> top > docs > PMC:1255741 > spans > 1815-1943 > annotations

PMC:1255741 / 1815-1943 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T690 0-128 sentence denotes Consequently, the behavioral analyses of olfactory capabilities in rodents are efficient, quantitative, and reproducible [2–4].
T691 1-13 RB denotes Consequently
T692 76-79 VBP denotes are
T693 13-15 , denotes ,
T694 15-18 DT denotes the
T695 30-38 NNS denotes analyses
T696 19-29 JJ denotes behavioral
T697 39-41 IN denotes of
T698 42-51 JJ denotes olfactory
T699 52-64 NNS denotes capabilities
T700 65-67 IN denotes in
T701 68-75 NNS denotes rodents
T702 80-89 JJ denotes efficient
T703 89-91 , denotes ,
T704 91-103 JJ denotes quantitative
T705 103-105 , denotes ,
T706 105-108 CC denotes and
T707 109-121 JJ denotes reproducible
T708 122-123 -LRB- denotes [
T709 123-124 CD denotes 2
T710 124-125 SYM denotes
T711 125-126 CD denotes 4
T712 126-127 -RRB- denotes ]
T713 127-128 . denotes .
R263 T691 T692 advmod Consequently,are
R264 T693 T692 punct ", ",are
R265 T694 T695 det the,analyses
R267 T696 T695 amod behavioral,analyses
R268 T697 T695 prep of,analyses
R269 T698 T699 amod olfactory,capabilities
R270 T699 T697 pobj capabilities,of
R271 T700 T699 prep in,capabilities
R272 T701 T700 pobj rodents,in
R273 T702 T692 acomp efficient,are
R274 T703 T702 punct ", ",efficient
R275 T704 T702 conj quantitative,efficient
R276 T705 T704 punct ", ",quantitative
R277 T706 T704 cc and,quantitative
R278 T707 T704 conj reproducible,quantitative
R279 T708 T709 punct [,2
R280 T709 T692 parataxis 2,are
R281 T710 T711 punct –,4
R282 T711 T709 prep 4,2
R283 T712 T709 punct ],2
R284 T713 T692 punct .,are
R266 T695 T692 nsubj analyses,are


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
16216087-11323267-84723688 123-124 11323267 denotes 2
16216087-15572116-84723688 123-124 15572116 denotes 2
16216087-14566341-84723688 123-124 14566341 denotes 2
T57040 123-124 11323267 denotes 2
T86372 123-124 15572116 denotes 2
T69118 123-124 14566341 denotes 2


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2052 19-29 GO_PATO_EXT:biological_behavior denotes behavioral
T2053 42-51 GO:0007608 denotes olfactory
T2054 68-75 NCBITaxon:9989 denotes rodents


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1910 42-51 GO:0007608 denotes olfactory
T1911 68-75 NCBITaxon:9989 denotes rodents