
T2893 133-138 JJ denotes fetal
T2894 139-143 NN denotes calf
T2895 144-149 NN denotes serum
T2896 150-151 -LRB- denotes (
T2897 151-160 NN denotes Gibco/BRL
T2898 160-161 -RRB- denotes )
T2899 161-162 -COMMA- denotes ,
T2900 163-164 CD denotes 1
T2901 164-165 NN denotes %
T2902 166-189 NN denotes penicillin/streptomycin
T2903 190-191 -LRB- denotes (
T2904 191-199 NNP denotes Biochrom
T2905 199-200 -COMMA- denotes ,
T2906 201-207 NNP denotes Berlin
T2907 207-208 -COMMA- denotes ,
T2908 209-216 NNP denotes Germany
T2909 216-217 -RRB- denotes )
R2266 T2868 T2866 arg1Of lines,All
R2267 T2868 T2867 arg1Of lines,cell
R2268 T2868 T2869 arg1Of lines,were
R2269 T2868 T2870 arg2Of lines,maintained
R2270 T2870 T2869 arg2Of maintained,were
R2271 T2870 T2871 arg1Of maintained,at
R2272 T2872 T2873 arg1Of 5,%
R2273 T2874 T2871 arg2Of CO2,at
R2274 T2874 T2872 arg1Of CO2,5
R2275 T2874 T2875 arg1Of CO2,in
R2276 T2874 T2879 arg1Of CO2,with
R2277 T2874 T2889 arg2Of CO2,supplemented
R2278 T2878 T2875 arg2Of medium,in
R2279 T2878 T2876 arg1Of medium,RPMI
R2280 T2878 T2877 arg1Of medium,1640
R2281 T2880 T2881 arg1Of 1,%
R2282 T2882 T2879 arg2Of glutamine,with
R2283 T2882 T2880 arg1Of glutamine,1
R2284 T2882 T2883 arg1Of glutamine,(
R2285 T2885 T2883 arg2Of Eggenstein,(
R2286 T2885 T2884 arg1Of Eggenstein,Gibco/BRL
R2287 T2885 T2886 arg1Of Eggenstein,","
R2288 T2887 T2886 arg2Of Germany,","
R2289 T2888 T2883 arg3Of ),(
R2290 T2889 T2890 arg1Of supplemented,with
R2291 T2889 T2903 arg1Of supplemented,(
R2292 T2891 T2892 arg1Of 10,%
R2293 T2895 T2891 arg1Of serum,10
R2294 T2895 T2893 arg1Of serum,fetal
R2295 T2895 T2894 arg1Of serum,calf
R2296 T2895 T2896 arg1Of serum,(
R2297 T2895 T2899 arg1Of serum,","
R2298 T2897 T2896 arg2Of Gibco/BRL,(
R2299 T2898 T2896 arg3Of ),(
R2300 T2899 T2890 arg2Of ",",with
R2301 T2900 T2901 arg1Of 1,%
R2302 T2902 T2899 arg2Of penicillin/streptomycin,","
R2303 T2902 T2900 arg1Of penicillin/streptomycin,1
R2304 T2904 T2905 arg1Of Biochrom,","
R2305 T2905 T2903 arg2Of ",",(
R2306 T2905 T2907 arg1Of ",",","
R2307 T2906 T2905 arg2Of Berlin,","
R2309 T2909 T2903 arg3Of ),(
R2308 T2908 T2907 arg2Of Germany,","


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2953 0-3 DT denotes All
T2954 4-8 NN denotes cell
T2955 9-14 NNS denotes lines
T2956 15-19 VBD denotes were
T2957 20-30 VBN denotes maintained
T2958 31-33 IN denotes at
T2959 34-35 CD denotes 5
T2960 35-36 NN denotes %
T2961 37-40 CD denotes CO2
T2962 41-43 IN denotes in
T2963 44-48 NNP denotes RPMI
T2964 49-53 CD denotes 1640
T2965 54-60 NN denotes medium
T2966 61-65 IN denotes with
T2967 66-67 CD denotes 1
T2968 67-68 NN denotes %
T2969 69-78 NN denotes glutamine
T2970 79-80 -LRB- denotes (
