PMC:1283364 / 36922-37722 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"1283364","source_url":"","text":"(B) Quantitation of signal intensity in the linear range of each filter trap dilution series (arrow in [A]) was used to compare aggregate load across treatment groups. Aggregated Aβ increased significantly between 6 and 9 mo of age in untreated mice (significant effect of group ANOVA F 3,18 = 7.85, p \u003c 0.002). This progression of pathology was completely prevented by transgene suppression. The amount of aggregated Aβ was identical in untreated mice at 6 mo of age to that in 9- or 12-mo-old animals treated with dox (p \u003e 0.9, Tukey post-hoc test). Single transgenic tTA samples were included as negative controls and showed no signal above background. *, p \u003c 0.01; **, p \u003c 0.005 versus 9-mo-old untreated mice, Tukey post-hoc test; ***, p \u003c 0.001 versus 9-mo-old untreated mice, Student's t-test.","tracks":[]}