> top > docs > PMC:1253828 > spans > 353-425 > annotations

PMC:1253828 / 353-425 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T305 0-72 sentence denotes Furthermore, it serves a vital function in embryonic liver development.
T306 1-12 RB denotes Furthermore
T307 17-23 VBZ denotes serves
T308 12-14 , denotes ,
T309 14-16 PRP denotes it
T310 24-25 DT denotes a
T311 32-40 NN denotes function
T312 26-31 JJ denotes vital
T313 41-43 IN denotes in
T314 44-53 JJ denotes embryonic
T315 60-71 NN denotes development
T316 54-59 NN denotes liver
T317 71-72 . denotes .
R67 T306 T307 advmod Furthermore,serves
R68 T308 T307 punct ", ",serves
R69 T309 T307 nsubj it,serves
R70 T310 T311 det a,function
R71 T311 T307 dobj function,serves
R72 T312 T311 amod vital,function
R73 T313 T307 prep in,serves
R74 T314 T315 amod embryonic,development
R75 T315 T313 pobj development,in
R76 T316 T315 compound liver,development
R77 T317 T307 punct .,serves


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T91 44-53 UBERON:0000922 denotes embryonic
T92 44-53 _FRAGMENT denotes embryonic
T93 60-71 GO:0009790 denotes development
T94 54-59 UBERON:0002107 denotes liver
T95 54-71 GO:0001889 denotes liver development
R1 T93 T92 _lexicallyChainedTo development,embryonic


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T160 44-53 UBERON:0000922 denotes embryonic
T161 44-53 _FRAGMENT denotes embryonic
T162 60-71 GO:0009790 denotes development
T163 54-59 UBERON:0002107 denotes liver
T164 54-71 GO:0001889 denotes liver development
R4 T162 T161 _lexicallyChainedTo development,embryonic