T2971 80-89 NNP denotes Gibco/BRL
T2972 90-100 NNP denotes Eggenstein
T2973 100-101 , denotes ,
T2974 102-109 NNP denotes Germany
T2975 109-110 -RRB- denotes )
T2976 111-123 VBN denotes supplemented
T2977 124-128 IN denotes with
T2978 129-131 CD denotes 10
T2979 131-132 NN denotes %
T2980 133-138 JJ denotes fetal
T2981 139-143 NN denotes calf
T2982 144-149 NN denotes serum
T2983 150-151 -LRB- denotes (
T2984 151-160 NNP denotes Gibco/BRL
T2985 160-161 -RRB- denotes )
T2986 161-162 , denotes ,
T2987 163-164 CD denotes 1
T2988 164-165 NN denotes %
T2989 166-189 NN denotes penicillin/streptomycin
T2990 190-191 -LRB- denotes (
T2991 191-199 NNP denotes Biochrom
T2992 199-200 , denotes ,
T2993 201-207 NNP denotes Berlin
T2994 207-208 , denotes ,
T2995 209-216 NNP denotes Germany
T2996 216-217 -RRB- denotes )
T2997 217-218 . denotes .
R2353 T2953 T2955 det All,lines
R2354 T2954 T2955 compound cell,lines
R2355 T2955 T2957 nsubjpass lines,maintained
R2356 T2956 T2957 auxpass were,maintained
R2357 T2957 T2957 ROOT maintained,maintained
R2358 T2958 T2957 prep at,maintained
R2359 T2959 T2960 nummod 5,%
R2360 T2960 T2958 pobj %,at
R2361 T2961 T2960 nummod CO2,%
R2362 T2962 T2961 prep in,CO2
R2363 T2963 T2965 compound RPMI,medium
R2364 T2964 T2965 compound 1640,medium
R2365 T2965 T2962 pobj medium,in
R2366 T2966 T2957 prep with,maintained
R2367 T2967 T2968 nummod 1,%
R2368 T2968 T2969 compound %,glutamine
R2369 T2969 T2966 pobj glutamine,with
R2370 T2970 T2969 punct (,glutamine
R2371 T2971 T2972 compound Gibco/BRL,Eggenstein
R2372 T2972 T2969 appos Eggenstein,glutamine
R2373 T2973 T2972 punct ",",Eggenstein
R2374 T2974 T2972 appos Germany,Eggenstein
R2375 T2975 T2976 punct ),supplemented
R2376 T2976 T2957 advcl supplemented,maintained
R2377 T2977 T2976 prep with,supplemented
R2378 T2978 T2979 nummod 10,%
R2379 T2979 T2982 compound %,serum
R2380 T2980 T2981 amod fetal,calf
R2381 T2981 T2982 compound calf,serum
R2382 T2982 T2977 pobj serum,with
R2383 T2983 T2982 punct (,serum
R2384 T2984 T2982 appos Gibco/BRL,serum
R2385 T2985 T2982 punct ),serum
R2386 T2986 T2982 punct ",",serum
R2387 T2987 T2988 nummod 1,%
R2388 T2988 T2989 compound %,penicillin/streptomycin
R2389 T2989 T2982 appos penicillin/streptomycin,serum
R2390 T2990 T2991 punct (,Biochrom
R2391 T2991 T2989 appos Biochrom,penicillin/streptomycin
R2392 T2992 T2991 punct ",",Biochrom
R2393 T2993 T2991 conj Berlin,Biochrom
R2394 T2994 T2993 punct ",",Berlin
R2395 T2995 T2993 conj Germany,Berlin
R2396 T2996 T2991 punct ),Biochrom
R2397 T2997 T2957 punct .,maintained


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2857 144-149 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0001977 denotes serum