> top > docs > PMC:1255741 > spans > 6568-6779 > annotations

PMC:1255741 / 6568-6779 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1684 47-55 VBD denotes appeared
T1682 0-211 sentence denotes Mice with forebrain-specific GluR-B depletion appeared almost completely normal throughout life with no developmental abnormalities, thus permitting a detailed, quantitative investigation of olfactory behavior.
T1683 1-5 NNS denotes Mice
T1685 6-10 IN denotes with
T1686 11-20 NN denotes forebrain
T1687 21-29 JJ denotes specific
T1688 20-21 HYPH denotes -
T1689 37-46 NN denotes depletion
T1690 30-34 NN denotes GluR
T1691 35-36 NN denotes B
T1692 34-35 HYPH denotes -
T1693 56-62 RB denotes almost
T1694 63-73 RB denotes completely
T1695 74-80 JJ denotes normal
T1696 81-91 IN denotes throughout
T1697 92-96 NN denotes life
T1698 97-101 IN denotes with
T1699 102-104 DT denotes no
T1700 119-132 NNS denotes abnormalities
T1701 105-118 JJ denotes developmental
T1702 132-134 , denotes ,
T1703 134-138 RB denotes thus
T1704 139-149 VBG denotes permitting
T1705 150-151 DT denotes a
T1706 175-188 NN denotes investigation
T1707 152-160 VBN denotes detailed
T1708 160-162 , denotes ,
T1709 162-174 JJ denotes quantitative
T1710 189-191 IN denotes of
T1711 192-201 JJ denotes olfactory
T1712 202-210 NN denotes behavior
T1713 210-211 . denotes .
R1213 T1683 T1684 nsubj Mice,appeared
R1214 T1685 T1683 prep with,Mice
R1215 T1686 T1687 npadvmod forebrain,specific
R1216 T1688 T1687 punct -,specific
R1217 T1689 T1685 pobj depletion,with
R1218 T1687 T1689 amod specific,depletion
R1219 T1690 T1691 compound GluR,B
R1220 T1692 T1691 punct -,B
R1221 T1693 T1694 advmod almost,completely
R1222 T1691 T1689 compound B,depletion
R1223 T1695 T1684 oprd normal,appeared
R1224 T1696 T1684 prep throughout,appeared
R1225 T1694 T1695 advmod completely,normal
R1226 T1698 T1684 prep with,appeared
R1227 T1699 T1700 det no,abnormalities
R1228 T1697 T1696 pobj life,throughout
R1229 T1701 T1700 amod developmental,abnormalities
R1230 T1702 T1684 punct ", ",appeared
R1231 T1700 T1698 pobj abnormalities,with
R1232 T1704 T1684 advcl permitting,appeared
R1233 T1703 T1704 advmod thus,permitting
R1234 T1706 T1704 dobj investigation,permitting
R1235 T1705 T1706 det a,investigation
R1236 T1708 T1706 punct ", ",investigation
R1237 T1709 T1706 amod quantitative,investigation
R1238 T1707 T1706 amod detailed,investigation
R1239 T1711 T1712 amod olfactory,behavior
R1240 T1712 T1710 pobj behavior,of
R1241 T1710 T1706 prep of,investigation
R1243 T1713 T1684 punct .,appeared


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2233 1-5 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes Mice
T2234 11-20 UBERON:0001890 denotes forebrain
T2235 30-34 GO_EXT:0008066 denotes GluR
T2236 30-36 PR_EXT:000008234 denotes GluR-B
T2237 92-96 UBERON:0000104 denotes life
T2238 192-201 GO:0007608 denotes olfactory
T2239 202-210 GO_PATO_EXT:biological_behavior denotes behavior


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2012 1-5 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes Mice
T2013 11-20 UBERON:0001890 denotes forebrain
T2014 30-36 PR:000008234 denotes GluR-B
T2015 92-96 UBERON:0000104 denotes life
T2016 192-201 GO:0007608 denotes olfactory